Chapter 1239

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The little count's expression was a little subtle. When Lynch asked him when the nobles were going to do it, his hands subconsciously folded together and pressed on his knees.

His face was still with an expression of "I don't fucking mean to say it". Then his hands were separated and put on both sides of his body. He looked a little embarrassed.

Lynch looked at him. He finally had to say something about what happened here.

"There are still some problems unsolved in the Privy Council. I heard that it will be started in the first quarter of next year, but some people say it will be started in the first month of next year, and others say it will be on the first day. I'm not very clear."

Mr Truman can't get more detailed information. Lynch thinks it's no surprise. He doesn't do intelligence work and doesn't know much about many more inside things.

The little count is not only a noble, but also a relatively important member. He knows more about this than Mr. Truman and federal agents.

Lynch was surprised. "Is there anything I don't know?"

The little count smiled and said, "I don't need to tell you. You'll know soon!"

The news of Lynch's arrival in gavra soon spread by some interested people. When he arrived in the imperial capital, the emerging nobles had held a grand ball to welcome him!

It was precisely because of Lynch's suggestion that they took all their possessions to avoid the island where there was no living space, and went to the ameriya area where the nobles were not so willing to go for development. They saved amazing wealth in just two years!

The nobles themselves had certain privileges, and at this time they became richer. These people had become a new group.

This description is somewhat complicated. They are not contacted through the press, but a business group.

We usually discuss what business to do to make money faster, or how to enjoy the rich material life brought by money.

These are things they didn't have before. If they were rich at the beginning, they wouldn't go to ammeria with Lynch.

People always have a hatred of the past. When they have the ability to revenge, they will never stop.

Extravagance may be the Revenge of poverty. The dance they held for Lynch was very huge. They also invited many famous gavra actors, models and some famous people.

People revolve around wealth and power, flowers, spirits and beauty!

The ball was held at the little count's manor. Lynch was here early in the morning. There was still some time before the ball officially began. Lynch, the little count and some other nobles gathered in a room.

There are many rooms in the castle. Only the housekeeper may know which room is used for.

They found a casual room and sat down. The servants brought fragrant and good flower tea, as well as some other drinks and all kinds of cakes and fruits.

People sat around Lynch, and the eyes of those young nobles were full of the luster of worship!

Like the little earl, they have an almost unreserved trust and worship for Lynch. The older ones are a little better, but there are still some.

"... the value of the World Development Committee lies in providing us with more trade opportunities!"

Lynch sat among the people. Everyone's mind was firmly tied to his words and affected by his every move.

What he is talking about now is the value of the world development committee to them.

In Lynch's eyes, these new generation nobles actually have the lowest loyalty to the country and the noble group!

They are not like those old nobles in the Privy Council, who are survivors of the baptism of years.

Their family history is actually the imperial history of gavra. They accompanied gavra, an empire that once created brilliance, from rebirth to today. In a sense, they are the masters of gavra Empire like the royal family!

So they will have a sense of belonging. They will think that they are part of the gavra Empire and can't be separated.

However, unlike the new generation of nobles, they did not have a long history of precipitation. They became nobles for various reasons. They did not have a sense of participation in the construction of the country.

What is more terrible is that the division of aristocratic forces on the island has completely ended hundreds of years ago. There is no room for the new generation of aristocrats to take root here, which also leads to the contradiction between the new generation of aristocrats and the old aristocrats.

You can't just give them knights and ignore their life and death, can you?

Yes, that's what they do. Most of these new generation nobles are poor. They don't even have the money to hold the ball.

They can only profit a small amount from businessmen in those humble industries. If they want to touch those profiteering industries, there are some big nobles waiting to deal with them!

Under such circumstances, how can they have a sense of belonging to this country?

Of course not!

They are more aware of the reality than anyone. When there is no money, anyone can laugh at them.

When they had money, the nobles of the Privy Council looked at them with eyes.

It was Lynch who made them treated equally.

People's attention is focused on Lynch's voice. They firmly believe that Lynch's analysis will not make mistakes, just like countless times before!

"... we can tap the potential of domestic trade through this organization. Sometimes products that are already backward to us have become advanced commodities in some countries."

"All these need us to dig in person. Twenty four countries, gentlemen, excluding gavra and the Federation, we still have 22 countries as sales markets."

"Even if our sales in each country can only occupy a very small part, this is also an amazing wealth!"

"Moreover, through the world development committee, we can build a trade barrier to protect ourselves and isolate ourselves from the outside world."

"Just like our embargo list this time, we can also let other member states prohibit the import of certain things from places other than Member States, but import them from us in some ways!"

"As long as we master the world development committee, we will completely control the trade markets of 24 countries, both for export and import!"

"More importantly, today, the number of members of this trade union will be more and more, and our market will be larger and larger!"

"Money will naturally earn more and more!"

The little count's eyes twinkled with some kind of shiny luster. Almost everyone was. They had gradually understood why the Federation was committed to promoting the World Development Committee.

The little count took a sip from his glass. He was just an adult and could drink alcoholic drinks.

In fact, nobles may drink secretly when they were very young, but no one will say them. After all, they are nobles and the gavra empire is theirs. Who will say them for such a small matter?

After drinking some wine and stabilizing his mood, the little count asked something he cared about, "Mr. Lynch, the conflict between the Federation and pengeo shows us that the world is not as peaceful as we see, and war is bound to break out in the future!"

He was sure, "if war broke out, when do you think it would be?"

This problem has also aroused the concern of many nobles. Their horizons are still worse than those old nobles, some of whom are "lucky people".

Generally speaking, the jesters of the past became aristocrats by appealing to the emperor or the royal family. They were not sensitive to politics and lacked a view of the overall situation.

Recently, gavra has sold out many interests for the tripartite peace talks. Some voices in China believe that the prime minister's team is selling out national interests for some ulterior purposes.

All this is to try not to let the war break out.

It is precisely because of these problems that people have to think about a question - is war still far away?

Lynch thought seriously for a while, "no more than five years!"

The little count asked interestingly, "why do you have such a judgment?"

This is a completely consulting attitude. This attitude will not only make people happy, but also make people want to show their ideas!

Lynch looked around at the nobles sitting or standing around. He didn't answer directly, but gave them a question to think about.

"Every year, whether the federation or gavra, we invest a lot of money to study new war equipment."

"As soon as some new equipment was produced, there were new breakthroughs in technology."

"It has been more than six years since the end of the war. In these six years, all our countries have experienced a change of clothes."

"These new military equipment that has just been upgraded has been eliminated by ourselves today."

"We have spent too much money on armaments, and the military budget has seriously occupied more national finance!"

"Everything is preparing for a war that doesn't know when to come. The longer the peace, the greater the damage to the finances of each country."

"More and more forces and funds are put into military use after our enemies announce one new equipment after another. There is no money where money is needed in the end. While the financial system is distorted, we can't stop."

"What should we do at this time?"

Lynch looked at the others. Everyone's expression was very serious.

In fact, the contradiction between the gavra aristocratic group and the royal family also has a certain relationship with financial problems, but it is not so obvious.

Lynch's question also made people start to think about the situation gavra encountered at this time.

In order to catch up with and surpass the federals in terms of military equipment, it is said that 65% of this year's budget will be allocated to various military projects!

If... These inputs do not play their due role

What will happen to this country?