For the gun sister who seems to be crazy in front of her, Dong Zhuo looked at her with great interest and then focused on the last hemp. He was curious about what he would look like when he saw himself.

The last piece of clothes for Ma's upper body has been torn & torn into a circle because of the blink of Dong Zhuo just now. At first glance, it looks like an Indian skirt with feathers around his waist.

"You... You..." when Ma looked at Dong Zhuo in horror. What happened just now has even overturned his cognition. How can a superpower be displayed when caught by his fantasy killer?

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong? " Dong Zhuo shook the rags in his hands and asked when Ma was on the last one.

"Nothing... Nothing!" Last time, Ma deeply lowered his head and covered up the shocked expression on his face.

"Hello! I said, "don't ignore me!" Yusaka Meiqin jumped angrily. The electric light on the body is also more and more dazzling, and the sound of crackling thunder is endless.

"You are the super electromagnetic gun, the third gun sister?" Dong Zhuo seems to finally remember the existence of Yuban Meiqin.

"Gun... Gun sister!" Yusaka Meiqin's forehead suddenly appeared one by one, and her teeth were creaking.

Originally, when Ma called her pili pili in the last article, she was very upset. Unexpectedly, a gun sister jumped out of Dong Zhuo's mouth, which was even more collapsing.

"Last time I became a mother, you should get out of here first! Let me try how powerful sister Pao is! " Dong Zhuo waved his hand at will and signaled that he could leave.

For the last pawn, he can't wait to leave now. I thought there was a fantasy killer. Even if I didn't have super powers, I wasn't afraid of anything. But in the face of Dong Zhuo, he really felt small and powerless.

Looking at the last article, when Ma left quickly, Dong Zhuo threw the rags in his hand on the ground and said, "sister Pao, now the people who are in the way have left. Let me see how powerful No.3 in the School Park City is!"

"Another... Another gun sister!" Yusaka Meiqin finally couldn't stand it and stamped his foot. On the riverbank, countless small black particles flew up.

This is formed by using electromagnetic force to collect iron sand within 200 meters.

Countless black iron sands condensed into something like a whip and a sword.

"Apologize to me! Whip of iron sand! " Yuban Meiqin shouted angrily!

There are countless buzzing sounds like dragonflies, bees and other insects dancing their wings. The dark whip suddenly waved and beat Dong Zhuo directly.

"Electromagnetic force!" Dong Zhuo smiled. His force lightning can also manipulate electromagnetic forces.

Seeing the whip of iron sand beating, Dong Zhuo seemed stupid. He didn't move and his eyes drooped as if he hadn't seen all this.

Yusaka Meiqin was surprised, but thinking of Dong Zhuo's strange space ability, he must be able to avoid his own attack. So she didn't keep her hand.

Seeing that the whip of iron sand will be drawn on Dong Zhuo. The iron sand that was still flying suddenly broke with a bang. It was turned into fine iron sand again, and the void was suspended around Dong Zhuo.

"This... How is this possible?" Sister Pao was surprised and asked, "aren't you a space capable person? How can you have the ability of electronic control? "

As a superpower in the electronic control department, Yuban Meiqin, one of the only seven LV5 in Xueyuan City, is 100% sure that his iron sand just collapsed under the influence of the same electromagnetic force, and was controlled by Dong Zhuo!

"Who told you that those with space ability can't use the super power of the electrical system?" Dong Zhuo chuckled, but said something that broke the conventional cognition of Yuban Meiqin.

"Ha!" Yusaka Meiqin drank softly, quickly put the tangle in his mind aside, and said excitedly, "let's have a duel in the electronics department!"

In the whole campus city, she must be the most powerful person in the electronics department. Although Mai Ye Shenli's ability is also a branch of the electronics department because of the atomic collapse of LV5, her ability is full-time destruction, which is very different from yusaka Meiqin.

"Sister Pao, don't you think it's too much to bully an ordinary superpower as a superpower of LV5?" Dong Zhuo asked faintly.

"What's too much? We're just dueling!" Yusaka Meiqin said indifferently.

That's why Dong Zhuo doesn't adore her. It's too self righteous. And always give others trouble.

"Really?" Dong Zhuo shook his head and said with a smile, "well, come on!"

"Be careful!" Sister Pao finally took it seriously and took out a game coin from her pocket.

Seeing this action, Dong Zhuo immediately guessed her plan. Impressively, I'm ready to use my unique skill, super electromagnetic gun!

This move is absolutely powerful, but in front of Dong Zhuo, it seems that it is not enough.

"Super electromagnetic gun!" Yusaka Meiqin clamped the game currency on his thumb, with electric light shining and thunder all over his body.

With a bang, the game currency almost turned into a streamer and flew straight towards Dong Zhuo.

This seemingly shocking trick didn't get any effect in the face of Dong Zhuo.

Because of the distance from the air, the game currency that began to melt suddenly stopped at a distance of less than one meter in front of Dong Zhuo. Slowly cool down.

"This......" Yuban Meiqin's brain is going to crash. No one has ever defended her super electromagnetic gun with such a strange means. Even yusaka Meiqin himself has no ability to forcibly use electromagnetic force to stop the super electromagnetic gun that has been launched. Obviously, Dong Zhuoguang's ability to be an electrical system has surpassed her!

"It seems that your super electromagnetic gun is just like this!" Dong Zhuo smiled with a contemptuous expression and said, "what other tricks do you have? Continue to show them. Let me see!"

Yusaka Meiqin felt that her dignity had been seriously provoked and jumped in place. Gnashing his teeth, he said, "OK! Then let me show you what my real trick looks like! "

As soon as the voice fell, her hands were suddenly raised above her head, and countless dazzling high-voltage currents flickered between her palms. The shrill whistling continued. Under the influence of static electricity, Yuban Meiqin's hair stood up one by one. At first glance, it seems that Xiao Li has the feeling of opening the eight gates to escape.

At the same time, a dull rumble came from the sky. Large clouds began to gather.

Dong Zhuo looked up at the sky and decisively understood Yuban Meiqin's mind. This must be her last trick. Is it really thunder?

By gathering thunder clouds, lightning strikes fall from the sky, and the output current also reaches one billion volts. And this move is still a wide-ranging attack. The scene is spectacular. At first glance, it looks like a thunderstorm. This is as like as two peas in the red alert.

Dong Zhuoke didn't stand here and let the thunder chop. He raised his right hand like a sample, and the thunder light shone between his five fingers.

In an instant, he began to compete with yusaka Meiqin for control of Lei Yun in the sky.

In the end, it is much more powerful than yusaka Meiqin in terms of hard strength. In less than a moment, the thunder clouds in the sky fell under Dong Zhuo's control.

"Sister Pao, it looks like you lost!" Dong Zhuo said to Yuban Meiqin while controlling countless shining thunder in the sky.

"I......" Yuban Meiqin was completely speechless. His unique skill, which he was proud of, was taken away from the right side less than a moment ago. How else?

"Admit defeat?" Dong Zhuo asked again.

Aojiao gun deserved its name. Yuban Meiqin gritted his teeth and said, "I won't admit defeat!"

"Really?" Dong Zhuo sneered and shook the five fingers of his right hand.


The thunder pillar that connected the sky and the earth crashed and fell, and split around Yuban Meiqin in an instant, but it didn't really hurt her.

On the contrary, on the water surface in the river embankment, countless fish killed by corona turned their bellies and floated on the wate