6 Speed is Everything

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
Even after the announcement was made by the speaker, Jack just stood at one of the corners and moved his index finger as if to tell you to go first with a mocking smile.

"Do your worse rat!" He snorted.

Maybe because he still had the mentality that Auden was weak so he had said that but Auden wasn't that strong either, or was he some chivalrous dude to let go of the offer.

"I see. Then as you wish I'll go first."


With fast speed, he leaped towards Jack as he rose his foot.

"If I were to say it more reasonably then I would be a cat, not a rat."

"What...?" Jack was about to say something but Auden's feet had already landed on his left cheek.

'He's fast!' Jack thought as he didn't even have any time to react to block the incoming attack.


The glass cage shook a bit when Jack's body collided with it. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he looked at Auden and said,

"It seems that you aren't that weak. I've underestimated you. Now I'll get serious..."


Without waiting for Jack to recover Auden punched his face and at an incredible speed again kneed him to the gut. Jack couldn't even believe what was happening.

The timid and weak Auden was actually beating him in a duel? How can that be? The trash that couldn't even use magic to beat a talent? It was unheard of.

With an annoyed look, he glanced at Auden's eyes as he grabbed the kick which was coming at him and tightened the grip as if trying to break it in one swoop.

"Those eyes...you shouldn't have those eyes. Only strong have the right to have eyes such as those."

Pulling the leg making Auden lose his balance, Jack threw a punch at him. Barely dodging the punch by tilting his head sideways, Auden lifted his another legs and hit the hand of Jack which was grabbing other legs making it loosen the hold.

Getting out of the grip, Auden jumped back immediately as fast as he could to his previous corner.

"You're weak...You're trash...You don't have any magic power to back you up but why do you always have those eyes?" Jack shouted in anger, "Those eyes belong to the strong not trashy weak. That look on your eyes always pisses me off...even weak, why do you look at others as if you're equal?"

"Why does that eyes of your sparkles every time I look at it, but why doesn't mine? What's so special about you? What gives you the right to have such eyes?"

Saying those words his eyes gave a glint of killing intent as his body started growing large abnormally. The buttons of Jack's shirt gave up as Jack's body grew, even more, making him look like some monster.

"Today I'll let change that predator eyes of those to ones only prey must possess. I'll let you witness the true terror of my ability 'Superhuman'."

'Tsk... innate ability to grow large. It's going to be troublesome more than I thought it would be.' Auden thought as he looked at the gigantified version of Jack.

But he wasn't going to give up just because of seeing an innate ability. After all, he would be hitting jackpot if he beat Jack and other bullies. Seeing Jack's coming towards him, he tried moving his legs to dodge just as he noticed that one of his legs was in pain.

'What? How?'

But it wasn't the time for that as the punch was coming. He had to bent in an irregular position just to barely dodge the punch... barely enough but he was still little grazed by the knuckle.

Graze though it was, as weak as Auden's body currently was, he was still knocked on the ring. But Jack didn't give him the time to rest either.


Another punch followed the previous one and again Auden barely dodged it. He stood up but was still unstable. Trying to guess what had happened, he glanced at one of his legs whose ankle had turned blue.

'Was this because of that monster's grab... Damnit!'

Gritting his teeth, he moved to bear the pain on his ankle but his speed was little diminished as compared to before.


The punches Jack threw continuously targeted Auden while he again and again barely dodged. Even the shockwaves of punches were enough to shake the glass cage. Auden having to dodge it, again and again, was getting exhausted minute by minute as the duel continued.

Even though he had up to now invested all his attribution points on agility, he still wasn't fast enough. In a battle, Speed was everything. Speed determined one's ability to react to the movement and ability to dodge. Speed was a must for a prolong battle but Auden still wasn't that fast despite spending all the attribute points on agility.

He knew that sooner or later, he was going to lose if things continued this way and much to his thought, his position aligned with it.

Suddenly a kick greeted his chest while he was dodging punches as he collided with the glass cage in an unfathomable speed. Coughing a mouthful of blood, he stood up with the support of the glass cage when another punch greeted him, followed by another and another.

Each punch was like he was being hammered by someone as his body had already given up to the pain and fell in the ring while Jack stood before him with eyes full of hatred.

"Today I'll get rid of those eyes once and for all." Jack said as he glared at Auden in his eyes, "You still haven't given up. Your eyes are still sparkling bright."

Outside the room, many people have gathered up, not because of the duel between Auden and Jack but because of someone else who had come to watch the duel.

With that purple dress she was wearing, she looked majestic as ever even when she just sat in the chair looking at the duel. Many students had gathered in just but few minutes knowing that Veneesa had come to the arena.

Everyone wondered what had she gone there. Was is to fight someone or just watch someone's battle? They were filled with anticipation as they glanced at the rooms and checked out the possibility of her coming to see someone's battle.

'She mustn't have come here to watch the battle. Everyone here is a low class with no fighting ability whatsoever, so she must be waiting for someone to spar with. But come to think of it, why haven't I heard of that...if she was to spar then I should have known it yesterday.'

Many people only guessed for what reason Veneesa had come to the arena while the match between Auden and Jack was still on the progress.

Unable to outright move his body Auden just laid at the ground while Jack slowly raised his clenched fist of anger.

'Looks like I don't have any choice.' Auden thought and tried to move his body to dodge the incoming attack.

'I should take the gamble for now...' As he thought that, he immediately said in his mind.

'Claim the reward from daily quest and open the Mystery box.'


[Affirmation. The reward has been claimed.]

[Opening the Mystery box.]