Chapter 229 - I Love You, Cyrus


After the long breathtaking kiss… They both panted hard as they rested connected their foreheads. 

Esther took a few seconds to stabilize her breathing. "I love you, Cyrus," she whispered. Her voice was barely audible. 

Her cheeks reddened due to the passion they had earlier. Her chest was rising up and down as she tried to stabilize her breathing. She was still leaning on him as she tried to snuggle closer to her. 

Cyrus turned into a stone when he heard her saying I love you. For a second he thought he was dreaming but again he realized it was real. Cyrus wanted to know whether she was pranking or saying. Wait… She wasn't pranking. Was she serious? 


She was giving him heart attacks like this! 

"Esther…." he called out. 

"Hmm…" she responded. 

"Could you repeat it?" he asked. 

Esther lifted her head and looked into his eyes while cupping his face with her two arms. "I love you, Cyrus," she said, turning him into a rock. She didn't expect him to have such a huge reaction. He was the king of Basilisk and the CEO of Vritra groups. He has many merits but never thought that he would turn like this with her confession. 

Esther thought a lot about things. Esther wanted to think about herself and Cyrus from the night they almost made out. But this man was seducing her. Even when she was doing exercise he was seducing her. That's why she threw him out. That day, she realized she likes him. But she was not ready to accept him.

She needed time to think and to accept her feelings. That's why she ran away from him. But now…. She realized she likes him more than she thought. Esther knew she needed to tell him about her thoughts. But she was too afraid to tell him. She was afraid to lose the man she loves. Esther needs to think about herself and her feelings for him. She needs to think about herself and Cyrus. She needs to think about both of them together. When she thought about everything, Esther realized she was hurting herself and him at the same time in the name of taking time. After thinking a while... She decided to confess her feelings. She was feeling nervous about saying her feelings to him. But she has to do that. If not she might lose him. Maybe it's true that the thing she had on Arthur was an obsession. She already missed so many years with him. She doesn't want to lose them anymore. Esther decided to propose to him after reaching home. She even made many arrangements in their home. But after the passionate kiss, they shared she blurted out. Her heart was thumping against her ribcage as she waited for his answer. She chewed her lower lip as she waited for his answer in anticipation. Esther could feel her hands were shaking. She gripped his shirt tight anxiously.

"Are you serious?" he asked. He was still shocked. She just told him he loves him. And he did not expect it at all. But somehow he was happy that she loved him. He knew she was not pranking him. She was serious. She loves him. Esther loves him. 

"Yes, I'm serious. I love you, Cyrus," she said. She sounded so serious. Esther was looking at him with her big brown eyes. 

Cyrus embraced her tightly. He could feel her nervous body. Suddenly he breaks the kiss and looks at her, "I love you too," he said, making her breathe properly. Esther didn't notice that she was holding her breath from the time she confessed to him.

"I love youuuuuu...." she dragged her words as she looked at him with a smile.

"I love you," he responded to her.

"Hehe..." she giggled.

"You are mine," she said.

"I am yours," he replied.

"Mine..." she said again to him.

"Yours," he replied to her.

Esther looked like a silly girl doing all these childish things. But he liked her doing these. He loved the way she said he was hers and how he only belonged to her. Cyrus wanted to kiss her like there was no tomorrow. He felt so happy that he could feel his chest loosening up.

"I wanted to shout and say 'You are mine' " She said as she opened her arms and acted dramatically like a drama queen.

"But here there is only my family," she said.

"Esther doesn't tell me you are drunk," Cyrus asked suddenly.

"I didn't drink," she said as she blinked at him cutely.

"You are different today," he said as he pinched her nose.

"Yes!" she declared loudly as she looked at the night sky.

"Why?" he asked amusedly.

"Because... I am your wife!" she said as she giggled.

"twirl me," Esther asked like a kid. Cyrus did as she asked. She laughed like a kid. Cyrus had a genuine smile on his face as he looked at her. After a while, he stopped twirling her around. He carried her to the stone bench and made her sit on it.

Cyrus bent on his knees in front of her, taking her by surprise. "I was waiting for you to accept me wholeheartedly. I saved this ring a long time ago just to give you. For the past two hundred years, I saved this for you. Now you are back. Since you became my wife, I want you to take it. If you take it then you have to take it as the wife of Bhairava, the king of Basilisk but not as the wife of Cyrus's Vritra," Cyrus said as he looked at her.

Esther thought she was the only one who had to confess but never thought he would confess to her too. She smiled and hugged his neck. She extended her hand for him to put on the ring on her finger. Cyrus smiled at her. This would be the most memorable day in his life. He put on the ring on her finger with a smile.

Esther admired the ring on her hand as she felt bliss. The ring was nothing heavy, it had very minute designs on the ring holder. And there was a big white diamond fixed in the middle of the ring. She lifted her head and kissed him hard on his lips, taking him by surprise.


Author's Notes: 

Finally... Esther opened up. 

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