7 Skill:Allure

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
My name is Veneesa, a Royal from Class A. Today was also going to be the same usual day for me; I would study magic, take on a mission provided by the school and be out for about two weeks, but it changed when I heard from one of the Class D students that he was going to duel with a student of Class C, and a no.10 no less.

It wasn't that they told me directly but I overhead their conversation when I was passing by. In this era, weak didn't have any say and hierarchy was absolute, so I couldn't blame them for not approaching me directly to say that since they were considered damaged goods and I was one of the Royals.

Even though I wouldn't say anything if they approached me and delivered the news instead of gossiping loudly so that I would hear it, but I guess they still didn't trust a higher class.

But since I got the news anyway, I came to the arena to watch the match and to stop it immediately if there were to be any danger to his life.

He was the one I admired and my crush if I were to say it in a simple way. But even though we were quite friendly when we were children because our parents happened to be friends but now he doesn't remember me.

Maybe it was from that accident he had ten years ago which took his memory and everything that engraved his existence in this world from him. I was separated from him for seven years and after I met him again when I enrolled in Fret School, it seemed like I was a complete stranger to him...but he hadn't changed one bit from his previous self even if he had no memory of it.

I too couldn't do anything about it, after all, I wasn't a God who could make him remember everything from his past and what was funny was that it was because of me that he got into an accident for which I always cursed myself, but no matter what it wasn't going to change anything. So, I decided to help him from the sidelines.

It may not make amends for the mistake I made in the past but I don't want to see him suffer because of my fault.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that Class C student about to punch him when he just laid there, so I was ready to move anytime and stop the duel but something unexpected happened which made me think before taking action.

Auden shouted in his heart, "Open Mystery box."

[Affirmative. Opening the Mystery box.]

The Mystery box was a box that would give him things at random. Sometimes it would be useful but sometimes it would give him total crap like one time he got a nail cutter when he was totally expecting some cool item.

[Mystery box opened. Randomizing the reward.]


[Skill: Allure obtained.]

Skill? Auden didn't know that he could even obtain skill from the Mystery box but it was one good information for him in the future but not now. He barely tilted his body sideways to dodge the punch but it still hit his neck's little part.


"Aaaaarrrgg~" He groaned in pain.

"Yeah, That's the way brother. Teach him."

In their seat, Hul and Ray were shouting their lungs out cheering for Jack.

Veneesa seeing the scene bit her nail.

Should I go?...but even though he's in pain, I can see that he hasn't given up from his facial expression. What should I do? What would he do if he was in my situation?

"Don't meddle in someone else's duel!"

I know he'll say that but, is that really fine? As she was drowning on her own thought, Auden stopped groaning and stood with his wobbling feet.

"Tsk...not admitting defeat even after getting hurt just from a graze? You're stubborn little sh*t, aren't you? But you know what is the fate that awaits a nail that sticks out?" Jack said,

"It'll only get hammered and be put in its place. Today I'm going to teach you that the hard way."

'Describe skill: Allure in a simple way possible and fast.' Auden said in his mind.

[Skill: Allure(Lv.1)(Passive)

-It uses the charm of the host and stuns the enemy for a moment of time. Its effectiveness depends on its level and the charm of the host to captivate someone. Also, the result of its effect may double or even triple in the host's CatMan form.]

So, what it does is buy me some time, eh? Its a good skill but...I cannot use my CatMan from here since it would expose the secrets I hold within me. I guess I will have to depend on my manly charm.

"System, carry out the partial transformation." He spoke as he dodged punch coming at him.


[Command noted. The system asks host for the part that he wishes to transform and the duration of the host wants to transform temporarily.]

"Transform my both hands into claws for 0.5 sec after I say 'Now'." Auden muttered, "And the Allure, to how much distance will it affect people by charm?"


[Command noted. The transformation will be carried out upon the host's signal and the system wants the host to know that the skill: Allure has no limits binding it. No matter the distance, the people who have a clear vision of the host will be affected by the charm and will be stunned for a moment if their gazes were to be fixated upon the host.]

'So, it's also a double-edged sword.' Auden thought, 'Not the only enemy, but it will also affect friends as well. But that's good news as well...if they are stunned for a brief amount of time then they wouldn't notice my partial transformation of 0.5 seconds.'

With that idea in his mind, he revealed an evil smile.

"Let's end this then."

"End this? And what's with that smile? You aren't thinking that you actually can beat me, are you? Hahahaha, what a funny thing to hear." Jack laughed,

"It would have ended a long time ago if you weren't jumping here and there like a monkey. But since you want to end this then you aren't going to dodge again, are you? Let's end this, after all, I have to meet your parents after this match and I don't want to waste too much time meeting your pathetic parents as well. I'll leave right after I teach then a thing or two."

Ray and Hul couldn't hear what Jack and Auden were talking about but seeing Jack winning they felt proud following him. They then cheered for Jack even louder than before.

"Brother Jack, cripple that idiot."

"Cripple him!"

Veneesa shot a glance at the two who were cheering for Jack and again gazed back at the duel without saying anything.

"Hoho, then let's finish it," Auden said.

Jack grinned as his body grew even bulkier than before and started throwing a barrage of punches. Auden only smiles before he leaped towards the punches without any sign of hesitation.

[Skill: Allure activated.]

When Jack looked at Auden who was dodging his punches, he was mesmerized by the charm and stopped his hands for a moment. Not only him but the students who were watching him were stunned for a few seconds.

Auden didn't let go of the opening that was created by the skill and said as he got even closer to Jack.


[Command received. The host's hands have been partially transformed for 0.5 seconds.]


[Skill: Indiscriminate claws (Activated)]

Slash- Slash- Slash-

In the brief moment of 0.5, Auden was able to inflict nine slashes on Jack's body with his claws before it turned into normal hands again and he scratched Jack with his fingernail.


He immediately stopped the skill as it wasn't meant for use with human fingernails...if he did that then it was obviously going to hurt a lot.


Jack's body hit the floor as Auden climbed on his stomach. When he got out of the spell, he found himself in rather an unfamiliar position from before.

'I was going to beat the bastard to a pulp by why am I lying here? What happened?'

He tried moving his body but when he did that he felt a lot of pain and he couldn't even lift his body. Slowly his eyes drifted at his stomach and saw Auden sitting atop it and some red liquid flowing out from his body.

Blood...? Is it my blood?

He was alarmed but he couldn't even move. His skin would be thrice as thick after a transformation so how was Auden able to inflict such wounds? Just as he was frowning, his body started shrinking.

'Crap, I lost too much blood that my body is shrinking to normal again.'

Others were shocked too who were watching the match without even blinking. What had happened? Wasn't bother going to squish that idiot? They too didn't know what had occurred there and Veneesa was no exception.

She didn't know what happened and she didn't care what had happened. As long as Auden wasn't in any danger, it was all fine.

The two followers, however, had a hard time taking it. They couldn't even believe in their eyes.

"He must have done something otherwise how could he inflict such deep wound to brother in his superhuman form?"

"Yes, he must have carried some weapons inside and used it."

Auden, however, couldn't hear what they were talking about but even if he could hear, he would pay them any mind.

Crack- Crack-

Cracking his fingers, Auden evilly smiled as he watched Jack shrinking.

"You bastard... what did you do?" Jack said coughing up a mouthful of blood.


Auden, however, didn't reply to his question and just punched him in the face which quite satisfied his heart.

"Now that you're like this, why don't you say what you said to me before."



Before Jack could even speak, Auden slapped Jack in the face. With a smile on his face, all the same, he slapped Jack continuously as he said,

"Yes, hammer me to my place why don't you? Aren't you going to teach my parents a thing or two? Teach them why don't you?"

"You bastard I'll..."

Slap- Slap- Slap-

"Still speaking? I'm saying you should put me in my place. Why don't you change my eyes now? Yes, change my eyes, why don't you? And about my parents, you won't waste your time meeting them for long? You should research other backgrounds before spitting trash."

"Even the big figures that you always look at in the news will have to stand in line and even beg just to get a glimpse of them and you're belittling my parents?"

As Auden slapped Jack continuously without any sign of stopping, Jack's eyes rolled back as he became unconscious.

The sensor and the speaker then immediately rung.

"Room three's battle has been completed. The winner is 'Auden Frost' of Class D."

Right after the voice echoed, another voice rung inside his mind.

[One of the bullies has been beaten. The host has been awarded 55 CP and a Mystery box which can be redeemed from the mailbox. Further damage wouldn't provide the host with any CP from the bully.]