The thin and tall human friar just wanted to show off that he was knowledgeable, but he was demolished by Zhang Zhen. Naturally, he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Zhen. However, because Zhang Zhen and Qin Hao stood together, they seemed to have a good relationship, so he just stared at Zhang Zhen and went back to tell other friars loudly.

Zhang Zhen was also very knowledgeable. Seeing that the thin and tall man friar didn't have the same knowledge as him, he obediently stopped talking. However, the thin and tall man friar became more and more disrespectful. Finally, he said that he had killed a silver magic shark. Zhang Zhen was not happy at this time. He shouted to the thin and tall man friar at once, "Isn't it true? Don't you say that the magic shark is a well deserved overlord in the dark sea, and the silver magic shark is comparable to the universe. You were a monk who could kill the silver magic shark. Are you sure you didn't brag?"

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, friars of all ethnic groups naturally laughed openly. Although they were very interested in what the thin and tall friars said, friars of all ethnic groups thought he was bragging, but friars of all ethnic groups were also very sophisticated. Unlike Zhang Zhen, who was green headed and had no scruples, friars of all ethnic groups spoke out loudly. Sure enough, the thin and tall friars listened to Zhang Zhen's words , his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Hum, is it really none of your business? If you're not convinced, let's fight!" the thin and tall Terran Friar's eyes flashed coldly and said coldly to Zhang Zhen.

After hearing this, Zhang Zhen immediately knew that he was in trouble. He had just stepped into the universe, and the other party was a great success in the universe. If he fought, he was really not an opponent. It was obviously impossible to let Zhang Zhen soften to the thin and tall human friars, so he looked at Qin Hao. Of course, Zhang Zhen didn't dare to hope Qin Hao to stand out for him, but only Qin Hao Just come and say a word for him.

Seeing Zhang Zhen looking at Qin Hao, suddenly, everyone on board looked at Qin Hao. Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled gently and said four words, "the oath of heaven."

As soon as these four words were said, Zhang Zhen, the thin and tall human Friar and other friars of all nationalities suddenly woke up. Before they got on the ship, they all made a heaven oath and couldn't fight each other. If they violated each other, they would die. Therefore, after listening to Qin Hao's words, the war between Zhang Zhen and the thin and tall human friar naturally couldn't go on.

This made the skinny and tall friar very angry. Zhang Zhen's eyes were very bad. Zhang Zhen also knew that the skinny and tall friar did not dare to fight him in the dark sea, so he didn't care about the skinny and tall Friar's bad eyes and glared back. Naturally, it made the skinny and tall Friar's face more ugly. A trace of anger was constantly released from him, so he wanted to go back Not bound by the oath of heaven, he wanted to slap Zhang Zhen to death.

"Hum, although we can't do it directly, we can still fight. In this way, if we can meet magic sharks, we will see who killed more magic sharks. How about you, boy?" the thin and tall human friar said to Zhang Zhen after being silent for a long time.

Zhang Zhen obviously hesitated after listening to the thin and tall Terran friar. His strength was much worse than that of the thin and tall Terran friar. He must have lost such a gambling fight, but Zhang Zhen thought about it. It's not so easy for them to encounter the magic shark. Maybe they won't encounter the magic shark on the way. Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen directly shouted, "hum, compare, who's afraid of you."

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, the thin and tall Terran friars stopped talking, while other friars of all nationalities sat down and rested. The dark sea is very vast, and it takes a long time to cross the dark sea. In addition, at the beginning, people thought that the dark sea was a little fresh, but after watching it for a long time, the boundless and endless ocean with evil spirit will naturally be tired 。

In a hurry, half a year has passed. It has been calm for the past six months. However, according to the knowledge of the star map, they have just walked less than half of the dark sea, and there is still a long distance from the other bank of the dark sea. However, people are very glad to sail safely for such a long time. After all, the horror legend about the dark sea is really great More, they are really worried about what trouble they will encounter.

Qin Hao sat on the deck of the giant ship and silently practiced Nirvana Sutra. Since he knew the reason for his failure in syncretism, Qin Hao worked hard to refine his flesh body, but it was too difficult for him to make a greater breakthrough with his current physical state. Qin Hao was very disappointed with his little harvest in the past half a year.

"Elder, are you quenching your body? I didn't expect a strong person like you to quench your body. It's really a shame." Zhang Zhen, sitting next to Qin Hao, saw Qin Hao stop to meditate. Finally he caught the opportunity and immediately chatted with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao listened to Zhang Zhen's words, smiled gently, and then said, "it's just boring. With my current state, it's too difficult to improve the physical state."

"Senior, you can't just practice hard like this. You have to find a way. Haven't you heard that the sea animal meat in the dark sea is very good for quenching, especially the magic shark and dragon whale!" Zhang Zhen said quickly after listening to Qin Hao's words.

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, Qin Hao brightened his eyes and asked Zhang Zhen, "who said this?"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Zhen pointed to the tall and thin human friar sitting in front of him. Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled, and then released his divine knowledge, sent it out to the surrounding waters, looking for the traces of sea animals. Not long later, Qin Hao took back his divine knowledge and said to Zhang Zhen, "get ready, your competition is coming."

"Competition? What competition? Elder, what are you talking about? How can I not understand..." Zhang Zhen was obviously stunned when he heard Qin Hao's words. He said to Qin Hao in doubt. Only half of the words were spoken, Zhang Zhen stopped. Then Zhang Zhen asked Qin Hao loudly, "elder, do you mean the magic shark is coming?"

Zhang Zhen's voice was a little loud. The friars of all nationalities on the giant ship immediately looked at Zhang Zhen's words. After understanding what Zhang Zhen said, they released their divine consciousness and explored one by one. Then the Tauren alien roared, "brothers, get ready. It's really the magic shark."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said that the friars of all ethnic groups on the giant ship have found the trace of the magic shark, but the magic shark is only the most common white magic shark, which is too weak for them friars in the universe, and there are more than ten in total, which is no threat to them, but everyone is still very nervous, because everyone knows that the magic shark lives in groups, These more than ten white magic sharks are just pioneers. There must be a larger group of magic sharks behind them.

So after listening to the words of the Minotaur alien, the friars of all ethnic groups on the giant ship quickly summoned their own world secret treasures and life magic soldiers. They looked nervously at the sea ahead and waited for the emergence of the magic sharks. Soon, the magic sharks with ten feet in length and huge dorsal fins on their backs quickly appeared in the eyes of the public. They were full of magic Qi, He rushed to the huge ship with his mouth open.