"Shit! Wen wanwan, I'll fight with you! "

Left love angry, suddenly became a shrew, extremely fierce outstretched claw.

Wen wanwan didn't want to deal with her. She turned around to avoid, and left love rushed to the air again.


There was a girl laughing at the side.

"Didn't you say that Zuo AI was a lady? How can I look like a shrew? "

"Yes! I look like a shrew, too

"You all shut up!"

Hearing the girls' comments, Zuo AI blushed and scolded angrily.

"Who are you talking about! I think your mouth stinks the most! "

Lin Ling rolled her eyes and fought back calmly.

"Who are you! How dare you talk to me like that? "

"Your mouth is really eating garlic. It's very loud! Who do you think you are! Is it your mother all over the world? Who doesn't know that you are envious of wanwan and master Yan. You make trouble for her all day! Save it! Master Yan is wanwan! "

"You -- you shut up!"

"I must say! What I can't stand most is the self righteous people like you

Lin Ling glanced at Zuo AI with disdain. Her momentum was stronger than that of Zuo AI.

Left love not only in wenwanwan there to get benefits, but also by Lin Ling so ridicule, live from a school flower reduced to a joke!

"Thank you, Lin Ling. I'm fine."

Wen wanwan expressed her gratitude. Lin Ling was probably the best classmate she got along with in this class.

"Don't mention wanwan. I just can't stand such people! What the hell! I think I'm great all day

"You --"

"Wen wanwan, classmate!"

When Zuo AI was about to lose her temper, Xu's excited cry came from the door of the classroom.

All the people in the classroom looked up and saw Xu old banniang running towards Wen wanwan with a smile on her face.

"Miss Xu, are you looking for me?"

"To you, of course!"

Xu old banniang said more and more excitedly, reaching out to hand over a card of A3 paper.

"Wen wanwan, look what this is!"

She handed it over, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the card in her hand.

"Wen wanwan, Congratulations! You are admitted to S5 elite university! You can be promoted to a freshman this September

Oh, my God!

Wen wanwan felt her heart stopped for a second, and her brain emptied for a moment, until

"Wan Wan! It's true! congratulations! You're jumping! Great

Lin Ling's congratulatory voice sounded in her ears very clearly and firmly.

Wen wanwan was distracted and looked down at the cardboard


It's true!

There is the authoritative seal of the college below!

"Wan Wan, you are so powerful!"


"Maybe you'll be my elder sister in the future!"

"Do you want to go to this university? Save it

Ear all kinds of congratulations and frolic words, Wen wanwan finally come back.

"Wen wanwan, you don't have to come here to have classes. Next, you have a long vacation, which is enough for you to adjust your state and enter the University in September this year! Congratulations

"Thank you, teacher!"

Warm Wan Wan excited thanks, at the moment the mood is speechless!

"Thank you, too! Thank you very much

Her heart beat and her eyes warmed when she said thank you.


She wants to see Ali!

She's going to tell him the good news!

Wen wanwan didn't stay for a second. She picked up her schoolbag and quickly ran out of the classroom with the admission card.

Big sex wolf, I really succeeded!

I have lived up to your patient guidance for so long! I finally can walk in your side without distance!

Ali! wait for me! I'll find you now!