9 Unexpected Visitors

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
"Let's hurry up and take him to the doc. W. This isn't what we can heal. He's bleeding internally and his organs are also damaged." One of the medics said.

"Okay..." Another man said as he lifted Auden in his shoulder.

The situation was too serious that they didn't have a single second to waste to even bring a stretcher. If it was too late then Auden was going to die from the blood loss.

Veneesa stopped one of the medics and asked, "Will he be okay?"

"That I cannot say..." The medic shook his head, "If he arrives at Doc. W on time then that kid would be saved no matter how near he is to his death but if he dies before even reaching to him then there is no chance. If something can save the kid right now then it would be the only a miracle."

The man said as he immediately rushed out of the arena and followed the man carrying Auden and lend him a hand.

"Miracle...?", The word made her remember the thing Auden had said to her one time.

"Miracle only happens to the one who believes in it. If the person loses all hope then he wouldn't be able to witness a miracle. Miracle depends on a person's spirit and determination."

She was as well worried but she didn't rush and calmed herself first before following the medics.

On the other hand, Rebecca sat at the rooftop of the school building and looked at the situation below.

"Why are they making a big fuss about the situation? I can't see death above his head today so obviously, he won't die. They just need to calm their nerves."

As she said that, she took out her cellphone from her pocket and dialed a number. The call was immediately picked up.

"What? Just keep it short, I'm busy right now...move your feet dumbasses, if not all of you are going to die...bam...bam...sorry, the new recruits are just annoying. So, what do you want to say?"

"I want to recommend someone," Rebecca said.

"Recommend? I see. What rank is he? Perfect or Royal? If he is Talent then don't even mention it, I'm going crazy having to train them. How can talents be so out of shape, do they even exercise? They are just too weak."

"Don't worry, it isn't a Talent I'm recommending today," Rebecca said.

"Eh...it isn't Talent? Then tell me about him more...Just lift up that boulder dumb idiot, or do you want to die...sorry, I was saying that to the new recruit you recommended before. So, what rank is he?" The person said making it sound like he was teasing her.

"If I were to say in the school's ranking then he's simply a...'Trash'!"

Teet~ Teet~

"Huh? How dare he hang up on me!"

She again dialed the number and immediately after it was picked up, she said, "Why did you hang up?"

"Why? Don't make me even busier than I already am. Who do you think I am? A babysitter? If it is someone else then let's talk about it sister, if not then don't call me ever again. You just recommend and run away...and it has to be me who has to suffer from your deed and train them. Do you even know how hard it is to train these pigs who are fat as hell?"

"I'm still recommending the Trash," Rebecca said.

Teet~ Teet~

"This bastard...how dare he hang up on me not once but twice. I guess I'll have to teach him some manner about the way to talk to his big sister. But for now, let's just focus on how to convince that Auden guy to join us."


-Two days later

Inside the room of the school's personal hospital, Auden suddenly opened his eyelids revealing his blue eyes. Just by glancing at his surrounding he could tell where he was.

The yellow ceiling and the rock hard bed with a white blanket with a lingering smell of medicine, it was no doubt the school's hospital.

And there was him as well, sitting in his rocking chair, staring at me with those almost black eyes as if I was an alien.


"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen someone as handsome as me before?" Auden joked looking the doctor.

"I have but..." The doctor said as he looked Auden in his eyes, "You're quite unique of a case if I were to say so."

"...Humm...Do you know for how many hours you were asleep?" Doctor W asked.

"Hours? Don't you mean to say two days and six hours?" Auden said.

"Are you a time god or something? How can you know the time even while you were unconscious and on the verge of death?" Doctor asked.

"Heh...Just a guess."

Although he said that, he knew the period of him being unconscious was because right after opening his eyes, he saw a new message on the floating screen from the system.

[During the recovering duration of host for two days, six hours, twenty-three minutes and forty-one seconds, the system has successfully upgraded. New features have been added to the system. Cat store has also been updated with new items and the 'human store' has also been added to the system considering the human form of the host. The host can also check the details about the upgrades from the mail.]

He didn't know that the system could be upgraded as well and was eager to know what the new features that were added in the system.

"You guessed right on the spot but tell me something..." The doctor asked with a curious demeanor, "How did you heal so fast?"

"What do you mean?" Auden asked.

"Hmmm..." The doctor carefully glanced up and down on Auden lying in bed even removing the blanket while still sitting in a chair, he asked, "What I mean is how did that your wound of yours heal so fast?"

"My wound...?" He said as he straightened his back and looked at his stomach, "I don't know."

He was, in fact, telling the truth as he clearly didn't know how he healed in but mere two days. He knew that for a non-magic user like him, it must have taken at least two months even with doctors' ability and seeing it heal in two days made even the doctor curious about the situation.

"So you really don't know about it?" The doctor asked.

"Yes..." Auden slowly nodded.

'Maybe it was another deed of the system.' He had vaguely guessed the reason but wasn't so so sure of it.

The doctor sighed as he stood up from the chair, "Well if you really don't know then you don't have to answer it. Just rest on the bed."

"Even if your body is healed completely, it doesn't mean that you're strong enough to move around. I know that bed won't make up for sound rest but just lay there. For now, there are some visitors who want to meet you."

"Visitors? Is it Veneesa?" Auden asked as he had only seen Veneesa when he was in the arena and it was less likely to be Remi and others. Although it was possible for it to be his parents, he just didn't want to be them.

He cared for their feelings, yes, but he also didn't want it to be them because he would be grounded from the school because of the news.

He till now had been cautious not to let his parents notice anything happening in the Academy because of his own selfish reason. He wanted to learn Magic...even if he didn't have any potential, he hadn't lost all hope and being grounded from school would only delay the time to achieve.

He didn't want to just coop up at home without any knowledge of the world whatsoever. He too wanted to travel far across the end of the earth, adventuring and killing demons and monsters with his superpower and saving lives like the heroes he always admired.

What he wanted couldn't be achieved by just sitting on his a*s, he still needed to work hard for it.

"That girl? She just went home half an hour ago. She and your friends were here to visit you while you were unconscious for two days straight. Many of your friends didn't want to leave you seeing in such state but I sent them home anyway...especially that blonde girl Veneesa, she didn't leave till the point I called the guards and had to throw her out of the vicinity...I can tell that she has a thing for you." The doctor said.

"Haha...sometimes I feel like that as well, but I don't remember if we had even met each other before meeting in this academy and I haven't talked too much with her as well. Or is it my face that attracts the girls. I didn't know I was quite a lady killer." Auden replied.

"Pah...! I hardly believe it. Don't flatter yourself. What I was saying before was some people are here to meet you." The doctor said as he glanced towards the door and said.

"You guys can come in!"


The door opened making a loud noise unpleasant for ears to hear as if the door wasn't maintained for years. From the hallway entered two figures slowly walking towards the bed Auden was in.

"Well, I guess they don't need any introduction but I'll introduce them anyway."

"The man with the old body but young look with dead eyes is the principal of this school and the man beside him is..."

"Just an idiot!"

"What did you say, W bastard?" The man said as he looked at the doctor.

"Tsk... I didn't lie." The doctor said as he shrugged his shoulder.

"What?...Sigh~ Forget about it." The man looked at Auden and said, "Actually I'm the manager of the surveillance department of this academy. You can call me as Mr.Cool."

"Told you he is an idiot, didn't I?"The doctor interfered.

"Just mind your goddamn business, I wasn't even talking to you," Est shouted.

"Well, I was talking to you."

"Who even wants to talk with you arrogant bastard? Don't interrupt me when I'm doing my job."

"Yeah...? What job do you have here, you freeloader?"

Seeing the two of them arguing like some little kids, Auden's and Principal's mouth twitched.

'They both are idiots!' Both of them thought.

"Ahem..." The principal faked a cough alerting Auden as he said, "You may be wondering why we are here to see you, right?"

He didn't reply but simply nodded.

"It's this...we want to reevaluate you."