Chapter 1260

Laneryinsi's voice is full of joy, just like winning the lottery, and I don't know what can make him happy.

Chang Xia said, "do you have something to do? It's just right, because I have something to tell you. I've already figured out how to express myself for you... "

Before he finished speaking, Laner Ince, who is opposite the mobile phone, can't wait. Now he can't help interrupting and saying, "Miss Chang, I've made it. Collier has promised to be my girlfriend."

Chang Xia is stunned, this is the news between caught off guard, for a time she can't react.

After nearly a few seconds, Chang Xia asked back, "what did you say? Did you just say you and Collie were lovers

"Yes, we went out today, and then I tried to express myself to her, and I succeeded." It's full of joy, and lanyerins's voice is jubilant, as if to make the whole world share his happiness.

Chang Xia was really shocked. How could it be that collier so easily agreed to Laner Ince's confession? Immediately Chang Xia thought whether it was a stratagem. Was it a stratagem for collier to play with Laner Ince?

I can't blame Chang Xia for thinking that way. With her experience in dealing with collier, collier is such a person. She thinks about something harmful all the time. Laner Ince is so weak and simple. It's not surprising if she is cheated.

Laneryinsi looks very happy. Although Chang Xia has doubts in her heart, she is still full of blessings: "is that so... You and collier are already together. That's great. I've also found a white book for you. It doesn't seem to be useful."

"Yes, no, I'm already with her." After a pause, Laner Ince said with thanks, "but I've got Miss Chang's heart. Thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, collier and I couldn't have been together."

This makes Chang Xia a little embarrassed. It has nothing to do with her that Laner Ince and collier can be together. Chang Xia didn't do anything. For example, before collier was kidnapped, Chang Xia didn't do anything. It was Laner Ince who bravely went to save the talent to win Collier's favor. It's just that Chang Xia is still wondering if collier will have any intention, because the process is so smooth, a little incredible.

After talking on the phone, Laner Ince also talked about how he dated collier today, and described his current mood as if he was going to heaven. After that, Chang Xia finally hung up. After that, Chang Xia immediately made a phone call to collier to confirm whether some things were true.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. There came a lazy voice.

"Isn't this dear Chang Xia? What can I do for you? "

Listen to corier's voice, Chang Xia almost rolled up her eyes, dare to find her to make her so unhappy? Chang Xia took a breath and asked, "are you with Laner Ince?"


"No... you just agreed to him?"

"What's the matter, Chang Xia? Isn't that what you want? Or do you want me to make trouble for lance one more time? " Collier asked, because she felt that Chang Xia didn't want her to be with Laner ince.

Chang Xia immediately corrected and said, "of course, I don't mean that. I think it's very strange. How can you promise it so readily, and do you really like Laner Ince?"

"You want to know? Meet and talk. " There was a kind of chuckle in Collier's voice, and she asked to meet and chat. She didn't know what she was up to. Just meet and chat, who is afraid of who, so Chang Xia and her about to tomorrow.

At the same time, in a dark alley outside the hotel, there are several shadow people ambush here.

One of the shadow people is watching the hotel building where Chang Xia lives through eyeglasses, and he also says to the walkie talkie: "the target task has been confirmed, all members are ready."

There was a heavy voice in the walkie talkie at this time: "very good. If you find the target, start fighting immediately. You must kill the other party this time."

It happened in the corner outside the hotel, like the ghost of the night.

But really nobody knows? Qi Qian, who is on the 22nd floor of the hotel, is sitting on a circular cotton chair. He has black framed eyes with deep and clear eyes.

Next to Qi Qian, I don't know when Luo Ziwen appeared. He walked slowly and said, "Qian Qian, are you going to take action tonight?"

"Yes, so you'd better stay away from me tonight. Don't hurt me."

Luo Ziwen laughed: "how can this work? There will be something interesting happening tonight. I have to stay and have a look, and maybe you will ask me to help you sometime."

In this regard, Qi Qian just shook his head with a smile, revealing a deep meaning of smile arc.

At night, Celtic city is still prosperous, like a bright pearl inlaid in the night sky. Every corner of the city reveals all kinds of life. Some of them are intoxicated with red lights and green wine. Some of them are miserable and sad. Of course, there is also a warm and warm side. For example, in the hotel now, several people in Changxia are going out to go shopping.

Bilis changed into a fashionable red and white striped skirt, and put on a pure lace top to show her charming and sexy“ Well, you beautiful girls, are you ready? Today is Celtic's annual reception. We're going to have a good time Y people like to drink, especially red wine, so many world famous brands of red wine are produced here. Celtic city is also known as the capital of wine, which means that people in this city like drinking very much. Today is Celtic's big day. It's hosted by the government and various social organizations. As long as people of the right age can participate, most of the people who participate in the reception are young people, between the ages of 20 and 30. Bilis is undoubtedly the happiest person today. His favorite is the lively parties and organizations. After hearing about this reception, he spent an afternoon encouraging Chang Xia and Hua Xiaoling to participate. Chang Xia thought that she hadn't been out for some time. Besides, Bilis was so enthusiastic, and Wenna Yiner didn't object to it, so the four girls said they wanted to go out. Luo Ziwen seemed to know that there was a party, but he said he wanted to follow him. Luo Ziwen comes over and makes Chang Xia feel strange. Does the relationship between him and wena Yiner become so clear and natural? It was as if his temporary break-up with winner had never happened.