8 New Title

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
"I ain't getting anymore CP after he's unconscious? That's a bummer." Auden sighed.

He then stood up and got away from Jack's torso.


Just when he got off, something fell from inside of his cloth on the floor. Auden glancing from where the sound came from saw a pendant which he immediately picked up and put it inside his pocket.

'It must've broken when my neck was grazed by his punch.' Auden thought, 'For now, I'll just keep it and will repair it when I go home. Tsk...what a drag.'

The glass cage lifted up making a loud noise as two other bullies came at the ring as the medics took Jack's unconscious body outside the ring. Hul then looked toward Auden and said,

"You bastard, you must've cheated against the brother, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you must've have hidden some weapon which is invisible to naked eyes. You definitely can't beat brother in one on one." Ray supported the claim.

Auden didn't mind any of those things and smiled evilly. Since they were here to give him some free CP then why would he waste their effort? He scanned the area found a familiar figure watching them and seeing her about to approach him, he shook his head and gestured her to the seat where she was and he'll handle it by himself.

The others who were guessing why she had come here had their answer.

"She wasn't here to battle someone but to watch the match of some lowlife?"

"I'm disappointed by her."

The crowd who were filled with anticipation was now disappointed. They didn't have any interest in low-class matches so many of them started to leave the room while some students of the higher class sat in their seats watching Auden very closely.

'The ones leaving right now are just idiots who won't amount to anything in the future. Did they really think that he cheated and ended it on that?' One of the men who watched the students leave from the school's surveillance room thought, 'Even if he had then they must at least be curious about how he cheated since the sensor would scan every part of the body for any hidden weapons.'

"So, you don't think he cheated as well, huh?" The person sitting beside the man asked.

"No, he didn't. It was either his skill or his superpower he had from birth."He thought, "But even I cannot say what it was because I, myself was stunned for a moment watching the match."

"Interesting, isn't it? He used something even we couldn't see...but what's more interesting is that he is here in class D like trash." The person replied.

"If he's indeed in class D then he might really have been trash before but looking at him beat one of the Talents, I cannot say for sure. Maybe he's a late bloomer. Let's check his aptitude after he exits the arena. For now, let's just watch as the situation unfolds."

"That's doable. Why waste a talent if he's indeed one?" The person replied.

Auden didn't want any support from Veneesa. After all, if he received help from outside then he would just be asking to take his wealth away from him. Auden then looked at the two bullies and smirked,

"Yes, I cheated. But what can you do? Do you idiots even have the guts to reveal my cheating?"


"If you two morons have the gut then why don't you fight me yourself and reveal it. After all, for you guys it may be easy...oh sorry, you're just morons, so how can you reveal how I cheated?"

"Bastard... Okay, we'll take you on and even beat you for brother Jack part." Hul said.

"Yes, let's go to the ring."

'Morons!,' Auden thought in his heart, 'They just fell for it like that...and even think they're not morons? Haha, today I'll hit a big one after a long time.'

Hul and Ray knew that they were strong but also had their doubts about Auden's power. They had just seen Auden slapping Jack till his eyes rolled back but still believed that Auden had cheated. If not then how was Class D trash able to beat one of the best students of Class C?

They wanted to beat this cheater and take the thing he had so that they would grow even powerful. The possession he had and let him cheat mustn't be any ordinary item, they thought and drooled on the hope of getting it.

"So, who are you gonna take on first?" Hul asked.

"Hmmm..." Auden frowned and after a while smiled, "Why don't you both idiots come and fight me at the same time...it will save you some time, won't it?"

Hul and Ray smiled at the response. If the sheep itself was asking for slaughter then why reject the offer? They complied with the offer and entered the ring as the speaker's voice rung again after scanning if Ray and Hul had any material that wasn't allowed.

"Does Auden of Class D really wishes to have a handicapped battle?"

Although Class D taking two of Class C was exciting news, no one went to the arena anymore for watching the match... not even a student of Class D. Who would want to see their fellow mate being beaten mercilessly? It was their way of viewing the match.

People would only realize their limits in harsh situations. They too thought that they were equal to others with magic in their past but as time progressed they realized how naïve they really were to think of it. It was easy for people with magic to heal after the fight but for a non-magic user, they would have to suffer hell before healing after a fight. So, Class D didn't want to see their own mate being ruthlessly crippled.

They just gritted their teeth and sat in their class listening to all those voices piercing their ears. They also thought one of their mate beating a Class C was by chance or what they were hearing, which was that he cheated. Even Remi thought that it might have been the case.

Auden nodded at the speaker as the glass cage slowly moved down sealing the three of them.

"Then let the handicapped battle of 2 vs. 1 begin."

Right after the sentence finished, Ray started enchanting the incantation without any delay as Hul hid behind Ray.

A harpoon like a weapon appeared in front of Ray which was made up of wind and as he continued enchanting, the number grew larger.

Auden wasn't going to just watch them finish their preparation. If he knew that he was screwed after they finish their preparation then why would he just let them do it? He leaped towards the duo in alert when seeing Auden coming at him, Ray smiled.

Hul immediately rested his palms in Ray's shoulder which confused Auden but it wasn't long before he had his confusion swept away.

The wind harpoons grew bigger and seemed sharper than before.

'Is that bastard supporting wizard?...No, he must be the one which strengthens other attacks after giving them his power.'

Realizing that too late, he couldn't even dodge the attacks. Ray finished his incantation and smirked evilly.

"Suffer from my wrath, trash."

"Wind of Doom!"

Tens of harpoons which were a bug larger than any ordinary harpoon flew towards Auden as he dodged most of them, but some still found their way to his body.

Five of the harpoons had managed to skewer his body and among them, one had directly pierced through his stomach.

Hul and Ray were scared out of their wits seeing one of their harpoon damaging Auden fatally. The killing was prohibited and if they were to kill their opponents in the arena then they would have to bear responsibility.

If it was some magic-user whose stomach they had pierced then they wouldn't be so scared of opponent dying since magic would have strengthened their vitality and be easily healed but for a nonmagic user, they were too scared...but still they didn't show it in their faces.

"Hahaha, that's what you deserve for making us angry," Hul shouted from the back with his legs trembling to even stand.

"Die...Hahaha...Die." Ray said.

Veneesa stood right up and was about to interrupt the match when another hand pushed her back into her seat.

"Don't be hasty. He is still moving..."

"What?" She glanced towards the person who stopped her and said, "Why are you here? Weren't you suspended for the month?"

"Yeah...but I was called again and got the message that the suspension is over." The girl said.

"What're you up to this time?... Scarlet Witch?" Veneesa said as she squinted her eyes.

"What does that have to do with you? Just keep on watching the damn match, it is getting even more interesting. And next time you call me by that nickname, your parents won't find your bone even if they search the entire Earth." Rebecca said.

"Tsk..." Clicking her tongue, Veneesa again sat on the seat as she couldn't move if the witch was to interfere. She again shifted her eyes towards the battle which almost seemed over and gritted her teeth in anger.

Auden, although injured, didn't fell at the floor but was still standing. The harpoons were still there making pain surge all over his stomach and other pierced areas.

But still, he slowly walked towards the duo who were too scared to even move and stopped right in front of them.

"I ...Cough~ Cough~...I have one thing to ask of you." Auden said.

"W-what? You...you want us to fulfill your last wish? We aren't friends so forget about it." Ray said as he subconsciously took a step back.

"It...ain't that..." Auden said as he lifted his right arm in the air, "Why is the name of your attack 'Wind of Doom'...if it can't even doom a person like me?"


Before Ray even finished his sentence, a punch greeted his face with a strong force that made his face cave in before making Ray fly and hit the cage of glass.


The entire cage shook for a moment as Ray's eyes rolled back with but one punch.

"If your attack doesn't even match the name then why give such flashy names to your attack?" Auden said as he coughed a mouthful of blood.

He then looked at the floor and saw Hul who was shivering as tears flowed down his face.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Hul cried as he looked at Auden.

"Did you forgive others when they begged you to? You trampled on them, didn't you?" Auden said.

"I'm sorry... I won't do it again." Hul said.

"Tsk...I'm not like you guys who hits a person even after they beg. So, I will forgive you." Auden said and turned his body looking at the speaker.

"T-thank you... then-"


After kick hit his face, Hul's head slammed at the floor as he lost consciousness.

"Well, I forgave you...but forgiving you won't end up the match if you don't surrender. So, blame it on yourself." Auden said as he looked at the unconscious body which made his blood boil but still he controlled himself.

"If idiots like them are considered Talents then I don't even want to know where the world is heading..." Auden muttered as he tried to stop bleeding from his stomach.

After the Ray had lost his consciousness, the wind harpoons had also disappeared resulting in massive blood loss.

Ring ~

[Quest has been completed. The host has been awarded 61 CP and two Mystery boxes which can be redeemed from the male section.]

[Host had obtained a new title "Bully Beater".]

Just after hearing the ring that he had completed the quest, his lips curled up forming a smile before losing consciousness while standing.

"I guess I have someone to recommend," Rebecca muttered to herself and left with a smile.

The glass cage immediately lifted up as the medics rushed inside to aid Auden without caring for the other two since the one who was gravely injured weren't them but Auden.

The speaker was silent for sometime before finally announcing the result.

"The winner of 2 vs 1 handicap battle is 'Auden Frost' from class D."