Chapter 253

Both Nakasone Meixue and Qianyu Zhenzhu wear simple and simple clothes, that is, simple casual clothes. They don't have any makeup on their face. They have a pure plain face and their hair is tied behind their heads at will. Obviously, they just came from the hotel room and didn't clean up.

Wang Qian stared at the two people. He was stunned. What are you doing here?

Demonstrate as soon as you come? Give yourself a blow?

Wang Qian habitually thinks things in a bad direction and plans for the worst.

Nakasone Meixue and Qianyu Zhenzhu just learned from the program group that Wang Qian had checked into the hotel, so they immediately came out of the room to see Wang Qian, but they didn't expect to say anything. They just wanted to see Wang Qian, and then they came.


The two sides looked at each other strangely, awkwardly and quietly at the door for a few seconds.

After all, Wang Qian has extraordinary concentration. He has seen many top-notch beauties, such as Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke, Yu Jingruo, Li Qingyao, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong sisters, Xu Xiaoxiao, Xu Wenwen sisters, etc. These are not inferior to the two in front of him in appearance.

So Wang Qian quickly woke up, his eyes were very calm, and asked, "you two, find me?"

He first made sure whether they knocked on the wrong door.

Nakasone Meixue and Qianyu Zhenzhu also quickly sobered up and calmed down, picked up the embarrassment in their hearts, and they all bowed to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian hurried out of the way and did not dare to accept other people's gifts at will.

Nakasone Meixue said apologetically, "Wang Qianjun, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Qianyu Zhenzhu also whispered, "I'm sorry."

Both of them spoke fluent and standard Mandarin, but Wang Qian was not very strange. When he was in the entertainment industry in his last life, he had seen several actors from the Island speak standard and fluent Mandarin. If they didn't take the initiative to say they were from the island, others would think they were authentic Chinese.

Wang Qian nodded gently and said, "you two, what can I do for you?"

Nakasone Meixue looked at Wang Qian, looked carefully, smiled and said, "take the liberty of interrupting. There's nothing special. I just want to see Wang Qianjun. I've heard every music work of Wang Qianjun and carefully studied every poetry work of Wang Qianjun. I like it very much."

"I heard that Wang Qianjun recently published a novel in China, the romance of the Three Kingdoms, which shocked the whole Chinese literary world, trying to make up for the lack of the history of the Three Kingdoms in China. I'd like to see this work. Unfortunately, I'm busy preparing for the competition in Los Angeles recently. It's a pity that this world competition is over, and I will read it well."

Wang Qian has learned from the interview video on the final of the island's good voice. He knows that both Nakasone Meixue and Qianyu Zhenzhu admire themselves very much.

However, he did not expect that they were not polite. It seemed that they really worshipped themselves from the heart.

Suddenly, Wang Qian seemed to see his two fans.

Qianyu Zhenzhu lowered her head and dared not look at Wang Qian. She still whispered, "I'm sorry."

Well, the girl seems to say "I'm sorry".

Wang Qian wanted to invite them into the room to talk, but he felt inconvenient. At present, he could only continue to stand at the door of the room and said politely to them: "Don't be so polite. Everyone is a teammate from the good voice program. It's my honor that you like my works. I also like your singing works very much, with great personality and style. It's said that you have found a top partner from Meixue, and you are well prepared. I'm looking forward to your performance on the stage."

Nakasone Meixue shook her head and said, "I fired the producer who worked with me."

Wang Qian raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "Oh? Why?"

Nakasone Meixue looked at Wang Qian and said confidently and firmly, "I don't want to sing other people's songs. I don't want to justify other people's musical ideas. I've seen Wang Qianjun's experience. You also have such persistence. You only sing your own songs! I think it's this persistence that can make you have your own unique music."

"This time on the world stage, I want to show you my own music. Therefore, I dismissed the partner arranged by the company. I only rely on myself. Even if I was eliminated in the first game, I am also very happy."

Wang Qian looked at the seemingly weak island beauty with a little surprise. Unexpectedly, her heart was so strong and firm. However, he also recognized each other's talent. It was definitely the world's top talent level, perhaps no worse than one of the four singers in the history of the island in his memory.

"I'm looking forward to that."

Wang Qian didn't know each other well, so he could only say so simply.

Nakasone Meixue smiled and asked, "Wang Qianjun, you have been concentrating on writing a romance of the Three Kingdoms in recent days and have not done anything related to music. Why don't you prepare well for the world game?"

Wang Qian said calmly, "I don't think I need to prepare!"

Nakasone Meixue: "why?"

Wang Qian: "because the ten players in the world competition don't give me any pressure. I don't need to prepare anything. I can perform normally."

Nakasone Meixue and Qianyu Zhenzhu looked at Wang Qian with a little shock. Could this modest and mature young man say such impolite words?

Nakasone Meixue didn't give him pressure?

After a little thought, Nakasone Meixue knew that she was really not qualified to put pressure on Wang Qian.

The music works published by Wang Qian exceeded her by at least one level.

There was another awkward silence.

Nakasone Meixue said, "then I'm looking forward to Wang Qianjun's performance on the stage. It's getting late. You just got off the plane and must need a rest. Zhenzhu and I won't bother you to rest."

Wang Qian nodded, "OK, bye."

Nakasone Meixue and Zhenzhu Qianyu said politely to Wang Qian, "goodbye!"

With that, they smiled at Wang Qian again, and then turned and left.

Have to say.

The islanders really have nothing to say about etiquette.

It used to be said that China is a land of etiquette.

However, the island countries have studied Chinese culture for more than 1000 years, learned all this and retained it.

On the contrary, in recent years, China itself has lost many things of its ancestors, which is reflected in the islanders.

of course.

The island country itself is a member of the Chinese cultural circle.

Therefore, this is also an embodiment of the inheritance of Chinese culture.

Even if many Chinese still resist the island country, they have to admit this.

Wang Qian watched them leave. When they came to a room at the end, they opened the door, looked back at Wang Qian, nodded and smiled at Wang Qian again, and then walked into their room.

Close the room door.

Wang Qian returned to his room, called his parents to report peace, and then replied to the concerns of friends such as Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke and Chen Xiaowen.

Of course, there is Qin Xuehong whose relationship has crossed the class of friends.

Qin Xuehong: "is Xuerong asleep?"

Wang Qian looked at Qin Xuerong sleeping in bed, went to the landing window and slept in a low voice: "well, I'm asleep!"

Qin Xuehong said with a little regret, "unfortunately, I should go with you. I also hope to be with you at your glorious moment."

Wang Qian said with a smile, "it's all right. I wish I knew your mind."

Qin Xuehong: "I've been studying your romance of the Three Kingdoms these days and found that I can't imitate your writing style. I don't have your powerful writing style and plot control. The more I study your novel, the more I think you're really powerful. Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue dare not speak. I heard they're looking for someone to study your book together."

Wang Qian: "thank you for your praise. It's general. It took only a few days! Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue can study it if they want. I don't care."

Qin Xuehong said with a smile, "Oh, it's so modest outside. It's installed here. Which side is the real you?"

Wang Qian: "which side do you like?"

Qin Xuehong thought: "up!"

Here we go

Wang Qian was immune to this and said with a smile, "I'll give it to you next time. OK, I won't talk nonsense with you. I'll have a rest, too. Bye."

Qin Xuehong: "goodbye! Next time, I will definitely win."

Wang Qian: "you can't!"

Hung up.

Wang Qian relaxed a lot and sent a message on his microblog: "thank you for your concern. I'm in Los Angeles and just got off the plane."

"Los Angeles is also very cold. Please keep warm and don't catch a cold. I will try my best to bring back a champion for you in the world game."

"All we need to do is vote for me."

In a few words, click send.

Just sent out, more than one million likes were forwarded in an instant, and the number of speakers exceeded more than 100000 in an instant!

The heat is amazing.

Many people are waiting to interact with Wang Qian on Weibo, expecting him to send them a message when he arrives in Los Angeles.

Therefore, so many people will complete the interaction in an instant.

A few seconds later, the number of like forwarding exceeded 5 million and the number of messages exceeded 1 million.

The popularity of airborne microblog ranks first.

Such heat makes those film propagandists who try to improve the heat jealous.

It also makes many star artists in the circle who also pay attention to Wang Qian envy, even some envy, but they can't hate it because the gap is too big and there's nothing they can do.


All the stars and artists interacted with Wang Qian one after another and quickly came to rub a wave of heat.

Blessings were sent one after another.

Since you can't fight, join us.

Zhao Hu: "Professor Wang, come on, just try your best."


Wu Han: "Professor Wang, take care of yourself. The game is about to begin. I hope you can have a good state."


Zhou Tao: "I really look forward to Professor Wang's upcoming performance. I think it will amaze the world! Because this is Professor Wang's first public performance in the world."


Those traffic stars who focus on traffic will not miss any chance to rub the heat against the traffic.

Therefore, traffic stars interact with Wang Qian most actively every time.

However, Wang Qian never paid attention to them.

After looking at the fans' support, Wang Qian boarded the backstage of thousands of anthologies and found that the next day when the romance of the Three Kingdoms broke, the number of new subscriptions was still more than 70 million, and Wang Qian could still get a share of more than 15 million.

Wang Qian also saw that many fans in the message area complained that Wang Qian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms was broken.

After all

From the end of the book, there is really not much content.

Wang Qian did not reply.

He can really update the last part of the content in more than one day.

However, he just wants to leave a little suspense and update it later.


It can keep the attraction and attention of thousands of anthologies.

This is a commercial operation.

Wang Qian didn't interact with anyone. For example, Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke and other friends talked on wechat, and others didn't have much need to interact and reply.

After watching the backstage of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, I glanced at your comments.

Wang Qian put down his mobile phone and covered Qin Xuerong with a quilt. He also planned to wash and sleep.



The knock on the door sounded again.

Wang Qian frowned gently and walked to the door.

This time he didn't open the door directly, but looked through the cat's eyes.

I saw a young woman with brown hair and white skin standing at the door. Her eyes were blue.

Because of the proportion of cat's eyes.

Wang Qian didn't recognize who it was.

However, seeing that it was only a woman, Wang Qian opened the door and recognized it immediately.

This is the French good voice champion from the Paris Conservatory of music, Sophie!

As one of the top ten champions, and her appearance and talent are among the top in the world, Wang Qian remembered it when he saw her performance video.

Sophie is very tall and almost caught up with Wang Qian. She is at least about 1.75 meters. Fortunately, she didn't wear high heels, otherwise she would be almost like Wang Qian.

Women are generally tall. When they are the same height, most people will think that women are taller.

Sophie is very similar to the French Rose in Wang Qian's memory, but her eyes are blue, and her temperament is more noble and outstanding. She also has an artist's breath, which is more dazzling than the French Rose.

However, when Sophie saw Wang Qian at the moment, her unique noble artist temperament converged and said to Wang Qian in broken Chinese: "Hello, Wang, Qian, I'm Su and Fei..."

Then Sophie held out her hand to Wang Qian, very polite.

Wang Qian reached out and shook Sophie's slender snow-white hand. He immediately knew that this hand must have played the piano for many years. At present, he said in French: "hello."

Sophie's blue pupils were full of surprises. She looked at Wang Qian and asked in French, "can you speak French?"

Wang Qian only knew a few words, shook his head and replied in French: "only a few words, you can communicate with me in English."

Sophie nodded and said in English, "I'm sorry to disturb your rest. However, I heard that you arrived and really wanted to come and see you. I heard that Professor Taylor and Professor Dawson talked about you. They respected you very much and gave me the scores of your piano songs. I was very surprised. These are the most amazing piano songs in recent decades."

"Originally, I didn't want to come to participate in the world game. My plan was to withdraw from the game as a winner at the performance site of the French finals and give the opportunity to participate in the world game to the runner up. However, I heard that you participated in the world game, so I didn't implement my original plan, but complied with the arrangement of the program team to participate in the world game."

Sophie looked at Wang Qian and said seriously, "because I want to see you in Los Angeles and perform on the same stage with you."

Sophie was a little excited when she finished her words. She continued to whisper, "I like your piano sketch Zhi Xuerong very much. This piano music is a perfect work in my eyes. My teacher also commented that there has never been a piano music work that can be so good, simple and complete!"

"This piano music will spread to every corner of the world, and every beginner can play it easily. I proposed to the program group that I want to play this music first at my opening performance, and the program group has agreed. However, I also want to ask for your consent..."


This Sophie seems to talk a lot.

Although Wang Qian's English is very good, it is rarely used in China after all. When he first arrived, he listened to her so much at once. He was not used to it. After listening very carefully, he understood Sophie's meaning, nodded immediately and said: "Of course it's no problem. Although, from a commercial point of view, the program team and you should pay me the copyright fee. However, seeing that your attitude is so good and you really like it very much, I agree to play this song for you."

Sophie was not at all unhappy with the copyright fee mentioned by Wang Qian. She knew clearly that the artist also wanted to eat. She smiled and thanked: "thank you. I have practiced this song for a long time. I won't embarrass you. By the way, will you play the piano at your opening performance?"

Sophie looked at Wang Qian with great expectation.

Although she performed very well on the good sound stage, she is known as one of the European musical talents.

However, her favorite is still classical music. She participated in pop music competitions just because she made a bet with a friend to prove herself in the field of pop music.

Now she has proved herself, so her previous plan was to withdraw from the regional finals and give up participating in the world championships.

Because she has proved her strength and talent in the field of pop music, and she doesn't want to really develop in pop music, there's no need to compete for places and accumulate popularity in the world competition.

Therefore, she is more eager for Wang Qian, a new pianist she likes very much, to play piano music on the same stage with herself.

Sophie's face, which almost represents another appearance, looked at Wang Qian with wide eyes and expectation.

This way, maybe ordinary people can't carry it at all. No matter what Sophie asks, she is expected to promise.


Wang Qian couldn't. He shook his head calmly and said, "sorry, I won't play piano music on this stage. I'm here to participate in the good sound competition, and the competition item is not the piano."

Sophie was slightly disappointed: "well, can I ask you the most important question?"

Wang Qian nodded: "you ask. But I hope it's really the last one."

I felt Wang Qian's impatience.

Sophie asked hurriedly, "who do you think is better, me and Taylor?"

Wang Qian was surprised.

He thought the other party would ask some questions about the piano.

After all, Sophie always showed her love for his piano music.


It turned out to be such a problem.

Sure enough.

It can only be said that women are women after all.

Wang Qian smiled, shook his head and said, "sorry, I don't know. I only met Taylor once. I just met you. I don't know you. I don't know how to answer you."

Sophie nodded: "well, can I meet Xuerong?"

Wang Qian was surprised: "Xuerong?"

Sophie: "yes, I want to see how beautiful and excellent the protagonist of Zhi Xuerong is, so that you can write such excellent piano music."

Wang Qian: "sorry, she's asleep. But you'll see."

The world cup hasn't officially started yet. There are many opportunities to meet.

Sophie: Well, I won't bother you to rest. Good night

Wang Qian: "good night!"

Sophie turned and left for the room upstairs.

Wang Qian watched Sophie leave. Instead of going back to her room immediately, he stood at the door and looked around for a while to see if anyone else was coming?

It seems that he has some popularity among the players?

Waited about a minute.

No one's coming.

Wang Qian closed the door and went to bed.


There are only two days left before the good voice world competition officially begins.

The whole program group has entered a high-speed operation mode, and various local multimedia in North America have become active one after another.

At the same time, the entertainment media all over the world also sent people to collect news.

Good voice world competition is the hottest topic in the entertainment circle all over the world, and it is also the entertainment topic that most people pay attention to.

The next morning.

Zhou Qinghua and he Dongming came to find Wang Qian.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong are having breakfast from the hotel.

Zhao Wei, he Fulin, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue had already had breakfast. They sat in the living room watching TV and chatting.

When Zhou Qinghua and he Dongming came, they sat down impolitely and looked at Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong.

"Do you want to go to the venue today and rehearse the walk?"

Zhou Qinghua asked.

Wang Qian nodded: "well, I'll go later. You lead the way."

Zhou Qinghua: "wait a minute, there are two interviews you need to prepare. One is the local NBC TV station in North America, which is the partner of beimeihao sound. All ten contestants have to be interviewed by them. And our own Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV station wants to interview you."

Wang Qian didn't refuse. This is what he should do. He promised, "no problem. When?"

Zhou Qinghua: "NBC's is in the morning. I should interview you when you go to the venue. We are alone in the afternoon. I'll bring them when you come back for a rest."

He Dongming said: "journalists in North America are more intense in asking questions. You should be prepared."

Wang Qian: "Oh, it's fierce. It's a big deal. I don't speak. Besides, I'm not afraid!"

Zhou Qinghua: "that's good. Your mentality is that I'm most relieved. If you need anything, please give it to us at any time. We're here to be your nanny this time. By the way, there's a little change in the competition system!"

Zhou Qinghua's tone became a little dignified and serious.