The best way is to transfer the headquarters of the company to Annam city. However, it is simple to say. It is not a simple thing to do. We have to consider it from a long-term perspective. With so many people from all over the company, how can we say that moving the headquarters means moving the headquarters? Involving so many people, so many families, is certainly not a simple matter.

Li Yunhong can't agree to anything else. I think I have to make a lot of noise when I know what I think. I think I'm dissatisfied with Li Yunhong who has been with Gu Yan for the national day. Mo Yichen is two big one by one. Mo Yichen holds Mo Xiangyan in one hand and pinches his eyebrows with the other. It's just that there must be a way for the car to get to the front of the mountain.

If you can't, you can shift the focus of the company to Annan City, or open a branch office. We'll talk about everything at that time. It's useless to think more now.

Mo Yichen gently pulls Gu Yan's head to his shoulder. Looking at the child in his arms, or the weight of his shoulder, he dissipates the thoughts in his mind. In an instant, he is much clearer. Think about these things again. Now, the most important thing is for a family to have a good holiday.

Unknowingly, they arrived at the hotel. The man sent Mo Yichen upstairs and said good night before leaving. Mo Xiangyan did not wake up all the time. They did not intend to wake him up and put him in the bed. They went to wash.

Today, Gu Yan is really tired. She is not like Mo Yichen. She goes to bed after taking a bath. When Mo Yichen comes out of the bath, what he sees is the figure of one big and one small embracing each other in the quilt. He gently hooks the corners of his mouth and goes to bed with his hands and feet, and embraces both of them into his arms.

And then accompanied by Gu Yan and ink ring words even breath sound, also deep sleep in the past.

The next day, Mo Xiangyan woke up early, but he was full of energy all the way to sleep. As soon as he woke up, he pinched Mo Yichen's nose and pulled Gu Yan's hair, which made both of them uneasy, so that everyone got up.

Mo Yichen and Gu Yan take Mo Xiangyan to the restaurant of the hotel for breakfast. This is a cafeteria. As soon as Mo Xiangyan gets into the restaurant, his eyes shine. He doesn't pay any attention to Gu Yan and Mo Yichen, and they all concentrate on finding delicious food.

Gu Yan and Mo Yichen look at each other helplessly with a smile, looking at the continuous shuttle between the food of the ink ring words, two people have a doubt in the bottom of their heart, two people are not greedy, Mo Xiangyan this temperament is with who?

But after all, it's eating. Mo Xiangyan is still growing up. Naturally, the more you eat, the better. But looking at the situation of Mo Xiangyan, it's quite meaningful to empty the hotel. Gu Yan is afraid that he will be too tired to eat too much. He looks at him with a little worry.

Mo Yichen knew what she meant when he saw Gu Yan's eyes. Although he thought that children should eat more, he was also a little worried about the situation of Mo Xiangyan. Wouldn't he eat enough at home? What a jackal, a tiger, a leopard.

Mo Yichen waved to Mo Xiangyan and motioned for him to come over. Mo Xiangyan couldn't help staring at a small cake in front of him. Although he wanted to eat it immediately, since his father called himself, he had to go there first no matter what. Alas, this father, there are so many things.

"As the saying goes, you can't eat more than seven minutes. How full are you? Look, I don't eat as much as you. It's almost OK. Don't hold on to it. What a shame to talk about it? " Mo Yichen points to the two bowls of congee in front of Gu Yan and indicates to Mo Xiang that both of them only eat so much. It's too much for a child.

Mo Xiangyan was exposed by Mo Yichen, and he was a little embarrassed. Looking at the mountain like food he ate, his face suddenly turned red. After that, he lost his face in front of aunt Gu.

Mo Xiang said, "I don't want to feel the exotic customs. I eat a little more when I'm not careful. Don't talk about others. I won't do it next time." Mo Xiangyan knew that his coquetry was a sharp weapon. No one could resist his "invincible cute eyes". Although his father was a great man, he certainly did not have the power to parry.

Sure enough, when Mo Yichen sees Mo Xiangyan blinking his big eyes, he doesn't look too far. He doesn't dare to look directly at him. He knows the way of Mo Xiangyan. After he makes mistakes, he always uses coquettish means to capture others. No matter who looks at him, he can only catch him and no longer investigate his fault.

Mo Xiangyan looks at Mo Yichen and doesn't open his face. Knowing that he already knows his own routine, he changes his direction and starts blinking at Gu Yan. Gu Yan can't dodge and falls into his watery eyes.

"It's OK, little boy. Eat more, right? Don't eat too much." Gu Yan opens his mouth for Mo Xiangyan, completely forgetting that he just let Mo Yichen stop him.

Mo Yichen is speechless. In the confrontation with Mo Xiangyan, he lost again. This little bunny is really good at it. Next time he goes out, he doesn't take you. See what you can do.

When Mo Xiangyan was fully fed, the family went out. As soon as they walked out of the hotel door, the direct and dazzling sunlight suddenly came over. Gu Yan held out his hand to cover the sun. Fortunately, he did enough sun protection work. Otherwise, everyone thought she had gone to Africa.

From the severe winter in the northern hemisphere to the Midsummer in the southern hemisphere, it's still a little strange. Mo Yichen has already made an appointment with the hotel to take them to the nearby islands to play. The car has been waiting for a long time. After they have finished their breakfast, they will leave immediately.In the plan of Mo Yichen, today, it is the nearby island. Because of the national day, there must be many Chinese going abroad to travel. Therefore, Mo Yichen chose a small island with relatively far location but high quality.

This means expensive, but Mo Yichen will not be stingy with this money at all. Is it not just for spending money, but also for the opportunity to spend money to get better opportunities for enjoyment, why not?

Got off the car, Mo Yi Chen also rented a yacht, did not hire the yacht, Gu Yan wondered, so how to go? Then look at Mo Yi Chen so big la la sitting on the driver's seat, Gu Yan still do not know Mo Yi Chen even can open yacht???

Gu Yan suspicious to see the ink Yi Chen, Mo Yi Chen picked the eyebrow, reached for the next seat of the leather pad, to show Gu Yan to sit up.

Gu Yan thought, it seems that he did not know, about his things, there are many. But I don't think much about it. The more the skill of Mo Yichen is, of course, the better. Gu Yan takes the ink ring and sits on the yacht. The voice of ink is so excited that he has been in contact with the sea so close for the first time, and there is everything about the ocean, the ocean, the sea breeze and the blue sea water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!