Looking at the residential building where Dong Zhuo and reticia now live.

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Xiao's eyebrows.

"It seems that you are really people in 20 years!" The reaction of the two women made Nangong smile that month.

"That month's sauce is too much. So you didn't believe us before! " Xiao lingcai pouted and said discontentedly.

Ignoring Xiao lingcai's coquettish expression, Nangong said solemnly, "the person you're looking for is in this building. And it's next door to the ancient city of Xiao. I believe you should know the residence of Xiaogu city very well. You don't need me to lead the way! "

"Don't you come with us that month?" Xiaomeng frowned.

"I'm sorry, if I'm with you, I can't give you any help, but may become your opponent!" Nangong smiled bitterly that month and vaguely explained his relationship with Dong Zhuo.

As a witch, Nangong didn't have any autonomy in front of Dong Zhuo that month.

"So it is!" Xiao Xiaocai was filled with indignation“ This guy is really a bad guy. He not only destroyed our world, but also dared to pay attention to that month's sauce. "

Mercilessly shook the whole body gold, which was the same as that of Xuexia wolf except for the color. Xiaomeng patted Xiaomeng onion on the shoulder. Concerned: "Meng Cong, your strength is too poor. I think you can stay with that month's sauce. If... "

Xiao dropped his eyes.

Her meaning, Xiaomeng onion, is very clear. It's just that you want to follow Nangong that month and protect yourself with the power of Nangong that month. If Nangong's description of Dong Zhuo was correct that month, Xiao lingcai's action was a near death. She doesn't want to go to risk with her.

"Snacks!" Xiaomeng Cong shook her head firmly“ You don't have to worry about me. If we can't beat that guy, the power of time and space will kill us. We have no way back! "

As people who disturb the historical process of, Dong Zhuo and them have no possibility of reconciliation at all.

Even if they can escape from Dong Zhuo. They can't exist for a long time. Will still be obliterated by the power of time.

"Ha!" Xiao hit a snack, ha ha. Cheer up and say, "let's fight side by side!"

Watched two girls who claimed to be the daughter of xiaogucheng disappear into the accommodation building. Nangong murmured to himself that month, "the daughter of Xiaogu City, the future world, and the people who tampered with the historical process... It's really lively and annoying!"

"Snacks, this is the former residence of the ancient city king. According to that month's sauce, that guy dominates the next door now! "

Xiao Meng said as she was interested in Dong Zhuo's room and Leticia's room.

"I see! Leave it to me! "

"Gun gold!!" Xiaolingcaijiao drank, holding the golden gun body in her hand, and the gun pointed at Dong Zhuo's room.

"You... Who are you?"

With a little panic call, it suddenly came from the room in the elevator room.

"Aunt Yusha?!"

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, both Xiaomeng onions and Xiaoling vegetables showed a look of surprise.

Because he summoned the dependents, Xiao lingcai's bloody pupils made Xiao Xiaosha tremble and retreat in fear. Trembling in his mouth. Shouted: "demon... Demon clan! No... don't come here!! Help! "

"Aunt Yusha, calm down. We...... "Xiao lingcai panicked and hurriedly wanted to come forward to comfort, but Xiao mengcong stopped him.

"Don't go there. At this time, aunt Yu Sha had a very strong demon phobia. Moreover, she may not know us at this time! Don't forget, the guy who destroys history is next door! "

At the thought of Dong Zhuo's existence, he not only destroyed his world, but also made xiaoyusha so afraid of himself. Xiao's snacks are in a rage. Staring at the red, he bit his teeth and said, "Damn it. I've never hated anyone. Whatever, I'm going to kill that guy now! "

Under the attack of anger, Xiao lingcai jumped, and the gun shaped dependents with golden light pierced Dong Zhuo's door.

It exploded.

The door of the house that was just destroyed by Huangban shayahua not long ago was broken to pieces again!

Ji Xin snow cabbage, who felt guilty because shayahua was occupied by Dong Zhuo, kept feeling the powerful magic fluctuation. Before she went out, she heard a loud noise.

At this time, Ji Xin snow vegetable couldn't care about anything else. She hurriedly picked up the snow Xia wolf and rushed out of the room.

"Are you an asshole? The guy who tampered with history and destroyed our world, die?! "

As soon as he rushed into the room, the tip of Xiao's snack gun pointed directly at mu'a ye, the Xiandu who knelt down to drink tea in the living room. Dazzled by anger, Xiao lingcai sneered. Even the opportunity to defend was not left. With a soft drink, the gold of the gun turned into a golden light in her hand and attacked the past.

"Huh?!" With a faint glance at Xiao's snacks, Xiandu mu'a night suddenly seemed to find something interesting. Excitedly, he looked at Xiao's snacks with a creepy look“ Interesting, as like as two peas of the sword wizard? "

As if he didn't see the tip of the gun approaching him, Xiandu mu'a night didn't move at all.


With a crisp sound, Xiao's golden gun was blocked by the snow Xia wolf.

"Who are you? Why pretend to be me! " Ji Xin was furious.

However, Ji xinxuecai is not angry. He has just experienced Huangban shayahua, and now he is in trouble with Dong Zhuo. Moreover, due to the task assigned to her by the Lion King mechanism, she had to come out to help. That's annoying enough.

Seeing this troublesome guy, he pretended to be himself. Even if Ji Xin Xuecai was a saint, he was still a little irrational at this moment.

"Mom!!" Xiao lingcai's eyes brightened, cheered and said, "great... Great. You were not taken away by this guy! "

"Who... Who is your mother!" Leng Buding was told that his mother had made a big red face. Ji Xin Xuecai was too honest to explain“ Don't talk nonsense, you fake! "

"Ha ha... Interesting!" After watching for a long time, Dong Zhuo finally laughed and walked out with admiration.

Behind him, Huang bansha Yahua, who was a little inconvenient to move, carried the demon subduing bow in one hand and rubbed his eyes hard in the other hand. He said unbelievably, "am I dazzled? How could there be two ketchup? "

At this time, Xiao lingcai also seemed to notice something wrong. He glanced at the Xiandu mu'a night. After blinking, his eyes finally locked on Dong Zhuo.

As like as two peas, they did not know the same night of the fairy capital wood, but they were ruled out by the same face as the wood of the celestial wood.

Then Dong Zhuo, the only stranger left, naturally became the biggest suspect