Chapter 1261

Originally, Chang Xia thought it would be awkward for them to meet each other. Unfortunately, it turned out that they were not like this. They seemed to be real friends, and they would greet each other and even chat.

The crowd on the street is surging, just like the tide on the beach. The shop signs on the street are flashing with neon lights, and the voices of people whispering can be heard everywhere.

Luo Ziwen and Wenner Yiner walked in front. They talked about the interesting content of Y country from time to time. For example, Luo Ziwen was explaining the origin of Celtic reception to her. This cocktail party was first initiated by the local mayor 100 years ago. Because of its great influence and large scale, every mayor will take the lead in holding the cocktail party. Finally, it has become the tradition of Celtic city. Every year, a cocktail party will be held to let the young people in the city have a carnival.

Of course, it's not all young people who attend the reception. Some middle-aged and old people will also attend the reception. It's just that the majority of them are young people. Why does this happen? Or is it because there is a legend about wine fair.

One hundred years ago, the ideology of state y was not very open, and it was easy to be influenced by family background, especially the marriage between aristocrats and ordinary people had strict boundaries. Ordinary people and aristocrats can not be combined, but also become a consensus.

The reception is an activity that everyone can participate in. There is a young man and woman secretly fall in love, but because the man was born in aristocracy, the woman is ordinary people, so their love is blocked by their parents. Later, the young couple thought of many ways and came to a conclusion that they eloped. Unfortunately, the man was under the care of his family and was not allowed to go out. Therefore, the two sides decided to elope at the reception through letter meeting.

The first reception was held ceremoniously. After meeting in the reception, men and women fled while there were many people and confusion. The father's parents learned that their son was missing, and they made a scene at the party and sent people to look for him. Those who participated in the reception learned that not only did they not help to find both men and women, but they even hindered noble parents from doing so.

After that, the little couple naturally got a happy life. The Celtic cocktail party has become an eternal talk, praised by later generations.

Luo Ziwen was walking in front of the crowd and talking.

When Wenna Yiner listened to Luo Ziwen's words, her face was full of sweet smile, her eyes were twinkling and her love was deep, which made others feel moved.

In the back of Chang Xia also heard this story, Luo Ziwen said this story, but often Xia heard other meaning.

In the reception, the noble man loves the common woman. They put aside the common opinion, and the people who love each other should be together. Even if the family pressure hinders them, they are determined. Isn't this story, to some extent, a reflection of the two people themselves?

Chang Xia is thinking, and I don't know if Wenna Yiner has heard this story. Luo Ziwen is using this story to express himself in another form. It can also be seen that Luo Ziwen is sincere to wena Yiner. At least this Playboy is not a real playboy this time.

Walking on the street, Bilis stepped on a pair of high-heeled shoes and looked around with her eyes. She was always very excited. At this time, she took Chang Xia's hand and pointed to several handsome blondes on the opposite side.

"Xiao Xia, you see, those handsome guys are laughing at us. Ha ha, do you think they like me?"

Beatrice's head is full of handsome guys. In fact, there are several handsome guys in the crowd. After all, Beatrice is also a beautiful woman. She has a high rate of turning around when she walks on the street.

Compared with the lightness of Bilis, Hua Xiaoling is a little bit out of place tonight. Everyone is out to have a good time, but she looks a little nervous, as if facing the enemy, and her body is tight. Moreover, Chang Xia also noticed that Hua Xiaoling was wearing a kind of black tights suitable for sports. She seldom saw her wear this kind of clothes, unless she was performing a bodyguard task.

Realizing the particularity of huaxiaoling today, Chang Xia asked, "Xiaoling, do you have anything to hide from me?"

Hua Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be nothing happened, shook his head and said: "no, no..."

Although she said no, Chang Xia read a lot of information from her expression. Hua Xiaoling is an upright and straightforward girl. She is so flustered unless she lies. Other times are normal.

Chang Xia realized that she had something to hide. Chang Xia turned her head and looked at her seriously. She looked at her eyes and said, "I'm serious. We're good sisters. You can't cheat me."

"Xiao Xia... I really don't have it."

Hua Xiaoling still says that, and if she doesn't, Chang Xia can't help her. She can't face her with a knife and force her to speak. With a sigh, Chang Xia can only move on.

At this time, Chang Xia can feel that things have something to do with Qi Qian. This time he went to the Celtic reception. How could he not see such a grand event? On weekdays, even if Chang Xia doesn't go to him, he will take the initiative to follow him, and he will whisper that he is worried about himself and that she might have an accident. Now Qi Qian did not appear, but disappeared.

Chang Xia guesses that Qi Qian should be doing something, which has something to do with himself.

Bilisi is to pull Chang Xia: "Xia, what's the matter with you, the soul out of the body."“ I, I didn't... "Also said no, since come out to play, have fun, forget the unhappy." Hua Xiaoling said very easily and dragged Chang Xia to run in front of him. At this time, along the Celtic business street, along the skirt, bustling, a group of people finally came to the venue, Celtic New Times Square. New Times Square is very open here, and only such a place can have enough space to hold the Kaierte reception attended by ten thousand people. Chang Xia had participated in the reception before, and she had the impression that the reception was very advanced. The men in suits and ties went in and out with beautiful female companions, and the waiters stood around to serve the guests respectfully, with all kinds of wine and food, luxurious lanterns and extraordinary style. Celtic's reception is not so high-grade, the reception is not held in any luxury hotel, but in the open square. The participants were dressed easily and simply, mostly in casual clothes. The whole scene is very lively, like a tribal Festival. Compared with the previous cocktail party, Celtic's cocktail party is too grounded. On the open square, there are many small tents. Outside the tent is a long square table with a lot of wine on it.