"Is that you? Tampering with history is the culprit of the destruction of our world! "

In his heart, Xiao lingcai's eyes turned red when he confirmed Dong Zhuo's suspicion.

Because of Dong Zhuo's intervention, the future world will continue to disappear. In order to protect the people, countless powerful people tried their best to arrange the magic array, but it didn't play any role at all. It was easily destroyed under the powerful force of time and space turbulence.

Scenes of despair when the world collapsed, like a slide, flashed in Xiaoling's mind.

Kill him! Just kill him and everything will come back!

My mind was filled with thoughts of being killed. Xiaoling Caijiao drank, and even Ji Xin Xuecai, who stood in front of her, bumped into her. The golden long and gun, with amazing magic fluctuation, came lightning to Dong Zhuo's throat.


Ji Xin, who was half a beat slower, exclaimed.

An inexplicable impulse in her heart made Ji Xin Xuecai unable to watch the girl fall into the net!

Although what is what the girl as like as two peas looks like before, why do they call her mother at the first meeting? But Ji xinxuecai knew that this girl could never be Dong Zhuo's opponent.


Ji Xin's reaction to sauerkraut is still a step slow.

At the moment when she spoke out, Xiaoling's golden long gun and gun tip were blocked by an unknown force!

The faint golden halo is like an inverted morning clock, with birds and animals on the clock body, lifelike. Dribbling and spinning, Dong Zhuo was firmly protected in it.

No matter how hard Xiao's snacks are, the golden long and gun in her hand can't shake the golden bell!

"Eh!!" The fairy capital mu'a night, who has been watching coldly with a playful expression on his face, suddenly brightened his eyes and looked at the golden bell covering Dong Zhuo with full interest“ What a wonderful means, not only is it not a sentinel beast, but there is even no fluctuation of magic! "

"Damn!!" Unwilling to bite his teeth, Xiao lingcaitou said in a loud voice: "sprouting onion!"


I don't know when Xiaomeng Cong has already opened a science fiction laptop with slender and flexible fingers beating fast on the keyboard.

A string of characters that make people feel unclear and fierce constantly emerge on the screen.

The powerful brain power consumption made Xiaomeng Cong's forehead soon exude fine beads of sweat.

"Well, no, how to deal with him!"

Xiao lingcai stubbornly bit his teeth and stood in a stalemate with Dong Zhuo with the long and gun in his hand.

"Hold... Sorry!" Xiaomeng Cong stopped her movements in despair. The voice was full of bitterness: "I... I can't analyze what means he used!"

"What?" Xiao lingcai was surprised, jumped up, fell lightly on the side of Xiao Meng Cong, and looked at Dong Zhuo in disbelief.

Xiaomeng Cong hung her head in frustration“ I can't even analyze his ability. Not to mention finding a way to deal with him. We're done! "

Subconsciously flashed the scene of the collapse of the world in my mind, and Xiao lingcai muttered to himself“ no unable! How could this happen!... "

"I've said enough!"

A soft drink suddenly came and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ji Xin's face was expressionless and her eyes swayed on the faces of the people. Finally stopped on Xiao's snacks“ Tell me, who the hell are you? Why pretend to be me?! "

Looking blankly at Ji Xin snow cabbage, Xiaomeng onion suddenly seemed to be wronged. With a light palm, the golden gun fell off. He threw his arms into Ji Xin's arms“ mom! Sobbing... Our world is over! "

Suddenly her eyes widened, and Ji Xin was at a loss. Standing there with a stiff body, Xiao lingcai kept crying in his arms.

"You... What the hell are you doing. Who... Who is the mother! Fake, don't talk nonsense! "

"Let me explain!"

Dong Zhuo took a meaningful look at Xiaomeng vegetables and Xiaomeng onions. He came to the sofa and sat down.

"This girl is not called wrong. She is really your daughter! Sauerkraut sauce! "

"How is this possible!" Huangban shayahua exclaimed, and the excited and strong response even startled Ji Xin Xuecai.

"Don't talk nonsense, you guy! Although... Although the girl looks like ketchup. But how could sauerkraut sauce have such a big daughter! And ah! Sauerkraut sauce is the best sword Witch of the Lion King mechanism. Even if she does have a daughter, she is definitely not a vampire! "

Huangban shayahua obviously has some lack of confidence. In order to prove his guess is correct. I had to accentuate every sentence.

I can't blame Huangban shayahua, in Dong Zhuo's affirmative tone. Even Ji Xin was a little uncertain. It's true that Xiao's appearance is so similar to her that it can be said to be carved out of a mold!

"Nothing is impossible! This girl is really the daughter of sauerkraut. It's just not my daughter now! " Dong Zhuo spoke quietly.

"What the hell do you mean, you guy? Make it clear to me! " Huangban shayahua frowned discontentedly.

"It's simple! These two girls come from twenty years later! "

"Twenty years later!" A startling cry of one voice sounded in the room.

Xiandu mu'a night began to look at Xiaoling vegetables and Xiaomeng onions with a creepy look.

A terrible question suddenly flashed through Huang Saka's mind. The voice trembled and said, "well... Who's their father?"

The women in the room are like string puppets. With the voice of Huangban shayahua, they look at xiaolingcai who is crying in Ji Xin's arms and Xiaomeng onion who is squatting on the ground and crying sadly!

"You......" Ji Xin's snow cabbage looked pinched. "Are you really my daughter?" he hesitated

Even immersed in great grief, Xiao still nodded. Confirmed his identity.

The brain went blank for a moment. Ji Xin said in a daze, "why did you kill Dong Zhuo?"

When it comes to Dong Zhuo, whether it's Xiaomeng onions or Xiaoling snacks, I can't care to be sad. With an unforgettable hatred on his face. He stared at Dong Zhuo and said, "it's all because of this guy!! Our world was destroyed because of him! "

"What?! Destroy the world? "

Ji Xin was immediately startled.

Although there are many powerful people in the world, especially Zhenzu. It is known that it can destroy the world. But it's just a claim.

From the birth of Zhenzu to the present, the world is still good for a long time!

Compared with the problem of whether to destroy the world or save the tall, huangsaka shayahua is obviously more interested in the identity of xiaolingcai's two female fathers.

"Daughter of sauerkraut sauce. Who is your father? "

At the thought that the sauerkraut sauce, which he regarded as a treasure, was occupied by men, and even the children were so old. There was a feeling that the sky fell down when huangsaka Shaya Wharton