Chapter 12

“All right.”

As Helena headed to her father’s bedroom, Jerome followed quietly. Helena carefully opened the bedroom door with a heavy heart.

As Jerome said, her father was asleep. He had abrasions on his face and his complexion was somewhat pale. However, except for the fact that his right arm was wrapped in bandages, there seemed to be no abnormality.

Helena moved closer without making a sound so as not to wake her father. She looked carefully at her father’s bandaged right arm. The finger that came out through the gap in the bandage was swollen, and there was bright red blood on the bandage as well.

Just by looking at it, it looked very painful.

Helena felt the tip of her nose grow cold. Tears welled up as she thought of the pain her father was going through right now. But Helena forced herself to swallow. It was time to let her father sleep.

She clenched her teeth, holding back her tears, and carefully silenced her footsteps, leaving the room, lest the whistle would wake her father.

Seeing Helena with tears in her eyes as she came out of the room, Jerome gently patted her on the shoulder as if consoling her with a confused face. Then he looked down the stairs without saying a word.

As the two quietly descended the stairs, in front of the study on the first floor, William Croweteeth was waiting for her.

“I have something to tell you, Miss.” “What’s going on, Will?”

Will’s face also looked so serious that Helena asked anxiously as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Seeing Will and Jerome talk at the same time, it was clear that something serious was going on.

Helena turned to Jerome. The butler’s face, whose hair had already turned half-white, was darker than when he spoke about her father’s condition.

“What the hell is going on?”

Helena asked in a trembling voice as she had an ominous thought. “I have something you should see.”

Jerome opened his mouth.

He took Helena into the study and opened a thick ledger from the corner of Raynor Stud’s bookshelf. Helena recognized right away that it was a workshop ledger that her father wrote by hand.

“What’s wrong with the workshop?” “Take a look at this.”

Helena looked at the page Jerome was pointing to. Her face gradually darkened. What Jerome showed her was a huge bill that was on the deadline soon.

“Can’t we afford to pay it back?”

She had never heard of the poor financial condition of the workshop. Her father never had trouble with missing customers, because no nobles who were considered the best in the Royal capital, would not want clothes from .

“You will also remember that the King ordered a ceremonial costume for the 10th anniversary of the enthronement ceremony in April last year.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

Helena nodded her head. How could she forget about it? That is, until October when the ceremony was over, all custom-made dresses were stopped being produced and a battle was fought to make the king’s ceremonial costumes.

“We haven’t received the payment for the ceremonial costume yet.” “What?”

This surprised Helena. She didn’t know about this.