David's mind is in control of the sonic boom beetle. When faced with the powerful phantom butterfly, he knew the power of the sonic boom beetle.

At this time, the distance between the "sonic boom iron beetle" and the "phantom butterfly" has long been under the influence of the "phantom butterfly" spirit. The double attacks of butterfly powder and spirit attack the soul of the "sonic boom iron beetle".

However, the soul of the "sonic boom iron beetle" is extremely tough. In this double impact, it can support at least a few minutes.

David couldn't help but think that if he didn't get the sonic boom beetle that had been eliminated, then the sonic boom beetle would be motionless in front of him and he would not be able to control it, let alone turn it into a puppet.

David was worried about how long he could support within the range of phantom butterfly's mental attack, but this problem did not happen because he did not feel the mental attack from phantom butterfly in the "inner space" of "sonic boom iron beetle".

That is to say, the "inner space" of the "sonic boom iron beetle" puts him in another space, which is not within the scope of phantom butterfly's spiritual attack.

This also reassured him a lot. At least he didn't have to face the spiritual attack of "phantom butterfly". You should know that the consequences of mental attack are very serious. If you can't resist it, you will die.

Although David is very confident in his mental strength, he is not at all confident compared with the fourth level Zerg, especially the spirit expert "phantom butterfly".

David controls the sonic boom beetle and rushes to mirage butterfly, which is obviously quite unexpected. Because phantom butterfly has a very high status among Zerg, it can't believe that any Zerg dare to enter the cave it guards.

The most incomprehensible thing is how the other party entered here. There are layers of defense outside the kryptonite cave. As long as it touches any place, it will find the intruder.

Through the transmission of spirit, David understood the meaning of the howl.

"Mirage butterfly" is asking why the "sonic boom iron beetle" appears here. Are you not afraid of being chased by the top echelons of Zerg?

Of course, David doesn't care. The origin of this "sonic boom beetle" is unknown. I'm afraid it's impossible for the Zerg to find out the relevant information, unless the "half body spider" takes the initiative to come forward.

Even if we find out, does David control the sonic boom beetle every day in the Zerg occupied area?

In a month's time, David will leave the star of war.

The sonic boom beetle ignored the howl of the phantom butterfly and continued to hit the phantom butterfly. There was no way for the phantom butterfly to escape.

Compared with the powerful "sonic boom iron beetle," Mirage butterfly, a level 4 Zerg with special talent, is more powerful. However, the impact at this distance is more powerful than the physical strength between them, which makes the phantom butterfly have to avoid.

In fact, as long as the "phantom butterfly" fights with the "sonic boom iron beetle" for a period of time, it will definitely be the "phantom butterfly" who will win.

It's just that David doesn't want to fight phantom butterfly at all. He's got everything. Where will he stay.

Besides, the sound blasted iron beetle and himself will not be the opponent of the phantom butterfly in front of him. As long as he dares to leave the inner space, the phantom butterfly will definitely kill him first.

As soon as the phantom butterfly avoided, the sonic boom beetle burst out of the cave.

The spirit of the "phantom butterfly" swept through the cave, and it found the overturned nests, especially the top-level kryptonite that had been turned over.

"Phantom butterfly" immediately turned back and chased out. After chasing out of the cave, only the special space explosion sound of "sonic boom iron beetle" was heard, and only a smaller and smaller figure was seen.

All level 4 Zerg can fly. Although the mirage butterfly has a pair of wings that can make it fly faster, the sonic blaster beetle is the speed advantage of the fourth level Zerg. Once the sonic boom iron beetle is speeded up, few Zerg can catch up with the sonic boom beetle.

"Phantom butterfly" clearly knew that it could not catch up with it, but in order to achieve the task, it still made great efforts to catch up.

David feels very comfortable now. He controls the sonic boom beetle to fly over the valley mouth guarded by more than ten third level Zerg. Before the third level Zerg can react, the sonic boom iron beetle flies by.

The next step is the range of the "popcorn" swarm. Regardless of whether these "popsicles" dare to attack a level 4 Zerg on their own initiative, even if they want to attack, they can't lock in such a fast target.

The "boomerang" can only watch the sonic boom beetle fly by, and then hear the roar from the phantom butterfly, which orders them to attack.

The group did not dare to disobey orders. They could only shoot a few energy beams at the passing figure of the sonic boom beetle. These energy beams were tens of meters away from the body of the sonic boom beetle. Of course, they had no effect.

The "sonic boom beetle" flew over the area of the "ghost face spiders" group again. Due to the movement here, the "iron winged bat" swarm was also disturbed, and they took off one after another.The "sonic boom beetle" passes directly through the middle of the group of "iron winged bats". All the "iron winged bats" blocking the front are smashed into pieces by the "sonic boom iron beetles".

As for the "iron wing bat insect" has a little effect, but the "ghost face spider" has no response.

The sonic boom beetle continues to accelerate, and David never thought that one day he would fly at this speed over the Zerg occupied territory.

After five minutes, David could no longer feel the smell of phantom butterfly.

Then he let the sonic boom beetle descend to the ground. He came out of the "inner space" and let the "sonic boom iron beetle" activate its "freedom of size". Its body became smaller and became two meters in size.

David takes the sonic boomerang back into his ring. He doesn't dare to use it so recklessly in the Zerg occupied area.

Based on the importance of kryptonite, I believe there will soon be Zerg to encircle the sonic boomers.

David looked at the surrounding environment. He flew too fast just now, and his body was in the "abdominal space", which made him unable to update his position in time.

Fortunately, he still knows the general direction, and has a judgment on how far it flies. He doesn't want the sonic boom beetle to fly deep into the Zerg occupied area.

David put on the camouflage again and ran fast on the ground. He needed to find a temporary foothold.

In the Zerg occupied area, Zerg nests can be seen everywhere.

David chose a humble underground nest, in which was a first-class Zerg wolf spider.

Instead of killing the black wolf spider, he used the "bewitching pattern" to temporarily transform the "black wolf spider" into a puppet.

He then used his ability to sneak underground to create a number of cubic holes under the nest of the black wolf spider.

David jumped into the cave and hid his breath completely. Just as he was about to take out the bucket, he suddenly slowed down.

A spirit of terror swept through the nest. After finding the wolf spider in black skin, it swept by without stopping.

After this terrifying mental scan, David's shadow attendant outside the nest saw a phantom figure flash by thousands of meters away.

David is almost 100% sure that it is the energy incarnation of the level 5 Zerg. He didn't expect that the Zerg would react so quickly. Only in a short time, the level 5 Zerg came out.

He thought that if he had a shadow attendant, he could ensure that he would not be found by observing him from high altitude. Now he realized how ridiculous this idea was.

Just now, if he really took out the bucket, with the breath of blood in the bucket and the breath of the pattern, he would surely attract the attention of the fifth level Zerg energy incarnation.

Once you get the attention of the fifth level Zerg energy avatar, even if David has the ability to hide breath, he will be found by the fifth level Zerg energy avatar.

David has seen the power of the level 5 Zerg energy avatar, which is a kind of toughness that he can't understand. Let alone him, even a strong man like Baron Dubois will die when he meets a level 5 Zerg energy avatar.

David didn't dare to move any more. He stayed carefully in the small hole.

Half an hour later, the mental scan again scanned here, but this time the direction is back.

The energy avatar of level 5 Zerg chases after it all the way according to its flight path. The speed of the energy avatar is much faster than that of the sonic boomer.

After chasing a long distance, the level 5 Zerg energy incarnation knows that it may have been chasing the wrong direction, and the sonic boom iron beetle has changed direction on the way.

The Zerg occupation is so large that it's almost impossible to have a full search.

So the level 5 Zerg energy avatar can only return. Next, Zerg who are good at tracking will be sent to investigate. As long as the "sonic boom iron beetle" is still there, it will be found out.

David stayed for another two hours. It was dark outside, and the level 5 Zerg energy incarnation never passed through.

After searching twice, David didn't believe that the level 5 Zerg avatar would continue to search here, so he decided to work.

David took out the bucket, and immediately a bloody gas came out, especially in the narrow space. David had already converted into internal circulation, and the smell here could not affect him.

As soon as the bucket left the space, the pattern on the assassin Mantis began to flash.

There is a lot of special energy in the blood of the third level Zerg. The blood is collected by David from the body of the third level Zerg who has just died, and is stored in space objects. There is no waste of blood energy.

There are three levels of Zerg's life energy in these blood, and this energy only exists in the blood. According to the "corpse control" knowledge in memory, for powerful corpses, a large amount of life energy is needed to increase the vitality of the corpse.

This allows the corpse to retain more strength. If you are a low-level Zerg, the wasted strength is not worth mentioning. Therefore, it is not necessary to do this before using "corpse control".But even a little loss of strength of the fourth level Zerg is a huge loss, which requires this means to restore vitality.

The patterns on the corpse of the assassin Mantis flicker, drawing life energy from the blood and flowing into the body of the assassin Mantis.

The body of "Assassin Mantis" has a trace of vitality, which is external, but is actually increasing.

But the process of this increase is very slow, David can only watch, there is no way to help.

One day later, the life energy in the blood of the third level Zerg is decreasing, but the corpse of "Assassin Mantis" is becoming more and more fresh.

Two days later, the life energy in the blood of the third level Zerg did not flow out due to the influence of the pattern. All the energy was directed to the body of the assassin Mantis.

On the third day, the third level Zerg blood in the barrel has no life energy, while the corpse of the assassin mantis is is full of vitality.

During these three days, many Zerg passed by, but they didn't find David hiding in the ground.

The strongest of these Zerg is level 3. Of course, they can't use spirit scanning underground as easily as the five level Zerg energy incarnation.

David decided to perform "autopsy" here. It was relatively safe here.

David sealed the cave, completely isolated from the outside world, so that unless there is another level five Zerg energy incarnation passing through, it will not be able to detect the energy fluctuations here.

He recalled the shadow attendant, who took out the stolen "perfect kryptonite".

An enchanting gold appeared in front of David's eyes. The golden light spread on the surface of the perfect kryptonite, which was like a cloud of smoke, rippling on the perfect kryptonite, making people feel uneasy.

David knows why some low-level Zerg will take in the energy of "perfect kryptonite" regardless of the danger. David has a strong spirit and knows that absorbing "perfect kryptonite" is inevitable. However, he always has an instinctive call in his heart to absorb the energy of "perfect kryptonite".

This may be the instinct that life wants to evolve, a possible way to further the level of life. Even if this road is extremely dangerous, it can not stop the instinct of life.

In David's mind, the "stone skin worm" king of the guardian star is extremely lucky. After absorbing the energy of "perfect kryptonite", he can survive and have stronger strength.

If Baron Dubois had not mentioned the points for attention of "perfect kryptonite", most people would have followed their original intention when they first came into contact with "perfect kryptonite".

David shakes his head and suppresses the influence of "perfect kryptonite" on him, knowing that danger is very manageable for humans.

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