"Here you are!" It seems that Luo Hao doesn't look back when he feels Dong Zhuo's arrival. Su holds the green bamboo fishing rod lightly and stares at the calm water without blinking.

Dong Zhuo let go of Shaye without saying a word, strode to Luo Hao, stretched out his hand and held Luo Hao in his arms“ With your strength, how can you get hurt? "

Although I was very dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo's rude behavior, when I saw Dong Zhuo's caring eyes, this dissatisfaction immediately dissipated.

He struggled twice, but it didn't work. Luo Hao sighed faintly“ It's just not as skilled as a man! Although I thought I had reached the peak of martial arts. But I didn't expect that this second world gave me such a big blow! "

Looking at Luo Hao in his arms, this is a very different performance from the past. In Dong Zhuo's eyes, the opportunity is even better“ This is not Luo Hao I know! Are you so depressed? "

"Depressed?" As if he had been greatly insulted, Luo Hao suddenly opened his almond eyes. Dissatisfied: "I'm Luo Hao!! Just a blow, how can it make me depressed. Just hurt now. When my injury recovers, I will catch all the thieves who besiege me! "

A trace of awe inspiring arrogance that made the man look ashamed burst out of Luo Hao's Miaoman's body.

Dong Zhuo suddenly showed a smile. Luo Hao is Luo Hao! Even if she is defeated once, she is still the leader of the five prison holy church that has shocked the East for 200 years! The Jiangnan martial arts king who claims to be the peak of Junlin martial arts!

"How..." Mei Mou glanced at Dong Zhuo with Pan Shenghui, and Su hand gently pushed Dong Zhuo's shoulder. Luo Hao said slightly bitterly: "do you want to see my depression. Become your plaything? "

"Ha ha..." Dong Zhuo shook his head with a happy smile. The evil spirit approached Luo Hao's mellow earlobe, "of course not. You are different from those women. I will make you willing! "

After seeing the vastness of the world, Luo Hao knew that she could not escape Dong Zhuo's clutches. However, what Dong Zhuo has been doing makes her particularly satisfied.

After all, Dong Zhuo never bullied and wanted to force himself with absolute strength. On the contrary, they are extremely tolerant of themselves.

Luo Hao is also a woman. Dong Zhuo's respect and different attitude towards her from others made her heart sweet.

"Really? Then you have to work harder! " Luo Hao responded without salt.

"All right! Tell me, who hurt you! " A trace of evil spirit diffused from Dong Zhuo.

"No! I will avenge myself! " Luo Hao shook his head gently.

"I know you have your own pride!" With a slight sigh, Dong Zhuo said, "my strength has reached the bottleneck recently. Pure destructive power is no longer my pursuit. What I need is the perception of life. When you take revenge, let me go with you and relax. Just experience the style of different worlds! "

Knowing Dong Zhuo's words, he still wanted to avenge himself. However, Dong Zhuo and other arrogant and overbearing people can say such words. Luo Hao understands that this is already the limit. If you refuse again, you will be somewhat spoiled and arrogant.

"All right!" Nodded, Luo Hao told him reluctantly, "but you must remember that I will avenge myself this time! Please don't interfere! "

With a noncommittal smile, Dong Zhuo turned and said, "now can you tell me who hurt you?"

His eyes shrunk slightly, and Luo Hao's tone was slowly filled with resentment. He said angrily, "those damn thieves are bald. Unexpectedly, I secretly summoned a large number of people to attack me! There is even a shameless guy who calls himself a master! If I fight alone, how can I be hurt by them! "

"Thief bald? Master? " Dong Zhuo's mind inexplicably emerged the name of a world“ The master in your mouth is called Ning dodge? "

In Dong Zhuo's cognition, it seems that don't force your face. There is only one Ning dodge who helps Buddhism.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you!" Luo Hao confirmed Dong Zhuo's guess. He said: "this time I must let those thieves know the end of offending Luo Hao! In that world, there will be no need for Buddhism in the future! "

Datang Shuanglong!! right enough! Dong Zhuo couldn't help brightening up. This world is a world that attaches great importance to the cultivation of martial arts spirit. Maybe you can give Dong Zhuo some reference. Of course, the world's sister is also another incentive.

After saying goodbye to Luo Hao, Dong Zhuo took Shaye back to the top floor of the nine story pagoda.

Originally, Dong Zhuo intended to heal Luo Hao. Unfortunately, Luo Hao refused Dong Zhuo's proposal. In her words, it was a shame this time. She should bear in mind this lesson. So the injury should recover bit by bit.

"Shaye, how are the others?" After seeing Luo Hao, Dong Zhuo recalled that when he went to the world of demon universities, he had sent a large number of girls to capture many worlds in the long river of the world.

Although there are some worlds with weak power levels, there are even some ordinary worlds without any supernatural power. However, after such a long time, in addition to Luo Hao's achievements in the martial arts world, there was no news from Lu Xiu's Bee eating prayer and ye Cang in the bamboo knife girl world.

"People don't know!" Shaye shook his head. "They haven't contacted us since dad sent them away!"

"Really?" A fierce light flashed from Dong Zhuo's eyes.

Careful Dong Zhuo has begun to doubt whether those girls have betrayed themselves. The talisman of life and death was specially created by Dong Zhuo to control many girls around him. Even if they die in other worlds, they can still be resurrected in eternal bliss.

According to the calculation of time, the life and death talisman with the effect of collection law should have completed the strategy of those worlds long ago. Those girls should have come back long ago.

"It seems that I should visit those worlds!" There was a sneer on his face. Dong Zhuo whispered: "for such a long time, no one died, but no one came back. It seems that some people have a mind they shouldn't have!! "

A few days later. Luo Hao's injury has healed.

In the hall on the top floor of the nine story pagoda.

"Dad, I'm going too!" Shaye grabbed Dong Zhuo's clothes tightly with his small hand and sold Meng.

Reaching out and touching the soft back of Shaye's head, Dong Zhuo hesitated. Said, "all right!"

In the world of Datang Shuanglong, Luo Haodu has occupied half of the south of the Yangtze River. In the past, Dong Zhuo was just beating soy sauce. Take Shaye as a tourist distraction.

Endless starlight emerged from the void. The swirling Star River whirlpool soon converged into a bright gate.

With a squeak, the door of truth with endless mysterious breath opened slowly.

Through the gate, you can vaguely see that on the other side of the gate is a magnificent building with a large area. There are faint signs of the Imperial City