The monks of all ethnic groups on the giant ship didn't pay attention to the more than ten white magic sharks who played the vanguard role. When they saw these white magic sharks, they rushed towards the giant ship with their mouths open. The monks of all ethnic groups standing on the bow looked at each other. Then they shot one after another. All kinds of world secrets and divine soldiers were released, and all these white magic sharks were killed in the twinkling of an eye, But such a victory did not excite any friar.

After the bodies of all the white magic sharks were salvaged, the friars of all ethnic groups did not compete. Although we all know that the flesh and blood of the magic shark has a great effect on quenching the body, these lowest level white magic sharks have little effect on them, the friars of all ethnic groups are naturally too lazy to compete. Everyone is worried about the next group of magic sharks, Each one's face was ugly.

"Predecessors, why don't you divide these magic sharks?" Zhang Zhen looked at the monks of all ethnic groups who didn't mean to divide the magic sharks. He quickly asked loudly. You know, he just killed one. Now he's waiting to get the magic shark that belongs to him.

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, the friars of all nationalities shook their heads, and then the Tauren alien said, "these are useless to us. Take them if you want."

Zhang Zhen, the friar on the giant ship, has just stepped into the universe. Other friars are either Xiaocheng in the universe or Dacheng in the universe. Their strength is much stronger than Zhang Zhen. Naturally, they are not interested in competing with Zhang Zhen for these lowest level magic sharks. Zhang Zhen listened to the words of the Minotaur alien race and looked at the friars of other nationalities, I found that other friars of all nationalities didn't care, and finally looked at the thin and tall human friars.

In the presence, that is, the thin and tall Terran friar had a contradiction with Zhang Zhen. If the thin and tall Terran friar did not agree with Zhang Zhen to take away all these magic sharks, Zhang Zhen could not help it, but at this time, the thin and tall Terran Friar's mind was not on those magic sharks at all. At this time, he was looking at the sea area in front with a worried face. He looked nervous and felt Zhang Zhen's eyes, After understanding what was going on, the thin and tall Terran friar waved his hand and said, "if you want to put it away, put it away and don't make trouble here."

Although it was said that there was a conflict with Zhang Zhen six months ago, it was not a big deal. Six months later, the thin and tall human friar was no longer angry, and he had no idea about the original gambling fight. Moreover, even the thin and tall human friar just wanted to find a step down at the beginning, and did not think that there would be a magic shark, Now he is focused on how to deal with the magic sharks that will certainly appear next. Where does he have time to pay attention to Zhang Zhen.

After listening to the thin and tall man Friar's words, Zhang Zhen smiled and put away all the white magic sharks. Seeing this, the thin and tall man friar turned and said to the friars of all nationalities on the giant ship, "Ladies and gentlemen, the presence of these magic sharks proves that there must be a group of magic sharks in this sea area, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. As for how many there will be, it depends on our luck."

After listening to the words of the thin and tall human friars, the faces of the friars of all ethnic groups are a little heavy. They have heard the thin and tall human friars say about the magic shark before. They know that the number of a magic shark group is at least 1000 magic sharks, and there must be a silver magic shark leader, whose strength is comparable to the universe. Moreover, because the magic shark is huge and strong, it is better than the general universe friars in the same realm Much stronger.

Therefore, if the number of magic sharks is small, it means that they are lucky. This trouble is not very big. After all, they have 500 cosmic friars here. There is no problem facing a few silver magic sharks, but once the number of magic sharks is tens of thousands, there will be a golden magic shark leader, and the golden magic shark has the power of powerful people in the world. In the face of such golden magic sharks Magic shark, they can only pray for themselves.

"Senior, come and taste the magic shark meat. If it's delicious, you'll have to get more later." just when everyone was worried, Zhang Zhen took a baked magic shark meat and sent it to Qin Hao.

After listening to Zhang Zhen's words, the friars of all ethnic groups looked back and found that Zhang Zhen had roasted a whole magic shark on the fire, and the attractive aroma was slowly emitting. Suddenly, the friars of all ethnic groups swallowed their saliva, especially the friars of different ethnic groups strode forward and scrambled for the magic shark meat. The Tauren alien tore off a large piece of magic shark meat and shouted, "Don't be stunned. Come and eat quickly. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Maybe we're lucky. The magic sharks in front are not very big."

After listening to the words of the Minotaur alien, the thin and tall Terran friars and some other Terran friars with a worried face nodded. Indeed, it's no use for them to worry any more. They might as well eat and drink first. As for how many magic sharks they will encounter, they have to obey their fate.

Qin Hao looked at the magic shark meat handed over by Zhang Zhen, reached out and took it. He ate it in a big bite. Not to mention, the magic shark meat was really good. Although it was roasted by fire, it was very fresh and tender. It was almost ready to melt in the mouth, but it was just a desire to eat. Qin Hao was more concerned about whether the magic shark meat really had the effect of quenching the body, so he ate it at the same time While carefully exploring the situation in the body.

When the magic shark meat entered the belly, Qin Hao felt that the magic shark meat turned into a trace of energy and drilled into his limbs and bones. However, Qin Hao's flesh was too strong. Although these energies really had some body quenching effect, they were not very strong, but Qin Hao felt very satisfied. After all, this is the lowest magic shark. If you change the silver magic shark and the golden magic shark, the effect would be better Qiang, this makes Qin Hao look forward to more silver magic sharks and golden magic sharks.

Although Qin Hao's chaotic divine body only has the perfect realm of the universe, it has no less divine power than the friars who have just stepped into the Hedao realm. Moreover, even if Qin Hao is defeated by himself, there is still the Tianmen of creation. Qin Hao doesn't know how much power the Tianmen of creation has. Anyway, it must be much more terrible than the Hedao realm.

It is not enough for a whole magic shark meat to be divided up by 500 cosmic friars. Therefore, in the next time, Zhang Zhen acted as a cook and kept barbecue for the people. He was busy getting dizzy, but the people who were eating meat and drinking wine did not find that in the sea area in front of the giant ship, huge dorsal fins were rapidly approaching the giant ship.