How dignified his eyes are at the moment shows how determined he is!

However, Wen wanwan was confused and looked at the boy in front of him. He didn't know why he suddenly said this.

But Wen wanwan certainly won't know. Behind her confusion, Yan Shengli has paved all the way for her. He is short of an opportunity, an opportunity to turn over for her. Now, this opportunity has come!

He will also make good use of this opportunity to help his beloved girl pull back this game at one time!


Wen wanwan still went back to the college to have a class, but she had a good lunch that day. She saw Zuo AI sitting in her seat. Obviously, she came to provoke.

Wen wanwan certainly won't be afraid of her, but before she gets close to her, Zuo AI stands up and walks to Wen wanwan step by step like a T-stage. Other students in the class open their eyes, nervous and curious. Bao Xiaomin is the only one who is in a state of schadenfreude.

Left love went straight to the front of Wen wanwan, eyes light lift.

"Wen wanwan, as you can see now, evil is more than good! You slandered me for murder, and now the police have found me innocent! So you have to apologize to me! "

It turned out that she made such a big fight and came to the classroom to wait for her, just to make her Wen wanwan apologize to her.

"Yes! Wen wanwan, you should apologize quickly! You have slandered other people's left love classmate, shouldn't you say sorry

Bao Xiaomin comes to coax again. Anyway, as long as it's against Wen wanwan, she wants to get involved.

Someone followed her to sing a song, and Zuo AI's confidence was even more abundant.

"Wen wanwan, apologize to me quickly!"

Left love arms, that arrogant arrogance to heaven like.

Wen wanwan took a look at her and walked to the edge of his position.

"It's the police's business to prove your innocence or guilt. It has nothing to do with anyone, and it has nothing to do with me."

"What are you talking about! You can say that

Left love fury, where can accept Wen wanwan this kind of irrelevant attitude.

"Wen wanwan, you must apologize to me today!"

Left love strong request, reach out to want to grasp the arm of Wen wanwan, Wen wanwan not only easy to avoid, but also make eager to catch her left love faltered forward a few steps.

Now, Zuo AI is so angry that he wants to crush Wen wanwan. He's going to grab Wen wanwan's face.

However, when her arm was still in mid air, she was easily clamped down by Wen wanwan!

Zuo AI didn't expect that Wen wanwan should have such a quick reaction! How did Wen wanwan, who used to look silly and could be bullied casually, become so smart!

She originally wanted to beat her, but now it's better. Instead, she was caught by Wen wanwan.

"Haven't you had enough?"

Wen wanwan looked at her, her face unchanged.

But Wen wanwan's calmness reflects Zuo AI's embarrassment. Her face is as wonderful as a watercolor painting. She struggled a few times to get rid of Wen wanwan.

"Wen wanwan, don't deceive people too much! You rely on young master Yan to support you. Do you really think you can go to heaven? "

"That's it

Bao Xiaomin adds oil and vinegar to the edge.

Wen wanwan's side eyes, sharp eyes, suddenly stunned Bao Xiaomin.

"Why are you looking at me like this? It's none of my business

"It's none of your business! So please shut up

"Wen wanwan"

Bao Xiaomin was embarrassed. He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Wen wanwan turned around and looked at Zuo AI, who was biting her teeth and glaring at each other.

"You want me to apologize, don't you? sure! But you have to be clear, what is the cause of this matter in the end! If you really want to apologize, should you say sorry to me first? If I can't hear your apology, you won't want to hear me say sorry! "