Dong Zhuo didn't know that his life and death talisman had begun to work.

At least, if there is no sign of life and death, the bee eating prayer must have betrayed. Instead of being so ambivalent as it is now. On the one hand, I want to live a free life, on the other hand, I am afraid of Dong Zhuo's punishment.

I believe that with the passage of time, under the subtle influence of the symbol of life and death, many women's fear of Dong Zhuo will gradually turn into love.

However, there is a great difference between fear and love. The transformation of these two emotions takes time!

Through the starlit door of truth, Dong Zhuo came to a large-scale palace building with his good daughters Shaye and Luohao.

"Is this your palace?" After looking around curiously, Dong Zhuo asked Luo Hao.

"Yes, this is my martial arts King..." Luo Hao's words were not finished. When she saw the plaque on the palace gate, her look suddenly changed“ Damn thief bald, how shameless! "

On the plaque of the palace, there are three big characters, King Qin palace!!

"It seems that you have been occupied!" Seeing Luo Hao's expression, Dong Zhuo knew that this must be Luo Hao's nest.

Unfortunately, the three words of qinwanggong have been indicated. During Luo Hao's return to the eternal blessed land for healing, this place has been occupied by Li valve supported by Buddhism. But also became the of Li Shimin!

"Despicable!!" Luo Hao's face was gloomy and terrible!

"Can I help you?" Dong Zhuo asked funny. Because of Luo Hao's previous strategy, more than 70% of the world's laws have been pocketed by Dong Zhuo. I believe it won't be long before he can pack the whole Datang Shuanglong world away.

"No! I want to repay the shame that those thieves have given me! " Biting his teeth, Luo Hao strode up the steps, leaped several times, flew into the air in front of the plaque at the gate, and waved his green white hand fiercely.

A cold palm wind clapped on the plaque. The thick plaque was suddenly photographed in pieces, with heavy fragments scattered all over the ground.

"Who? He went to the palace of King Qin to be presumptuous! "

As the loud noise spread, the guards in the main hall of the king Qin palace and outside the gate of the Imperial City poured in one after another.

The leader is several Wulin experts who come and go high.

Seeing this hunger, Dong Zhuo immediately showed an interested look, stood aside with Shaye, and prepared to see the play with great interest.

"It's you!!" The first to arrive was a tall, middle-aged scholar wearing a Confucian gown. At first glance, he looked a little stylish and casual.

The man obviously knew Luo Hao. His look changed. He stepped back a few steps in a panic. Then he seemed to think of Luo Hao's previous siege and injury by Buddhism. Footsteps for a meal, handsome face, raised a bit of obscene smile.

"It turned out to be Lord Luo of the five prison saints!!"

Without waiting for Luo Hao to answer, several bald monks and women wearing monk clothes but without shaving came later. The experts of Tiance mansion followed one after another. There was no trace of Li Shimin. Obviously, the gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall. Before Luo Hao died, Li Shimin could not really live in the palace belonging to Luo Hao.

"Why talk to this evil cult demon. Everyone in the five prison cults can kill them. As long as you kill the evil woman in front of you, you don't worry about the rest. Don't pay attention to any Jianghu rules. Kill demons and demons, and keep righteousness and ward off evil! " A woman with a fierce face and a long sword pointed at Luo Hao and said hello to the others in a loud voice.

As the leader of the holy religion of the five prisons and the mighty king of Jiangnan martial arts, Luo Hao was so insulted that he immediately flew into a rage. Lang said in a loud voice, "speak loudly and pick up my dragon and Phoenix thirty-six God palms!"

Dong Zhuo, who was watching the play next to him, couldn't help but be stunned by the 36 divine palms of dragon and Phoenix? What the hell is this? Isn't it feifeng twelve God's palm?

Dong Zhuo doesn't know that Luo Hao, who has conquered several worlds, can describe the improvement of martial arts cultivation by thousands of miles a day. In the world of Tianlong Babu alone, Luo Hao collected almost all his unique martial arts skills and incorporated them into his flying phoenix twelve divine palms.

Based on the original 28 dragon subduing palms and the 12 flying phoenix palms, it integrates Tianshan six Yang palms, Tianshan plum folding palms, Shaolin 72 unique skills, Beiming divine skill, xiaowuxiang divine skill, eight wasteland Six Harmonies self-respect skill

The countless skills of the martial arts have been blended into a furnace. Into the present dragon and Phoenix 36 divine palms. Perhaps only the atlas of the God of war can compare with this set of martial arts in the world of the Tang Dynasty. No matter it's longevity formula, Tianmo strategy or Cihang sword code, it can't catch up with it.

As soon as she started, Luo Hao's graceful body was shrouded by two virtual shadows of dragons and phoenixes. In the sound of dragons and phoenixes, her body was like shrinking into an inch. In an instant, she crossed the space and appeared in front of the woman.

Just like dancing, green and white jade hands, with beautiful light, passed by a woman's Xiong mouth.

Before the arrogant woman, her eyes coagulated, her pupils narrowed sharply, but her body was frozen in place.

In a flash, Luo Hao returned to his original position again. The woman she attacked before stood on the spot, seemingly safe and sound.

After a moment of silence, a bald monk breathed out and said with a loud smile, "what is the leader of the five prison saints! What is the king of Jiangnan martial arts, but...... "

Before his words were finished, the woman attacked by Luo Hao trembled violently as if she had been electrified. The sound of dragon singing and Phoenix singing came from his body.

The woman's flesh and blood shriveled with the naked eye. As women become mummies, a dragon and a phoenix have two virtual shadows, from

Her celestial cover rose into the sky, turned into streamer and poured into Luo Hao's body.

"Magic... Magic skill!!"

Such an appalling sight suddenly made a noise.

"Hum!" The proud Jiao drank, Luo Hao strode forward, and Lang said, "it seems that you are the supporters of Li valve. It's unexpected that the magic gate will cooperate with Cihang Jingzhai one day. Go back and tell your sect and master that in three days, Luo Hao will lead the five prison saints to the outskirts of Luoyang to step down in the quiet meditation hall. Want to kill demons? If you are not afraid of death, just wait for me in the jingnian Buddhist temple! "

Everyone present looked at each other. No one could have imagined that Luo Hao had just returned and could not wait to fight the whole world without reorganizing the scattered five prison saints!

This is death!!

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged scholar smiled“ Worthy of being Lord Luo. Sure enough, women don't let men. I'll inform elder martial sister. Then three days later, Yin GUI sect is waiting for leader Luo in Luoyang! "

"Are you from Yin GUI sect?" Dong Zhuo's eyes lit up. He finally knew the identity of the middle-aged scholar.

This kind of dress, coupled with the disguised style. With a casual and elegant temperament, there is no one else except the devil hidden edge.

"Exactly!" He arched his hand at Dong Zhuo. Bian was careful to guard against Luo Hao and left the magnificent imperial city with the people of Yin GUI sect.

As a large number of people gradually dispersed, Dong Zhuo came to Luo Hao and said, "do you want to reorganize the flag and drum of the five prison saints next?"

Luo Hao shook his head unexpectedly“ unwanted! In this world, the so-called five prison saints are just a group of minions. There is nothing to make! "

Dong Zhuo suddenly became curious. It is said that there are quite a lot of talents in the world of Datang Shuanglong. As the saying goes, heroes come from troubled times. No matter how the five prison saints are, they can't win over a single person, can they