Zhuang nixuan's expression was stiff. Unexpectedly, Han Xiao would suddenly say such an answer. A strong sense of sadness filled his heart.

Suddenly, a mobile phone ring rang in the car.

Han Xiao immediately stepped on the brake, slowed down the speed, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pinned the Bluetooth headset to his ear, and then pressed the answer button.

After connecting the phone, Han Xiao didn't speak until the person on the other end of the phone finished talking. He turned his eyes and looked at Zhuang nixuan, who was still as if nothing had happened. There was a touch of disappointment at the bottom of his eyes. Then he made a sound and rejected the invitation of the caller, Fang Dao, "I'm not free tonight, next time."

Then he didn't listen to what Fang said, so he hung up the phone directly.

When braking, the car stopped at the roadside. The distance from here to Zhuang nixuan's apartment is almost the same as that back to Fengwan villa.

Han Xiao didn't step on the accelerator again, but his body stretched straight. He sat in the main driver's seat, staring coldly at the woman beside him, waiting for each other's explanation.

Zhuang nixuan heard the caller's voice from the moment Han Xiao answered the phone. Fang Dao's phone came too coincidentally and let her lie break.

But until now, Zhuang nixuan didn't feel a bit flustered and ashamed.

The more Han Xiao looked at it, the colder his heart became. He spoke again and used the cold tone he had never used in the past when he faced Zhuang nixuan, as well as a strong sense of questioning, "Ni Xuan, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Zhuang nixuan sighed gently, met Han Xiao's sharp eyes, and pulled out a comfortable smile on her lips, "brother Han, you misunderstood me."

"Misunderstanding?" Han Xiao frowned deeply and was dissatisfied with Zhuang nixuan's Refutation without any explanation. "You said that director Fang wanted to talk to me about the play with you, but just now director Fang called me and said that he had just come back to attend his cousin's wedding today. The wedding banquet was over. He was bored in the evening and wanted to buy me a drink."

As soon as Han Xiao's voice fell, Zhuang nixuan nodded slightly and admitted generously, "yes, I lied to director Fang to talk to us about the play and deliberately brought you out."

Han Xiao's eyes suddenly deepened, and his face showed a very obvious look of disappointment.

"Brother Han, don't be angry. Will you listen to me?" Zhuang nixuan asked earnestly.

Han Xiao turned his head and held the steering wheel with one hand, obviously refusing.

Zhuang nixuan stopped waiting for his promise and explained, "I know brother Han, you hate being cheated and betrayed, but I'm not betraying your trust in me. I'm doing it for you and Mingxi."

Hearing Yu Mingxi's name, Han Xiao was as cold as ice, and his eyes fluctuated a little.

Zhuang nixuan immediately took advantage of the situation and went on, "Brother Han, I actually heard what you and Mingxi were arguing in the kitchen. I didn't mean it. I saw that you hadn't come out of the kitchen for so long, so I went to find you, but I accidentally bumped into you. When I arrived, you quarreled very fiercely. It sounded as if you were quarrelling over whether to have children. Brother Han, your character naturally doesn't need to be said. Who will marry you No one will be happy. I don't think the world can find a more reliable man than brother Han, so Mingxi must have a sense of security with you. But after all, she's too young. A little girl at this age can't really understand the meaning of family and marriage. Now it's the stage where girls can be most presumptuous and free. She suddenly wants her to be a mother, right For Mingxi, it must be a constraint. "

Zhuang nixuan suddenly stopped talking when she said this.

Han Xiao's expression was cold for several times. Zhuang nixuan's last words were very harsh.

Even though he knew that Zhuang nixuan was right, he was extremely unhappy with the fact that Yu Mingxi regarded their children as shackles.

"Brother Han, you've never been a person who escapes from reality. Although my words are not pleasant to hear, they are facts. You must accept them first before you can find a way to solve them." Zhuang nixuan coaxed.

Han Xiao frowned and tightened his five fingers on the steering wheel.

"I chose to get engaged to Xu Anting instead of getting married. In addition to his family's concern about my identity and work in the entertainment industry, they wanted to investigate me. Similarly, I was also testing Xu Anting because I had the same mentality as Mingxi at that time. I didn't want to form a new family with others too early and lose my freedom so early." Zhuang nixuan said slowly, "So brother Han, don't be too radical, too radical. A face-to-face dispute with Mingxi won't help. The best way is to detour and stimulate her bit by bit."

"Stimulate her?" Han Xiao suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "the lie you said tonight is to stimulate her?"

"Yes." Zhuang nixuan nodded with a smile and continued, "only women can really understand women. Many women think carefully. Women may not say it all their life, and men can't guess it, but it is often these small details that can determine the success or failure of feelings."

"Brother Han, like me, doesn't doubt that Mingxi has no sincerity for you, but doesn't know how much affection a little girl of her age can give. Those who are in the game will see clearly." Zhuang nixuan said with a gentle smile, "I think maybe she doesn't know how much she feels about you, so she can have a little stimulation when necessary. I know that brother Han is very fond of Mingxi now, but at this time, you still need to be a little cruel and pour a little vinegar on Mingxi to make her feel the vinegar taste. When the stimulation is in place, she will find that you love brother Han Of course, we can focus on you and put you first in our heart. "

The words explained by Zhuang nixuan fell into Han Xiao's ears, and more or less set off waves.

Because she completely grasped the point of the deadlock between him and Yu Mingxi.

"Well, I've finished what I should say now. Although it's for brother Han and Mingxi, I'm really good at making claims. Even if it's a white lie, I'm wrong to do so. Brother Han, if you still want to blame me, blame me." Zhuang nixuan said, with an open-minded expression on her face.

Han Xiao finally gave a deep voice and said, "I won't blame you. You're for me and Mingxi. But in the future, I don't want to see such a thing happen again."

"I see, brother Han..." Zhuang nixuan looked at the man in front of her with soft eyes, shouted softly, and then said, "Brother Han, you already know that we don't have to go to director Fang. Just let me off here. I'll take a taxi back by myself. You can stay outside for a while and go back later. Let Mingxi worry a little, and she will know how to cherish it better. Brother Han, you are too straight. Sometimes it's good to use small tricks between lovers, which can be regarded as it It's fun. "

"I will consider it." Han Xiao's reply still remains rigid and indifferent.

Zhuang nixuan left a blessing for him and Yu Mingxi, so she wanted to open the door and get off, but as soon as she put her hand on the door, she heard Han Xiao speak softly, "I'll take you back."

"OK." Zhuang nixuan couldn't help smiling and mischievously winked at Han Xiao, "it's my great honor to have Han guide."

She expected Han Xiao to indulge her occasional jokes as before. Even if she was teased, she just looked at her helplessly and cooperated with her.

However, she waited for a while. Han Xiao didn't look back at her. The car restarted and returned to the rainy Avenue, but Han Xiao kept looking straight at the road ahead from beginning to end.

Zhuang nixuan didn't really realize Han Xiao's reticence until now. Along the way, Han Xiao, who was eager to return, was absent-minded about all kinds of topics she threw out.

After returning Zhuang nixuan to her residence, Han Xiao only nodded slightly, then said goodbye to her through the rising window, and then immediately returned to Fenghai Bay.

Instead of listening to Zhuang nixuan's last suggestion, he deliberately stayed a little later to make Yu Mingxi anxious enough to go back to the villa. Instead, he increased the speed to the maximum, just to return to the villa as soon as possible and earlier.

About 25 minutes later, Han Xiao drove his car and stopped in the garden. He quickly pulled out the car key, got out of the car and strode into the villa.

The first floor of the villa is empty. The living room, dining room and kitchen are empty. It's so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

Han Xiao was full of doubts, but he remained calm. He turned and went upstairs. He searched the master bedroom and Study on the second floor again, but he still got nothing.

Han Xiao finally walked out of the study, looked up at the stairs closest to the study, then walked over, climbed the stairs and went up to the third floor

In the guest bedroom on the third floor, it took nine cattle and two tigers to move the drunk Zheng Yixiao back to the room. Yu Mingxi on the bed was too tired to move, so he sat on the edge of the bed and gasped for a little rest.

She had just rested for a while when she heard Zheng Yixiao shouting "sister-in-law" lying in bed.

Yu Mingxi turned her head, but saw Zheng Yixiao still closed her eyes and still fell asleep.

It seems that I'm dreaming. I don't forget to continue to make fun of her in my dream!

The idea was not completely settled in her mind. The next second, she heard Zheng Yixiao as if he was chanting scriptures. Instead, she repeatedly said, "sister-in-law, I like you -"

Yu Mingxi's head was buzzing, and the whole person was stunned.

But Zheng Yixiao didn't realize what he had said. His eyelids were still closed. He held the quilt tightly in his arms with both hands and gently rubbed his face up, as if he were treating his beloved. He was reluctant to use more force.

He gently rubbed the quilt and muttered, "sister-in-law, you'll never know... There's a secret I haven't told you. In fact, like my brother, I like you."