Chapter 156 - Reunion (3)


"Sorry, I am late," he said as he went near Michelle and kissed her forehead in front of everyone. Michelle blushed at his actions. "Everyone is looking at us," she said as she buried her head in his chest. He pulled her into his arms as he wrapped his strong arm around her. Michelle felt this guy was a strong man who could protect her. For the first time in her life, she felt safe and secure. And that's all because of this man.  A smile formed on her lips as she gazed at him lovingly. 

"Hi everyone, Let me introduce myself. I am Nicholas. Michelle's boyfriend. In the two and a half years, this is the first time she took me out to meet you all. She was afraid that I would dump her, so she always wanted to hide me from everyone. She agreed to meet me with you all because we are going to get married soon. I hope you all will attend and give your wishes to us." He said with a smile. 

"Don't drink," he said as he turned towards her and took the wine glass from her hands. 

"Why? I wanted to," she said as she tried to snatch her glass back. 

"You will get your periods in another three days. If you drink you may get them ahead with severe cramps. So, no drinking tonight," he said. 

[Wow… he is so handsome.]

[He is tall too. He must be 6'2 feet]

[See, he even remembered his girlfriend's period dates. I am wondering if I should change my boyfriend.] 

[he is considerate.] 

[He got a sexy voice!] 

[I agree with Michelle's words. Indeed her taste got better.] 

[He looks better than Jonas] 

[It's such a slap on Jonas's face.] 

[I wonder what Jonas will do. If it were me, I would have run out in embarrassment] 

Murmurs started in the crowd, Jonas faced darkened at their words and comparison. Indeed, Nicholas was better than him. He has special facial features and is taller than a normal man. He was six feet two inches in height. And he looked intimidating. Jonas gnashed his teeth. He never wanted Michelle to find someone better than him. He felt humiliated. [This woman! I shall get them to break up and make her miserable. Then she will come running to me. Then I will make her my mistress and fuck her! In schooling, to save my face, I didn't sleep with her. If I fail, I will spike her drink!]  with these thoughts he pulled his fiance to the side.

"Did you get that powder?" he asked her as soon he pulled her to the side. 

"I don't know what you are speaking," she said as she crossed her arms against her chest. 

"Bitch! Just say it, do you have it or not? You can fuck that man and I will fuck that woman! After that, I won't say anything about this thing!" Jonas said angrily. 

"If not for your dirty things, do you think I will marry you! Just give it!" he said through his gritted teeth. 

Her eyes shined in greed and lust. "Fine," he said. He went out and tipped a waiter to get the glasses which were cleaned with the powder he gave as he stuffed the thousand dollar bill into his hands. The waiter zipped his mouth and did as he said. 

"Since, Michelle brought her boyfriend for the first time here. I shall toast her," Jonas said as he saw the waiter entering the room. 

"Waiter, please come here," he said. 

Michelle felt weird when she heard Jonas's heartwarming words. She felt something fishy but swallowed her words. [What he could do to you now? Even if something happened Nicholas is beside you.] she thought to herself. 

Nicholas smiled at the woman beside him when he heard her words. A small smile was carved on his face as he looked at her lovingly. 

"Juice for you," he said as he let the waiter hand over the glass to her. 

"Wine for you, Mr," he said as he let the waiter give him the glass. After that, he gave another glass to his fiance and he took a glass for himself. 

"A toast for your upcoming marriage," he said with an evil glint in his eyes. 

When Jonas saw Michelle taking a sip of juice. [You will be mine, Michelle. I swear I will make you my mistress after tonight. You will beg me to be your man. And I can fuck you whenever I want. I lost enjoying you for so many years. This is my chance! I tried many ways to get you but you never fell for my trap. This time it won't be the same!] he thought. 

Nicholas, who heard Jonas's words, felt confused. But he felt the reason for his evil thoughts for the drink in his hands. [So, this is your plan, greasy man. No wonder, Sister-in-law is so concerned.] he thought. 

"This is?" Nicholas asked as he pointed at Jonas's fiance. 

"Ms. Reece, my fiance," he said. Reece stretched her hand to shake his hands but Nicholas showed no emotion in shaking hands with her making her feel awkward but the thought of sleeping with him made her feel better. So, she swallowed it. 

"Ms. Reece as in Ms.Reece Davies?" he asked as if he needed to confirm something as he raised his voice a bit higher grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Yes, Do you know her before?"  Jonas asked. He felt something was off with Reece the moment Nicholas mentioned her surname. He thought that was just an illusion and brushed it off. 

"Nope. They deal with shipping materials for jewelry right?" he said. 

"Yes," Jonas replied. He was sure now that something was fishy with Davies' business. He was hearing rumors about them but he didn't care when he heard they were just rumors. 

"No wonder!" he exclaimed loudly, grabbing the complete attention of everyone. 

"What is it?" Jonas asked again. He didn't care about his image when he asked him. 

"The Davies are going bankrupt soon!" he said, shocking everyone. Reece's face paled at his word as they were true!