11 New Features

Name:CATMAN Author:DizzyIdea

Name: Auden Frost(CatMan)

Race: Human

Level:3 Level up 99.6%


HP: 98/100

Title: Bully Beater

*Not evolved.

Required for evolution (446/5000) CP.



-Indiscriminate Claws(Passive)

-Allure (LV.1)(Passive)



Strength: 12

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 51

Sense: 21

Luck: 11

*Attribute Points: 0


Innate skill (Cat Form)

-Keen senses(Passive)

-Night Vision (Passive)

*Requires higher level to unlock

*Requires higher level to unlock

*Requires higher level to unlock

He had decided to look onto his status since the doctor had left him alone saying that he was going out on a date. With no eyes looking at him, he was free to finally check out new features of the system.

What caught his eyes on the system right after he looked into his status as the new vision of the system. It was becoming more and more game-like.

He now had HP which indicated his life force, he had fatigue, and more importantly, there were also attribute points and level up, which he hadn't seen before.

He then out of curiosity asked, "Do attribute points act as the points in video games which upon allocating on any attribute will strengthen the attribute?"


[Host has guessed correctly. It is indeed the case.]

"Then what about level up and level indication on the skill?" Auden asked curiously.

[System is glad that the host asked about it. Previously the system didn't have any indication to let the host know about his leveling up, so after the upgrade system added it. Also, the level indicated on the skill means that the skill could be improved even further. Basic Skills can be leveled up to level 5 whereas Advanced Skills can be leveled up to 15.]

"And what are the new features except them?"


[System wants the host to find for himself.]

What...? What was that? Is it just my imagination or did the system just tried speaking like a normal human? But it seemed that the system wasn't just going to reveal it, so he searched so hard looking at the screen and finally saw a new icon beside mail, but it was strange than other icons.

"Why is the new icon have a small lock on it?" He asked himself curiously glancing at the screen. "Is it because my level doesn't match to unlock the feature?"

As he slid his eyes from upper right, he saw many icons that were unknown to him and there were locks on them as well. Curiously, he touched at one of the icons and suddenly a new window popped up which made his lean back in surprise.

What the heck is this...?

[Inventory is currently locked. To unlock the function, the host will have to use CP.]

[Does the host wants to unlock 'Inventory'?]

"Inventory? Like personal storage for items?" He held his chin and pondered as it was cool to have one and it could come in handy in many ways but the word CP made his heartache.

With a heavy heart, he asked anyway, "How many CP do I need to unlock the function?"

He still wanted CP to buy new skill so if it was too much to unlock inventory, he would just say goodbye to the idea.

[System assures host that the Inventory isn't too costly. The host can either unlock it at 10 CP or 100 CP.]

10 CP or 100 CP? Auden was confused as to why the same feature had two different prices. If he were to choose to unlock it then he would definitely use 10 CP but he was also curious about different prices.

"Why the different prices for the same feature?"

[The prices were adjusted after the system upgraded and also new features were added like; Trial and Premium. The first price is for the host to use the feature for a limited amount of time whereas if the host buys a premium feature then he could use the function permanently. It was adjusted so that the host could use a feature even if he didn't have enough CP to purchase the feature permanently.]

So, basically, even if he didn't have enough CP to purchase a function permanently, he could still use the function temporarily on a time limit as a trial.

"But the CP to purchase a single feature permanently is just too much..." Auden frowned.

[Host is wrong this time. The amounts of features were adjusted by the system with the host's capability in mind which means the system also kept the host's financial situation in mind.]

[System assures you that this is the well-discounted price it could come up with and cannot go any lower and if the host doesn't want to unlock the feature then it is fine as well. But the system reminds host that the prices of the system will rise by a mountain if the host were to miss this offer. The same feature will cost 500 CP one week later and 5000 CP one month later. So, you're not going to get this deal if you don't purchase now.]

Now he was sure of it.

'This system has become more and more human-like. Right now, it just acted as a perfect corrupted salesman.'

Auden didn't want to ask any further. If he said another word then it would only be him trying to bargain with a salesman who wouldn't move from his word.

"I'll just get a trial for the feature," Auden said.


[Noted. Does the host really intends to buy a trial version of the feature 'Inventory ' for 200 CP?]

"What? 200 CP? Wasn't it just 10 CP?"

[It was but the offer is now over and trial version now costs 200 CP. If the host bargains again then it would rise 1000 CP. So, does the host really intend to buy the trial version of the feature for 200 CP or the permanent version for 100 CP?]

'I see... it's just that it's forcing me to buy inventory permanently.' Auden thought, 'But why is it being so pushy about it to the point that it rose the amount of CP for the trial version but not increasing a single CP on permanent one?'

Wanting to know what it was actually up to, he said, "I concede...Unlock the damn feature permanently."

[System thanks to the host for his patronage. The new feature 'Inventory' has been unlocked will inbuilt storage of 10 sq. meters.]

'That's it? It didn't even ask again like the previous time. How much did it want me to unlock the feature permanently?'

Just when he was thinking, there was another ring.


[Achievement 'Buy The First Permanent Feature' completed. Does the host want to claim the reward of 100 CP?]


"So, you just wanted to show me that there are even more changes other than the icons I saw, isn't that right?"

[Affirmation. The system just wanted to let the host know that there are even more features than what the host could see. But now the system has let the host a small clue, the system will not interfere any further. Also if the host finds the system talking like the way right now annoying then he can just turn off the human feature of the system from the settings.]

"So, there was a human feature added as well. No wonder it was answering like a human. Accept the reward."


[Reward has been claimed.]

[CP: 246]

Auden just when he was trying to check out other features after accepting the reward, he halted on his decision when he heard some sounds.

Kachak- Kachak-

Turning his head towards the sound, he saw someone trying to get inside the room through the window like some burglar.

He squinted his eyes to get a better view of the person but since the window was black, he couldn't quite see the face.

The figure suddenly punched the window and made a hole on it from which, she used her hand and unlocked the window entering the room from it.

"Phew~ that was unexpected. It seems like the doc. didn't want anyone to disturb him. But since I broke the window anyway, I should make it quick or else he might catch me."

Scanning the surrounding, she didn't see any Magic lenses or CCTV keeping an eye on her and in haste she locked the door like some criminal trying to hide.

Her attention then shifted to Auden who was looking at her after she finished locking the door, "Hey, do you want to join us?"