On the murals in the passage, the feather snake god with huge wings soars in the sky, and the lower body is hidden in the clouds.

On the earth below, many human beings crawl on the earth. An old man dressed like a sacrifice stood at the top of the Mayan temple and waved a long gold staff towards the feather snake god.

The ratio of the body of the feather snake god to the villains on the ground is about 7:1, so it seems that the feather snake god is extremely huge and human beings are extremely small.

As mentioned before, the Maya civilization is in favor of realistic painting style, and this mural perfectly reflects this feature.

When Jiang Le stood in front of the mural, he could feel an inexplicable sense of oppression.

It really makes people wonder whether the painter who painted this mural really saw the feather snake god, otherwise how could he draw this virtual fantasy creature so lifelike.

[the feather snake god looks terrible. If there is such a huge creature in the sky looking down on me, I feel that I may be stunned on the spot]

[fortunately, it's just an imaginary creature. Otherwise, if there are such big monsters now, I think the living environment of human beings should be very bad]

[how do I feel that the feather snake god is not fictional? If it is fictional, how can anyone draw it so realistic?]


Facing the discussion of many water friends in the live broadcast room, Jiang Le said: "there is an extremely beautiful 'Kukulkan Temple' about 100 feet high in the ancient city of zazheniza at the north end of the yugatun Peninsula in Mexico. This temple is one of the many temples left by the Maya civilization on the central American continent.

But this kukurkan temple is the most famous of all temples.

The temple is symmetrical in all directions, with a bottom length of 55.3 meters and a height of 24 meters. The four edges and corners are clear. The whole temple is in a ladder shape. There are 9 layers, shrinking upward layer by layer and narrower at the top. The nine layers add up to a total of 364 steps. Counting the feather snake temple at the top of the tower, it is 365, which means 365 days.

It is said that the feather snake god will fly to land only in the spring equinox and autumn equinox. On weekdays, it is either hidden in clouds and rain, which is difficult for ordinary people to see, or sink into the sea and roam around.

If the Mayan sacrifice wants to find the feather snake god, you can see the existence of the feather snake god from the section of the steps of the 'kukurkan Temple' in a special period of time. "

Jiang Le paused, pointed to the feather snake god on the mural and said, "this legend sounds very mysterious. Most people will treat it as a story and won't take it to heart.

But think about it carefully. Are some characteristics of the feather snake god very similar to a divine beast in the east? There is something in common in some aspects? "

[brother Jiang, what do you want to say...]

[sleeping trough, you don't think so. It seems so. It's a coincidence]

[it should be no coincidence that ten thousand years ago, global floods occurred in all civilizations in the world. Even this is surprisingly similar. If dragons really appeared in the East, it is not impossible to appear in Central America]

[the problem is that although the images of dragon and feather snake god are similar in trunk, there are still great differences in other parts. People in the two places can't look at it]

[so dragon and feather snake are two similar creatures of the same species? Nature is like a Python and a snake?]

"In the mythological records of the Oriental Kingdom and the Mayan civilization, the feather snake god and the dragon can fly through the clouds, and their ability to call the wind and rain.

The biggest difference between the two is that the dragon takes off by the power of the wind and cloud, while the feather snake god depends on the wings on its back.

The ancients of the East recorded in ancient books that dragons can show and hide, thin and huge, short and long, ascend the sky at the spring equinox, dive into the abyss at the autumn equinox, call the wind and rain, and ride the clouds and fog.

There are several points that can be compared with the feather snake god. In this way, people can't help thinking about the truth behind this matter.

Does the dragon, which exists in the whole history of the Oriental Kingdom and runs through every imperial dynasty, really just a creature invented by tribes in ancient times?

The dragon is the only creature in the zodiac that doesn't exist. Did people really choose to add it because they thought the dragon was very meaningful? "

Jiang Le looked at the mural and asked two questions, which immediately caused a brainstorming in the live studio. Everyone was talking about the possibility of this matter.

Finally, they came up with an answer that made them feel incredible. The dragon is real. It is not impossible to connect this matter with the feather snake god!

Jiang Le, on the other hand, looked further into the matter. He knew that the Mayans had a super high-tech product that was difficult to explain scientifically.

It's not clear whether the Mayans left the earth by relying on the "world ladder", but will they rely on the ladder to get creatures that don't exist on the earth from somewhere else outside the earth, or send them away?

Looking at the mural, Jiang Le took a deep breath. There should be countless clues hidden in the temple. Maybe it can help him find out the real secrets of the feather snake god and the Maya.