Chapter 254

The competition system has changed again?

The game will begin soon.

What's wrong with the international operation team?

This is the first time that the international good voice has held the world competition.


The operation team tries its best to attract everyone's attention, and let the top ten competition areas hold the fairest competition as much as possible. We must select the most talented, powerful and beautiful voices, so as to really attract the most audience to watch and listen to songs.

Objectively speaking, this is indeed a good thing, and the selected players really amazed all the audience in each competition area.

Up to now, the international good voice is almost the most concerned entertainment event in the world. Even several blockbusters released in Hollywood at the end of the year can't compete with it for attention.

This shows that the operation plan is successful.

This gives the operation group more confidence in tossing.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong looked at Zhou Qinghua, but they didn't ask. They just ate breakfast slowly and waited for Zhou Qinghua's explanation.

Zhou Qinghua drank a glass of water and said more seriously: "the new competition system has added an achievement data, which is very good for their local players."

See Wang Qian, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Zhao Wei and he Fulin. They still don't ask.

Zhou Qinghua was a little embarrassed and looked at he Dongming.

He Dongming is worthy of being the subordinate with the most cooperation and exchange with Zhou Qinghua recently. He immediately asked, "director Zhou, what data?"

Zhou Qinghua continued: "sales data!"

Wang Qian immediately understood and said softly, "in other words, the songs sung on site should be listed? The sales data statistics should be included in the score ranking?"

Zhou Qinghua nodded: "That's good! The good voice operation group has reached a cooperation agreement with the North American bulletin board. A temporary ranking list will be made for the good voice international competition. Every time the players finish singing songs, they will be listed immediately and enter the ranking list. The ranking is limited to one week. After one week, the ranking will be determined. The ranking will be used to calculate the score data and included in the final score of the on-the-spot competition 。”

Qin Xuerong asked curiously, "how to count so many data? There are online audience voting data, on-site audience voting data, and on-site judges' scoring data. Now there is another week's sales ranking! These are the four data. How to calculate it?"

Zhou Qinghua immediately explained: "the online audience voting and on-site voting data will be calculated together, and all of them will be counted as audience voting. Plus the judges' score and sales performance ranking, there are still three data. If two or three data surpass the opponent, the winner is the winner."

Wang Qian nodded: "this is really the best for their local players."

For example, Adam, the most famous player in North America, has accumulated tens of millions of fans here. If he sends songs for sales, it is certainly easier to attract more viewers to buy his songs than players in other regions.

European players will be less attractive than Adam.

Asian players are hardly well-known here. Once the song is launched and sold, it is almost zero foundation. They need to rely entirely on their own strength and the song itself to attract the audience to buy and download, and to overcome the audience's contempt for the instincts of Asians.

Such a contrast!

For Asian players, it's really unfriendly. It's hard to say it's hell.

He Dongming said: "this is the sales list included in the results. There are also data lists that are not included in the results, but will also be displayed! The bulletin board will also list a separate general list to list the sales data of all the songs performed by the ten players in the world competition until the end of the whole competition, and finally there will be a final ranking of all the performances."

"At the same time, these songs will also enter the overall ranking of the bulletin board. They will not only compete with the players, but also compete with other famous singers who distribute songs in the same period! That is to say, the operation group will cooperate with the bulletin board to make an overall sales ranking for all the performance tracks of all the players, and the sales ranking will be included in the overall ranking of the bulletin board itself."

"In the end, the top ranked ones are OK. Once they are ranked lower, it will be very embarrassing. In short, they are still very unfriendly to Asian players!"

He Dongming's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

Zhou Qinghua also sighed: "I voted against this decision, and both the island program group and the third program group voted against it, but their seven competition areas voted for it, so our objection was invalid. I heard that several major record companies promoted this resolution in order to improve the popularity and appeal of several players of Adam through this world competition as much as possible."

"Prepare for their official debut after the competition. Once they succeed, they may launch several heavenly kings and divas."

"As for Asian players..."

"They think it's OK to come. It's enough to attract local audiences, focusing on participation."

Zhou Qinghua obviously felt the suppression and discrimination of the program group against Asian players this time.

Even though the revenue contributed by China this time is second only to North America, people don't care about the feelings of Chinese players and audiences.

Of course

These rankings are certainly of great benefit to the overall attention of the program group.


There is a ranking, there will be controversy and there will be room for speculation.

Just like the ranking of characters in some novels and comics, readers and fans can argue about it for a hundred years, and they will still be enthusiastic.

The ranking of NBA players is also a topic that fans and viewers will never be outdated.


The emergence of these rankings will certainly bring great controversy. At that time, it will also bring great heat and attention, followed by ratings and the benefits of the final harvest!


Asian players felt great malice.

Wang Qian listened to Zhou Qinghua and he Dongming. He didn't speak. He just ate quietly and said softly, "this also makes everyone have no room to operate, right?"

Zhou Qinghua nodded: "of course, all sales data are well documented. There are notaries in every region. No matter who finds a problem, he has the right to question it publicly."

Wang Qian: "it doesn't matter. In the end, it depends on the strength and works. I'll just do my own works well."

With that, Wang Qian had finished his breakfast, put down the tableware, gently wiped his mouth, got up and said, "wait a little while for me to clean up, we'll go to the performance venue."

"By the way, where is the performance venue?"

Zhou Qinghua said seriously, "you must know, Staples Center."

Wang Qian: "of course I know the home stadium of the Lakers and the Clippers."

Zhou Qinghua: "in order to stagger the ball game, the program team carefully adjusted the performance time."

Zhao Wei and he Fulin were most excited!

They never dreamed that they would have the opportunity to perform at the dusteps center in their life.

Murong Yue is the most calm. When she was at school in Berkeley, she often came to the Staples Center to watch performances.

Of course, she hasn't been to the show.

Jiang Yu has some expectations!

Wang Qian cleaned up a little and wanted to wear casual clothes.

However, Qin Xuerong forced Wang Qian to wear a suit, but he didn't wear a tie.

Wang Qian doesn't like wearing a tie very much. A rope is tied around his neck. It's not just uncomfortable. It's like nothing to say.

The others have packed up. When Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong are done, they will set out to Staples Center with Zhou Qinghua and he Dongming.

Just went out.

I saw Nakasone Meixue coming out not far away, accompanied by Qianyu Zhenzhu and ITO Zhenxiu, as well as two people from the good voice program group of island countries.

I met Wang Qian and Zhou Qinghua.

Nakasone Meixue hurried over with ITO Zhenxiu and Qianyu Zhenzhu.

Nakasone Meixue nodded slightly to Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong and said softly, "good morning, Wang Qianjun!"

Qianyu Zhenzhu also nodded: "good morning!"

Ito Zhenxiu nodded and smiled politely.

Wang Qian smiled, nodded and said, "good morning, ladies and gentlemen, are you going to the performance venue?"

Nakasone Meixue: "yes, we've taken time every day recently to prepare for the performance in two days. Is this your first time today, Wang Qianjun?"

Wang Qian: "well, I'll take my teammates to see the field."

Nakasone Meixue: "still stick to rock style?"

Wang Qian smiled: "of course, this time, I only play rock."

The others didn't speak, just looked at the two people talking, as if they were two friends who knew each other better!

After a few words, we walked to the stairs and separated.

Because Mizuki Nakasone and the program team have other things.

Wang Qian took Qin Xuerong out of the hotel and suddenly saw many media reporters outside, as well as some local online celebrities and we media in Los Angeles gathered here.

Cameras and cell phones were aimed at the hotel gate.

Wang Qian and Zhou Qinghua just came yesterday, so they obviously didn't expect this situation and didn't prepare.

A group of media people rushed up before the car called came.

One microphone after another came to Wang Qian, and one reporter hurried to ask questions in English.

"Mr. Wang Qian, would you like to come to Los Angeles to participate in the good voice world competition on behalf of the China division this time? Are you confident of beating your opponent?"

"Mr. Wang Qian, I know you promised the Chinese audience on the Chinese network that you would win the world championship. Why are you so confident?"

"Mr. Wang Qian, I recently paid attention to you and found that you didn't prepare well for the world cup. Instead, you wrote a novel in China. Why? Do you know you have no hope of victory and have given up?"

"Mr. Wang Qian, some people questioned that your live singing of the new rock song ihateme elfforloving you published last time was fake. You can't sing such a song at all. Is this true?"

"Mr. Wang Qian..."

One by one, the questions of the reporters were thrown impolitely.

Zhou Qinghua and he Dongming hurried forward to block Wang Qian.

Qin Xuerong winked at Zhao Wei and he Fulin behind. They also quickly stepped forward to block the rushing reporter and protect Wang Qian inside.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue stood behind Wang Qian.

Wang Qian lowered his head slightly. He didn't look at the cameras or the media reporters. He just pulled Qin Xuerong and walked towards the front.

He is a veteran in the entertainment industry and has rich experience in dealing with these media.

Although these media questions are very impolite.

Wang Qian is in a foreign land. If he is not good, he may be discredited by their crazy rhythm!

Therefore, Wang Qian knows that the only thing he can do now is to be silent and say nothing.

Of course, he knew that this would not stop these people from tarnishing themselves.

But he can't help it.

It is now the political correctness of the North American media to discredit the Chinese people, which is what they have always liked to do.


In addition to these media with fierce words, some media are relatively neutral and friendly.

"Mr. Wang Qian, can I take a picture of you? Smile!"

"Mr. Wang Qian, many people in North America like your two English rock songs. Will you still stick to the rock style when you come to Los Angeles this time? Can you sing English rock or Chinese rock?"

"Mr. Wang Qian..."

When Wang Qian heard these questions, he didn't respond. He just smiled and cooperated with the reporter who took the picture. Then he saw the program team's car coming. At present, he quickly pulled Qin Xuerong and got on the car under the leadership of he Dongming and Zhou Qinghua.

The surrounding journalists also persevered and quickly smashed sharp topics one by one.

Wang Qian was also silent. After they got on the bus, they left quickly.

Zhou Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief and said, "these gossip media are really impolite. You dare to say anything. Fortunately, you handled them well. Just ignore them. No matter what they say, treat them as nonsense. Otherwise, if you are really angry with them and theory, they will succeed and get worse and worse in the end."

Wang Qian: "I know, the media, just ignore them. If they love to make up, they will make up. Anyway, I won't answer them!"

He Dongming nodded: "to tell you the truth, the entertainment media here have the most controversy about you. Because many players in other competition areas have publicly recognized you! Especially in the north beautiful voice finals, green, who lost to Adam, publicly said that Adam's musical talent is not as good as you, and said that Adam may lose to you."

"Adam was also counselled at that time, which caused a lot of heated discussion in North America. The media began to dig your information and discredit you."

"Now that you are here, of course these media will not let you go."

tell the truth.

Wang Qian is also under some pressure now.

Without the absolutely invincible confidence at the beginning.


Both the competition system and public opinion here are really unfriendly to him.


There is a feeling of being enemy to the whole world.

In this case, I want to win.

It's really a nightmare mode in hell mode.

It may not be enough to rely entirely on strength. It depends on luck.


Wang Qian was silent, did not speak, and looked out the window at the scenery of Los Angeles.

See Wang Qian silent.

The others didn't speak any more and didn't want to disturb Wang Qian.

Qin Xuerong held Wang Qian's hand tightly and gave Wang Qian his own support.

The car soon came to Staples Center.

There are also many media reporters here.

As soon as Wang Qian's car came in, it was surrounded by many media reporters.

The driver wants to stop.

Because this is the routine operation of other players. Stop here for an interview, chat and increase the exposure, which may help the follow-up canvassing.


Wang Qian didn't need it. He immediately said to the driver, "Sir, don't stop and go straight in!"

The black driver looked back at Wang Qian and asked with certainty, "are you sure, sir? You will miss a good exposure opportunity."

Wang Qian smiled and shook his head: "I'm sure I don't need this opportunity. We just need a quiet environment now."

The black driver nodded. He didn't stop and drove directly to the direct entrance.

Zhou Qinghua, he Dongming, Zhao Wei and he Fulin got off the bus first and acted as a security guard for Wang Qian. Then Wang Qian pulled Qin Xuerong off the bus. Jiang Yu and Murong Yue followed and entered the channel together.

When many media reporters around saw that Wang Qian didn't stop, they just took a few photos and didn't chase Wang Qian.

Inside, there are already several reporters waiting, and several NBC cameras have been set up, recording all the picture details of Wang Qian entering the venue.

A tall, thin white host in a black women's suit quickly came up and handed a microphone to Wang Qian: "Hello, Wang Qian from China, I'm the interview host, Diana. Can I give you an interview?"

Wang Qian looked at Zhou Qinghua and confirmed whether the identity of the other party was true.

Zhou Qinghua nodded slightly and said yes. This is the contestant interview arranged by the program team.

Wang Qian then promised: "of course, this is what I should do."

Diana looked young, looked at Wang Qian carefully with brown eyes, and immediately interviewed Wang Qian.

And then.

A group of people came in again at the door.

Adam came in with Cece and Winston.

They immediately saw Wang Qian and his party being interviewed.

Adam stopped and looked at Wang Qian.