Chapter 1238

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Mr Truman couldn't help laughing when he heard Lynch say such "cunning" words.

He pointed to Lynch. "Looking at you, I think of rollett in the epic of the long river!"

The epic of the long river is a story about the main river system running through the whole gevlar, which can also be said to be history.

In ancient times, when science and technology were underdeveloped, people often lived in places where water was more convenient, so many dynasties and forces were born around this river.

The epic of the long river mainly talks about a dynasty in the middle ages, while Robert is an impressive jester.

To some extent, the dynasty described in the book was perished in his hands, and he neither stood on the opposite of the dynasty nor killed the king. He just gave the king a lot of absurd suggestions!

Like Lynch at this time, in this case, the most important thing to do is not to try to warn the woman and then advise the president to stay away from her a little bit?

But Lynch said he would clean up the mess for the president.

After Mr Truman laughed, he also vaguely understood what Lynch meant.

The laughter gradually converged, and he began to meditate on the necessity of doing so.

There is no doubt that if they can handle it properly, they have at least one key card and can better clamp down on the president's decision in anything in the future to a certain extent.

Mr. President is a good persuader. He doesn't so strongly hope to have his own ideas. He is better at listening to others and then using others' experience.

When Mr Truman was at home, when he was in buppen, they could often contact him.

He can often intervene in some problems as the "first contact" and "last contact", but what if he is not there?

The president was persuaded by others, which was a disaster for them.

His decision may not have direct and serious consequences, but it will make people realize that Lynch or Truman are not the only one who can convince the president.

Anyone can, just let this person's voice become the only voice.

Politics is never polite, gentle, elegant or gentleman!

As long as they can achieve their goals, politicians and capitalists, no matter who, will use any means!

It may seem inconceivable to squeeze out Mr. Truman now, but when someone finds that it is not impossible to do so, countless people will secretly speak ill of Mr. Truman in the president's ear.

Not only ordinary people's people and things need insurance, but also politics.

Lynch's statement is somewhat offensive, but the essence of his meaning is to "hold some handle in your own hands".

After careful thinking, Mr. Truman nodded slightly and approved Lynch's idea. "I'm not good at this. I'll do it secretly."

The federal government resources will never be in the hands of anyone, which is not only the provisions of the constitution, but also the vigilance of politicians.

They can tolerate losing the election for themselves or their own people, but they can't accept that the power of the federal government is in the hands of dictators.

It is also destined that this eternal power will continue to welcome many users, but there will be no owners.

There are no secrets when there are more than one person who has the power to supervise or use.

And if Mr Truman did this himself, it would also create a gap between him and the president.

The more rulers and those in power, the more they don't want their mistakes to be known by the people around them. They have to maintain their image of making fewer mistakes and even not making mistakes!

After talking about this not a problem, Mr. Truman got up, went to the window and opened it.

He took out a cigarette and handed it to Lynch. "The situation in gavra is a little tense recently. Have you noticed?"

Lynch took the cigarette in his mouth, put their heads together and lit it with the lighter in Mr. Truman's hand.

He took a breath and nodded his head. At the same time, two streams of smoke came out of his nose.

"They can't seem to help it."

Mr. Truman agreed with Lynch's judgment, "the World Development Committee has put too much pressure on gavra. They can't wait until everything is ready."

"I have some news. Maybe they will launch it on the first day of the next year!"

The World Development Committee has initially demonstrated its value, and other small countries that have been on the sidelines at the beginning have applied to join the world development committee, which is more stressful than the war!

Even now everyone knows that gevlar may not be the first in the world, but at least it should be the top three.

The problem now is that people don't rely on it as much as they used to, which makes gavra quickly marginalized.

Although in the world development committee, gavra's representatives also tried to set an example to prove that gavra's position in the world has not changed, but they can't do anything!

They can't give many orders to other countries. Gavra is only an island country, and it's a small island country.

Their production capacity has been saturated, and the goods can't be bought in the warehouse. They are even less likely to spend money on a pile of unnecessary things, just to make gavra look more... Powerful.

They can't authorize or transfer some cutting-edge technologies to other countries for free. Science and technology is always the most fundamental thing of a country.

Not only can't give orders, but also want to get some orders from other countries, but also can't give other people support in science and technology. There is no reason why gavra is marginalized in the World Development Committee.

Coupled with the strength of the Federation, people increasingly believe that the era of belonging to the Federation has come.

This pressure from the international community also made gavra's prime minister understand that it would be too late to wait!

When gavra was abandoned by the whole world, even if they let the emperor lay down his power, it would have no meaning to the change of the whole situation.

Coupled with some other pressures, the atmosphere in gavrati has become more and more tense recently!

Lynch knows something, but he doesn't know it in detail. He is not the first director of the Federal Department of international affairs. He worries about things outside every day.

Thinking about these things, he was suddenly stunned. He turned to Mr. Truman and frowned slightly. "Don't you want me to go?"

Mr Truman laughed. "Smart people are good. I'm still thinking about how to speak, and you've said it yourself!"

He nodded. "We need you to give our allies some help!"

"They want to end the farce as soon as possible, but..." he shook his head. "I don't think it's good for us to end it too soon."

"The world development committee is in a period of rapid development. We must establish our authority here."

"Once the Gavras get rid of the current situation, they will carry out many wide-ranging reforms, which is not good news for us!"

Now the biggest problem in gavra society actually comes from class solidification. The royal family always holds the greatest power. It seems that the prime minister and the emperor are at the same level.

But if the emperor can really be cruel, fight for the serious damage to the national strength of the gavra Empire, and risk the risk of civil war to solve these nobles at one time, he may not be unable to do it!

As long as the royal family does not fall, Dalits will always be Dalits, civilians will always be civilians, nobles will always be nobles, and the Emperor... His children will always be emperors.

The class that has not changed at all is no longer applicable to the large international community with rapid development. Gavra's reform will smash all this and make the country that has exuded the smell of corruption full of energy again!

Everyone is likely to become an aristocrat, a privileged class and even a ruler in the new era!

Once gavra has a new round of vitality, it will regain an important position in the world development committee, which may be enough to compete with the Federation.

Slowing down the pace of gaifra's reform has been identified as the most important international strategic policy at present.

But at the same time, we can't let the emperor regain power. A dictator, a dictator who once lost power, will become a disaster all over the world!

Lynch had almost understood Mr. Truman's meaning. After a moment of silence, he nodded and agreed, "I probably know what you mean. When shall I leave?"

"In two days!"

Two days always pass quickly. People may not have a deep understanding of what happened two days ago. It has been so long since they were born.

The tripartite peace talks are still continuing, and there may be some "offline transactions" in this process. The Federation sent a delegation to gavra for a visit, and Lynch is one of them.

In fact, even if Mr. Truman didn't say it, he would go to gavra later.

Navigation on the sea is boring. Many people have an illusion when sailing on the sea that the ship always stops in place.

Without any effective reference, this dull atmosphere can drive people crazy.

In the middle ages and even modern times, many shipwrecks occurred, some of which were due to irresistible natural factors, while others were due to out of control of emotions.

Fortunately, the voyage was not too long. Three days later, Lynch and his party got off the ship at the easternmost port of gavra.

From the moment he stepped on the land, Lynch smelled the danger in the air.

Just then the little count came towards him.

"Welcome, Lynch!" he shook hands with Lynch and then hugged him. Their relationship was much closer than people thought.

They hugged each other, then separated and sat in the little count's luxury carriage. He asked a question he was very concerned about.

"When will you do it?"