Gu Yichen said that he had a chance to go diving for a long time.

As for where to go, Mo Xiangyan doesn't have any opinions. It's his own demand to eat delicious food, have fun, and stay with his parents. As long as he is with his parents, the first and second points are also very satisfactory.

Mo Yichen and Gu Yan have reached a consensus. They only take some necessities and buy all the other things there. They fully implement the principle of light cars. Because there are few things to take, they are quickly packed up. Gu Yan checks the water vapor in the home before going out, and asks Mo Yichen and Mo Xiangyan to go out.

Mo Yichen walks in front with a suitcase. Gu Yan takes Mo Xiangyan's hand tightly, and looks at Mo Yichen lifting a heavy box. Mo Xiangyan sighs that it will take a long time for him to grow up. Now, he is not as tall as the trunk.

I can't do it now. When can I grow up to plan travel for my parents and carry luggage for them?

"Ai ~" the ink ring words light flutter sigh tone, the eyes float to the distance.

Gu Yan hears the sigh of Mo Xiangyan, and feels funny. This child is like a human spirit. He eats, drinks and plays every day. What troubles can he have? When you are young, do you still learn to sigh?

"What's the matter?" Gu Yan side looks at Mo Xiangyan. Of course, she wants to ensure that her son is happy every day. She wants to stop all the things that make Mo Xiangyan unhappy. What's more, today is a day for the family to go out and play. According to law, Mo Xiangyan should be happy.

Mo Xiang Yan where will tell Gu Yan his careful thinking, and his "melancholy" is only temporary, after that time he has forgotten why sigh.

Just now, Mo Yichen has taken the lead to walk to the car. Mo Xiangyan breaks away from Gu Yan's hand and runs to the car, shouting, "man, this is my own little secret!"

Gu Yan looked at the ink ring speech again lively, where he just sighed what gas, perhaps it was just a whim, he shook his head, also followed up to go.

Mo Yichen has put the luggage away, standing by the car waiting for Gu Yan. Seeing that he has something to say, Gu Yan approaches him and raises his head to indicate his opening.

"Have you got everything?" Mo Yichen has always been a forgetful character in life, so she just cleaned up her things and handed it to Gu Yan. Gu Yan is careful and careful. She is at ease in handling affairs, but she still asks symbolically.

Gu Yan went through the things that need to be brought in his mind. He nodded only when he was sure that he had taken it. Seeing her, he also nodded.

"Get in the car." Mo Yichen said that he would open the door for Gu Yan. Mo Xiangyan had already got on the car. At this time, he made faces at two people in front of the window.

"Are you sure it's OK with the company?" Before leaving, Gu Yan still asked again. This matter is always inexplicable in his heart. According to reason, Mo Yichen promised so many times that Gu Yan should have been relieved, but now still feel that he should ask again.

Mo Yichen is also helpless, rubbed Gu Yan's brain, and promised her again, "I promise you, no problem, besides, uncle is there, what he will take care of, you now put your heart back in your stomach, go out to play, and when this trip comes back, I will go back and have a look. Is it at ease?"

Ink Yi Chen are so guaranteed, Gu Yan is really not good to continue to ask, so he nodded and laughed at the ink ring in front of the glass window.

"Let's go." Then he looked back and laughed at Mo Yichen. Since he wanted to go out to play, everyone should be happy. He should not mention this matter to sweep Mo Yichen's happiness. After all, he had prepared for this trip for a long time and looked forward to it for a long time.

Mo Yichen opens the door for Gu Yan, but Gu Yan refuses. He signals himself to sit in the back row. With Mo Xiangyan, Mo Yichen scolds him secretly. This stinky boy knows to rob Gu Yan with himself. Now he has not started to travel, so he has the upper hand when he leaves the house. How can this be good?

Mo Yichen thinks in his heart that it will be several years before he can grow up and leave home. The more he thinks about it, the more hopeless he feels. However, it will take more than ten years. Mo Yichen sighs with a sigh, hoping that the time will pass faster.

Mo Yi Chen started the car, looking at the time is still early, so did not deliberately accelerate, slowly to the airport.

By the time they landed, the night was already deep, and Mo Xiangyan was asleep. Mo Yichen held Mo Xiangyan in his arms with one hand and pushed the trunk with the other hand. Gu Yan wanted to take over the suitcase, but Mo Yichen refused. Gu Yan knew that Mo Yichen insisted, so Gu Yan didn't insist. He just looked around to see if the hotel car was coming.

Mo Yichen has already sent a car to the airport to meet them in advance. Mo Yichen sees the logo of the hotel at a glance and lowers his voice to Gu Yan. As soon as he says that Gu Yan also sees it, two people walk towards the other side.

The hotel sent a Chinese young man to pick up Mo Yichen. After all, the number of overseas tourists in China is the largest, and the sent Chinese also save Mo Yichen a lot of trouble.The young man first took the suitcase in Mo Yichen's hand, and then made a simple self introduction to Mo Yichen. Looking at Gu Yan's tired face, he also knew that Mo Yichen must be tired after a long day's work, so he took them on the bus and went back to the hotel.

Mo Yichen ordered a star hotel, and the car he sent was also a good car. But when he got on the bus, Mo Yichen couldn't help but frown. His requirements for the car were always very high. In addition to Gu Yan's car, he could not bear the rest of the car. However, he didn't pick and pick, because he was holding ink, he also carefully bent down into the car.

It's very quiet in the car. Gu Yan holds his head with his hand. Maybe the atmosphere is too quiet. Gu Yan also starts to doze. Only Mo Yichen keeps awake. He is the kind of man who keeps sober and alert in the night. Looking at the dark scenery outside the window, Gu Yan keeps his own thinking.

Indeed, Gu Yan's worry is not unreasonable. It's unreasonable to leave the company's affairs in this way. Although I have trusted my uncle, I have to plan for some things as soon as possible. I don't want to live in two places with Gu Yan. One of those two people is bound to make a sacrifice after finishing his work. , the fastest update of the webnovel!