5 Duel

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
"Hah...not here? Where do you want to get beaten then?" Jack asked as he looked down upon Auden.

"Um...what about the school arena? Even if you just beat me here, you won't be getting anything out of it. So, what do you think about the school arena?" Auden said with a grin.

"School arena? It seems this lowlife wants a duel with you, brother." Hul said as he laughed uncontrollably.

"Duel? Is this moron crazy or something?" Ray also joined the laughing group. "Brother isn't the Class C no. 10 for nothing. Brother Jack just beat him here, there's nothing you can gain even if you beat him in the arena."

"Yes, what can this idiot even provide you for that duel?" Hul said.

As Jack was frowning about what to do, Auden said, "Yes, I don't have anything good one me but if you win this duel, I'll let you meet my parents since you've never seen them and only make fun in their back, and if I win, I want you to not to bully not only me but the entire Class D any further. So, what do you say of this proposition?"

"What can brother Jack gain from meeting your low-class parents?" Hul snorted.

"It's fine." Jack said as he looked at Hul, "If he's that eager to get beat up then why should I stop him? And to top it up, he's even going to let me meet his parents, and it is also a good bet since I was wondering how to get in touch with his parents and make them know how to teach their son."

"I see. It makes sense now. I think it is also a good idea." Ray said.

"Let's go!" Jack said as he started walking inside the school building.


Just as Auden stood up as well, he heard a ring inside his head.

[Quest has been issued. Defeat the bullies of the Fret Academy in the duel. The reward will be 30 CP and a Mystery box for each bully. And for each blow that landed, the host will be provided with 0.5 CP]

When Auden heard the system, his mouth was agape.

So much! It was the only thing running inside his mind. But when he did so many heroic acts using the daily quest, he was only provided with 20 CP and sometimes rarely a Mystery box, but now what had happened?

"Why so much?" He asked.


[With the system helping the host and with host's own effort, it is possible for the host to become Asura: The Golden Lion which would be the emperor of the jungle if compared with other normal lions which are deemed, kings. And an emperor mustn't be beaten up by some random bullies who are the same as rats.]

Asura? The Golden Lion? It was the first time he was hearing this from the system. But it seemed that the system was here to help him become Asura. But why act now? He was always beaten and was bullied but why act now? He couldn't hold the question in his heart any longer and asked,

"But why now and not before?"


[System doesn't get involved with some random street brawl of the host, but however, a duel is a completely different thing. The pride of the host which has the possibility of becoming Asura is on the line so the System doesn't want to see the host get trampled upon by some insects. So, the system raised the reward by a notch only for this duel.]


In the arena where about ten students having a duel with each other, Auden entered after Jack and other lackeys. The arena was heated as ever and it seemed all the rooms were taken by other students so they had to wait for their turn.

There were actually five rooms with the glass harder than any steel surrounding them. It was transparent so that the audience present and seated in the chairs surrounding them could see it.

The glass cages were a must for every school for no leakage of any magical attacks outside the arena and not allowing others to interfere with the match.

Beside Auden and the other three bullies, there were only about five students in their seats enjoying the match. Jack Seeing the match which was about to end in the third room said,

"It seems you're going to get beaten very soon."

"Haha..." Auden only laughed awkwardly and didn't reply.

He was also confident about his ability since he had been CatMan for about a year. He was fast and a bit strong but what limited him was his inability to use magic, so he was nervous as well.

The guy in the third room seemed to be almost done and looked like he was preparing his final attack.

Brey was all bloodied but for the hope of defeating his opponent, he had to resort to his trump card. He was a fire wizard with no superpowers bestowed upon him from birth but it was fine as level 2 wizards were also strong if they knew how to use their power.

Kirch, however, seeing Brey's expression knew that Brey was up to something so he had to be extra careful. He was as well level 2 wizard but he had only learned one basic magic skill so he was at a disadvantage facing Brey.

Both were looking at each other with focused gazes as if to let no movement pass by. Suddenly, Brey moved his hands and muttered very fast.

"Oh, goddess of fire bestow your power upon me and let all the evildoers be burned to ashes."

He was so fast that before it was even two seconds, he had finished his incantations.


A ball of fire appeared on Brey's hand which was blazingly wild when one carefully looked. It seemed that he had recently learned the skill because his control over a fire made it look more like an oval than a sphere.

"Ball of Flame!"

Incantations were an important aspect of wizards, especially for beginners. It was found that incantations helped a wizard to calm their minds and have good control over the magical energy (aka mana) so that they could easily use the skill. But after reaching a certain level, one could just use the skill without the help of incantations.

Though the wizards who could use magic without incantations were, in fact, the way of saying how talented they actually were. Even the fame that a wizard who could use magic with the help of incantations was great not to mention wizards who didn't need incantations.

Brey then threw the ball of fire which was as big as his torso towards Krich who at alarming speed waved his hand diagonally creating a sharp wind curved like a bow.

"Wind Blade!"

Both wind blade and ball of flame collided which actually didn't result in the explosion but both of them were simultaneously defeated.

Cutting the ball of flame, the wind blade cut Brey but also the two halves of the ball of flame burned Kirch.

After both of them fell at the ground, the glass cage rose up and medics present outside the room dragged them out of it for the treatment. Even after so many duels, there was no victor between Brey and Kirch as it was their 101st draw.

Seeing the medics take the two-out, Jack without wasting any time entered the room and glanced at Auden hinting that he should enter as well.

Taking a deep breath, Auden entered the arena as well. The glass cage then closed enclosing them inside and a ray of light flashed upon the bodies of the two.

In a mechanical voice, the speakers at the corners of the arena said.

"Two students of the Fret Academy have been recognized. Are both Auden and Jack ready for the duel?"

Jack looked at the speaker at the corner of the arena which also had motion sensors on it and nodded. Auden calmed himself and followed the cause.

The speaker then said again in a mechanical voice,

"Then let the duel begin!"