10 Turn Of Events

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea
"Reevaluate me?" Auden asked pointing at himself as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, " Principal affirmed, "Est there said that you might have awakened some sort of ability when he watched your battle against the class C 'Talents ' from Magic Lenses."

Magic Lenses were more like normal lenses and were used for monitoring. In comparison to CCTV, Magic Lenses provided crystal clear image which could be seen from a large orb kept inside the surveillance room. They were more popular than normal CCTV in today's era as it could also transmit sounds using mana as the medium.

Listening to the principal, Doctor stopped arguing with Est and walked outside as he said, "I may be the third wheel in this conversation, so I'll be out for a bit."

"Hah...finally his brain functioned properly." Est cursed W before again shifting his gaze at Auden,

"Don't mind what he said before. Actually, he has an inferiority complex which makes him argue with me on every meet just because he was one of my lackeys in the past."

"Because of that idiot, I couldn't even introduce myself properly, My name is Est Cool. You can call me Mr. Cool."

So, his name was literally Mr.Cool? Auden sighed but it wasn't a moment to dwell about someone's name. He smiled at Est and said,

"Nice to meet you Mr.Cool. But can I ask you what this matter about a reevaluation actually is?"

"Of course," Est said as principal Mark stood silently beside him and listened, "What we want to do is reexamine your body. When I saw you beat those three students, I could tell that you used something but couldn't exactly point what."

"So, we would like to reexamine you so that if you have much more talent than what we previously thought, we'll change your class so that you won't be influenced anymore by the low class."

"I see," Auden replied with a smile but deep down, he was disappointed.

The world always revolved around the strong and weak were trampled. Hearing it made him have mixed feelings as he too was weak and not too strong. He knew the hardships of weak because he too had led the same life.

Getting picked up on for no reason, the mark of 'Trash' which wouldn't wash away no matter what they did, no support or help and always looked down upon. Those were one-hundredth of the fate the weak had to suffer.

But he couldn't just show his disappointment on the face because of the presence of the Principal who was level 7 wizard.

"Then, how are you going to evaluate me?" Auden asked.

"Well, if you give permission then I can easily evaluate you," Est said.

"You can do it," Auden said as he knew there was no way his body would be able to use magic...nor did he have any innate ability.

"Then I'll start. It might hurt a bit, but bear with it." As Est said that, he put his hand on Auden's shoulder as he released his mana...more like he injected his mana inside Auden's body.

"Aaarrrrrrghhhh~" Auden groaned in pain as his whole body gave out a blue luster.

Seeing Auden suffering, Est immediately pulled his hands and looked at him, saying, "Your body isn't suitable for using mana. The vessel is totally broken and mana keeps on leaking out."

The way to evaluate someone by injecting mana inside them was very simple. The vessel was referred to the body of the person and the mana contained inside the vessel traveled in a distinct path that would later be connected in their heart which would purify and absorb the mana.

But in Auden's case, the body was totally unsuitable for using mana.

"Your body is even worse than that of normal low class. At least, they can absorb some amount of mana but your body keeps on leaking it and from what I injected, ninety-nine percent of my mana didn't even enter your body. If that amount of mana had entered then you might as well have died just from the pain." Est said.

"So, his body isn't suitable. Then do you think what you saw back was a mistake?" Principal Mark asked.

"No, I don't think so," Est replied as he looked at the principal, "Sir, can you just examine himself that if he has an inborn ability?"

"I guess I can do it." Principal Mark said as he moved forward and just gently gazed at Auden.

Gentle though the gaze was, the pale yellow vicious eyes made Auden feel uncomfortable and soon he felt a chill run down his spine. He felt as if he was totally naked in front of those eyes and nothing could be hidden from it. His heartbeat, his blood pressure, and his very being were seen through by the old principal.

After staring at Auden for about ten seconds, the principal blinked as a sigh left his mouth, "At the end of the day, he's but another trash who just got lucky."

Shooting an angry glance at Est, Principal said as he walked out of the room, "Next time, don't call me on a whim without solid evidence or remember that someone else can replace you."

"What...? He is trash?" Est was dumbfounded but he couldn't believe it. If he was trash then how was he able to take down multiple talents at the same time? He couldn't believe it...he didn't want to believe it.

He then in anger grabbed Auden by his collar and lifted him up to his head, "Kid, just show the skill or what ability you used in that duel or the consequences won't be that great."

"I...I don't know what Mr.Cool might be talking of." Auden hesitantly said.

"You don't know? Are you saying that I'm blind? Just show the damn skill..." Est rose his arm in the air to punch Auden when his hand was stopped midway.

Looking at his side, Est looked at W and said with a tone completely different from when he had first introduced himself, "Let go of my arm, I'm talking to this trash."

"This ain't your surveillance room, idiot. It's my hospital." Doc. W said solemnly.

"And what were you going to talk with your fist? Raising it to harm a person who did nothing to incite your ire, how much are you going to fall?"

"This kid refuses to answer my question and that's enough to trigger me," Est said.

"As I told you, let go of that kid. It wasn't him who went to you to reevaluate himself. It was you who came to him and disturbed him on his rest time. The principal realized that so he left without saying anything but you...what gives you the right?" W said,

"And what if he doesn't want to tell you? It is his choice. As his doctor, I say that he is suffering from amnesia, and he doesn't know anything about that...so you want to try me as well?"

"Tsk..." Est clicked his tongue and pushed Auden back. Forcefully pulling his hand out of W's grip, Est walked out of the room in anger.

Auden couldn't even grasp how fast the situation changed. It was an unexpected turn of the event he didn't think would happen. Fixing his collar, he looked at W and said,

"Thank you!"

"It no problem. If he ever gives you a hard time then you can say it to me." W said,

"And, if that idiot said something about me after I left the room then just forget about it because he just spews trashes."

"Actually, in the past, he was my slave."

'These guys never leave the chance of belittling each other, do they?' Auden thought as he listened to W.