Bamboo knife girl world, Shijiang high school, Kendo department.

"Mr. Ye Cang, can I ask for leave today?" A lovely girl, about 1.5 meters tall, with supple ear length short hair and Crystal Purple eyes, bowed expressionless to Ye Cang in a Kendo suit.

"Ask for leave?" Putting down the bamboo knife in his hand, ye Cang looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously and said, "Xiaozhu, why do you ask for leave? Have you met anything?"

"Because I'm going to work!" Simple and naive Kawabata Zhuji, impressively told the truth.

A distressed pat on the forehead, ye Cang shook his head“ I'm sorry. Little bead. You should know that the school does not allow students to work! So I can't accept your reason! "

"Oh!" I don't know if I really understand Ye Cang's words, Chuan tianzhuji nodded. He untied his heavy Kendo protector and said, "can I quit the Kendo department?"

There was a sudden silence in the Kendo department, which had a very neat sound of killing.

"No!!" Chiba Ji Linai, a sunny girl with brilliant blond hair, screamed and rushed to Kawabata Joji. She hugged Kawabata Joji's calf and cried: "don't quit the Kendo department, Xiaozhu. You are the main force of our club! The game will begin soon. If you quit, we won't even have enough people to compete!! "

In the face of Chiba Ji Linai's plea, Kawabata Zhuji looked at her blankly and said, "but I'm going to work!"

Ye Cang smiled bitterly“ ok Xiaozhu, can you tell me why you want to work? "

Yecang's question raised Miyazaki's heart when he rested. In her heart, she was very upset. She knew that chuantianzhuji was so unreliable. How could she let chuantianzhuji mention her own work.

Yes, Kawabata's reason for going to work is entirely to help Miyazaki.

Subconsciously looked at Miyazaki, and Kawabata shook her head“ I'm sorry, Mr. yecang. I can't say! "

"You're embarrassing the teacher!" Ye Cang was quite helpless.

"Mr. yecang!" As soon as sangyuan's eyes brightened, he pulled Ye Cang aside and whispered, "why don't you promise chuantian this time. As long as you don't say, who will know? Right? Besides, Kawabata Joji is the main force of our Kendo department! If you really let her leave, we won't want to compete this time! "

Quite helpless, he took a look at sang yuan's sheath, and ye Cang was silent for a moment. Then he said, "OK. Only once! However, I don't want other department members to have such a situation as chuantian Zhuji. "

"Long live Mr. yecang!" Hearing Ye Cang finally let go, the other members cheered.

When the Department members vented their excitement, ye Cang clapped his hands and Lang said, "OK. That's all for today's training! Everyone can go home! Sang yuan and Chiba stayed to clean up! "

At night, in a typical Japanese building, yecang stood on the balcony on the second floor with his arms supporting the railing. Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, her heart couldn't help but hesitate.

"Alas! It's been three years. For him, perhaps the world has become something in his pocket? " There was an inexplicable expression on his face. Yecang shook his head“ There are no ninjas in this. It's good to live like this in a world without killing, killing and conspiracy! But I don't know how long this peace can last? "

When ye Cang had the idea of living a plain life.

Rebellious Lucius world, Ashford college, student union.

Long blond hair spread lazily, and a pair of star eyes different from normal people leaned out of the window. Staring at the stone road leading to the school gate.

On the flagstone Road, one high and one low, two teenagers are walking side by side towards the school gate.

The shorter boy is Lolo Lampe, the famous rag man in the second dimension. The higher nature needless to say, is the protagonist of the world, Lu Xiu with the incarnation of zero.

But now Lu Lu Xiu has forgotten his identity. Even as a famous sister, he has forgotten that he has no brother. Brother and only one sister.

Yes, the time period of bee eating prayer is the second book of Lu Xiu.

"Come on, come on. You are really persistent! " When the curtain fell, the Bee Eater turned around and looked at the green haired girl who didn't know when to appear in the room.

He sat gracefully in a chair, his elbows with white gauze gloves on the table, his chin supported by his hands, and the Bee Eater prayed and said with a smile: "C.C, haven't you given up?"

"Bee eating exercises and prayers!" C. C bit his teeth. He said reluctantly, "I believe Lu Xiu will succeed!"

"Ah!" The mouth sent out an obvious masochistic laughter. The bee eating Cao prayed and pointed his hand at his chin and said playfully, "it's really arrogant self-confidence!"

"Hum!" C. C snorted angrily. The same merciless way: "do you think it's safe to hide in this world?"

The smile on his face suddenly solidified. The bee eating exercise prayed and waved his hand quickly. It didn't matter: "I almost forgot that you saw my memory last time in C world!"

After a pause, the bee eating Cao prayed suddenly, "from my memory, you should know how terrible he is! If he had come to this world himself, I might have been punished by him. But you will also fall into his hands! "

"It's just each other!" C. C did not show weakness: "for the enemy, people often hate the traitor more. Isn't it? "

"I'm not a traitor!" The Bee Eater prayed and stretched out his index finger, shook it, and said in a distressed tone: "I just didn't expect that after signing the contract with you, because of the super ability, people would bind to the C world. Even because of the C world, when Geass is turned on, the super ability will reach the level of lv6."

"Are you showing off?" C. C clenched his teeth and obviously hated the bee eating exercise, which was like showing off.

In fact, C. C regretted it the first time he signed a contract with bee eating Cao Qi!

Who would have thought that bee eating Cao Qi was a guy with super power! This unscientific situation made C. C suffer a great loss after signing a contract with bee eating Cao Qi.

Their consciousness was dragged into the C world at the first time when they signed the contract. What's more terrible is that the super ability of bee eating and praying can work on themselves who have code! Although it has been weakened to a great extent, it is enough to make C.C fear it.

Especially with the blessing of C world, the super ability of bee eating and praying has reached the level of lv6, reaching the field of God with a non divine body! It is enough to subvert and tamper with the cognition of everyone in the world.

If it were not for the existence of C.C and v.v, the two owners of code, saying that they can't eat bees, praying would really occupy the world.

"People are just trapped here by C world!" As he spoke, the bee eating exercise prayed and snickered.

"But you're content with the status quo, aren't you?!" C. C directly interrupted the prayer of bee eating exercises.

"Who knows?" The Bee Eater stood up, walked towards the door and said, "I'm just looking for a way out of trouble!"

"Wait!" C. C loudly stopped the bees from praying to leave. Extremely dignified way: "don't you want to try to get out of this guy's control?"

I was shocked to see the expression of bees praying.

C. Seeing this, C immediately hit the railway while it was hot: "maybe we should cooperate. I believe with our help, Lu Xiu will be able to... "

"Just him?" Bee eaters skim their mouths with disdain“ Don't be paranoid. You don't understand his power! Enjoy the last peace while he is not coming! "

As soon as the voice fell, the Bee Eater strode out of the room.

The door slammed shut with a bang.

C. C sat down powerlessly in his chair and muttered, "is that guy really invincible?"

Recalling what he saw in the bee eating exercise, C. C suddenly stood up“ no Whether I can succeed or not, I will try! Lucius, don't let me down! "