David put the "perfect kryptonite" aside, and he recalled the knowledge of "autopsy" in his mind. Although under the influence of the light sphere of knowledge, the knowledge is just like that accumulated by himself over countless years, he still needs to be careful at this time.

In the knowledge system of "corpse control" in memory, it is extremely risky to perform "corpse control" on the corpses of level 4 Zerg and make them into puppets.

If David didn't happen to get the "Assassin Mantis", a class 4 Zerg with extremely small body and extremely strong fighting power, he would not have considered this.

The huge body of the ordinary level 4 Zerg is an insurmountable problem for him. It is impossible for him to make a puppet out of a monster over 20 meters long, because he can't take this kind of puppet back.

After recalling the knowledge of "corpse control" again, David guided his spirit to his fingers, and then used his spirit to draw the most important "corpse control pattern" on the body of the assassin Mantis.

Like the Zerg pattern that David had studied before, this "corpse control pattern" needs special mental fluctuation to be drawn. In addition, the complexity of the "corpse control pattern" prevents any other race from copying this pattern.

When David began to draw the "corpse control pattern", he immediately felt his spirit rushing towards his fingers madly.

With his spirit, only a few strokes will drain his spirit. The strokes of this "corpse control pattern" are as high as hundreds of strokes. Without any hesitation, he immediately put his other hand on the shadow attendant.

For such a long time, David has been trying not to absorb the soul energy in the shadow service body, just for this moment.

David can't tell how much soul energy the shadow attendants absorbed. After experiencing the all-out war launched by Zerg, it's almost unimaginable that shadow attendants absorbed the souls of both sides of the battlefield.

Not to mention two fourth level Zerg souls were also absorbed by the shadow attendants. After David entered the Zerg occupied area, he killed some third level Zerg, and their souls did not escape the shadow attendants' absorption.

As soon as David pressed his hand on the shadow server, a surge of soul energy came into his body.

He pressed back on the idea of introducing this soul energy into the soul fortress and directed it to his fingers.

At this time, David's mind is divided into two parts. On the one hand, he needs to force the turbulent soul energy to slow down, and then slowly flow to his fingers. On the other hand, he needs to keep drawing the "corpse control pattern" in his hand without making any mistakes.

At this moment, David forgot about his environment and devoted himself to the painting.

As the drawing of the "corpse control pattern" is coming to an end, there is a trace of connection between the "Assassin Mantis" and the "corpse control pattern" of the fourth level Zerg, which produces a sense of terror.

At the same time, a shadow in the sky was flying towards this side.

Xuying is the fifth level Zerg. It sends Zerg with tracking talent to determine the flight path of the sonic boom beetle.

Zerg also has a talent ability similar to David's pet Xiaobai, which is a super tracking ability. As long as there is a trace of breath, you can track the target.

If David hadn't got the sonic blaster in the ring, he would have been found by the Zerg.

David's ability to hide his breath made him avoid the pursuit of the Zerg, but the sonic boom beetle's flight path could not be concealed, which allowed the level 5 Zerg to separate its energy.

David, who has been drawing the "corpse control pattern" with all his heart and mind, doesn't feel the danger. In fact, the level 5 Zerg is also worried that the thief has a sense of danger and knows its arrival in advance. So this time, the level 5 Zerg suppresses his breath. It is estimated that the thief will not be alerted until the spirit scans the thief.

At this critical time, there was no spirit in his eyes, just like the shadow of a dead thing. Suddenly, a divine light appeared in his eyes. Then, with a wave of his hand, a spiritual barrier wrapped up the whole cave.

Just a second after the formation of the spiritual barrier, the spirit of the level 5 Zerg energy split swept through here. Surprisingly, the level 5 Zerg energy split didn't sense the abnormality here.

In the fifth level Zerg energy separation, this is an ordinary nest, and there is nothing special about it.

The level 5 Zerg energy split then flies over from above, and the mental scan continues to probe forward.

As the spirit probe of the level 5 Zerg energy split leaves, the spiritual barrier that surrounds the whole cave disappears.

The light in the shadow servant's eyes disappeared and returned to the appearance without any intelligence again.

David did not know this at this time. He is now fully controlling the influx of soul energy into the "corpse control pattern". Although the "body control pattern" has been successfully drawn, it has not stopped absorbing soul energy.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, the "corpse control pattern" flickered with white light and no longer absorbed soul energy. David then removed his hand from the shadow server.

This time, I got a lot of soul energy. After such a long time of consumption, there was still no consumption of soul energy.David doesn't care about the consumption of soul energy. He needs to move on to the next step. Every mistake in every step now will waste all his efforts.

There is only one chance. Whether it's the special fourth level Zerg corpse of the assassin mantis, or the perfect kryptonite, or the huge amount of soul energy, they are all resources that are hard to be repeated.

Let's first talk about the corpse of the assassin Mantis. Even the fifth level Zerg's "half body Spider Queen" has only produced such an "Assassin Mantis" over the years. David's chance of encountering another "Assassin Mantis" in the future is very slim. Even if he encounters the possibility of killing it, it is also a big problem.

The biggest possibility is that David himself was attacked by the "Assassin Mantis", because David's sense of danger is that he can't find the trace of the "Assassin Mantis", let alone take precautions in advance.

The next step is "perfect kryptonite". After this time, the Zerg will strengthen their guard over the "perfect kryptonite" for at least a long time. There may even be a fifth level Zerg energy incarnation waiting for him in a certain kryptonite mine.

He won't go to those kryptonites again. The first time he steals, it's just that the Zerg are not alert. The probability of being caught again is very high. He doesn't want to take risks.

Finally, there is the issue of soul energy. So much soul energy can only be obtained in the Zerg all-out war, and it will take at least 30 years for the next Zerg total war to occur.

So if he fails this time, at least for a long time, he will not have a chance to get such a good opportunity again.

The "corpse control pattern" is suspended above the head of the assassin Mantis. David places the perfect kryptonite on the side in the center of the "corpse control pattern".

In an instant, the light of the "corpse control pattern" turns into gold, and then the golden light turns into lines and spreads on the body of the assassin Mantis.

These lines are the blood vessels of the assassin mantis, and then these vessels, which have lost their blood and dried up, swell up. Of course, the blood is not flowing, but the golden energy from the perfect kryptonite.

The golden energy in the blood vessels flows to the heart of the assassin Mantis.

David has been paying close attention to the changes of the "Assassin Mantis". When he sensed that the golden energy was flowing to the heart of the assassin mantis, he felt a little uneasy.

He remembered that when he killed the assassin mantis, he split the heart of the assassin mantis in two.

But it turned out that his worries were superfluous. When the golden energy flowed into the damaged heart, the heart magically closed, and under the action of the golden energy, the damaged heart was repaired.

Then the heart, which had not been beating for a long time, began to beat again, pressing the golden energy flowing into it into the blood vessels of the body.

The golden energy takes the place of blood in the body of the assassin Mantis. However, the level of this golden energy is too high. Under David's perception, it is difficult to perceive the breath inside the assassin Mantis unless he is close to his body.

When the whole body of the "Assassin Mantis" starts to flow, the "corpse control pattern" carries the "perfect kryptonite" to the brain of the "Assassin Mantis". Finally, the "corpse control pattern" and "perfect kryptonite" enter the brain through the skin and skull of the assassin Mantis.

David can see clearly that during the whole process, there is no damage to the place where the "Assassin Mantis" was passed through. Without knowing the principle, the combination of "corpse control pattern" and "perfect kryptonite" is just like energy, ignoring the defense of "Assassin Mantis".

The eyes of the assassin Mantis suddenly opened, but there is no intelligence in these eyes. At the same time, David feels the connection from the "corpse control pattern". He can put his mind into the body of the "Assassin Mantis" at any time to control the actions of the "Assassin Mantis".

Of course, David can also give an order to the assassin mantis, which can't be complicated, such as killing all the targets you see, such as hiding them from being discovered.

Because the intelligence of the assassin mantis is completely replaced by the "corpse control pattern," which extracts the instinct of the "Assassin Mantis" and enables the "Assassin Mantis" to control the instinctive actions of the body. This makes the "Assassin Mantis" have the original combat power, but lose the ability to analyze affairs.

David looks at the "Assassin Mantis" or "Assassin Mantis puppet" in front of him. It is completely different from the "sonic blasted iron beetle", because "sonic blasted iron beetle" is a living life in any way.

Although there is a "puppet" in the mantis, it is a dead body.

The body of the "Assassin Mantis puppet" only relies on the energy in the "corpse control pattern" and "perfect kryptonite" to keep its body active, but there is no trace of living things.

Using "corpse control" to resurrect the original life, only the physical instinct is left, and those talent abilities have disappeared.

For example, this "Assassin Mantis puppet" should have the ability to hide its own breath, but now it has disappeared.

However, David sensed the state of the "Assassin Mantis puppet" at this time, and estimated that it did not need the ability of hiding breath as it used to be. Because it is standing here now, as long as it is away from a meter away, it can not feel any breath.David summoned the shadow attendant and sensed the size of the inner space of the ring. He could not help but give up the idea of putting the "Assassin Mantis puppet" into the ring, because the space there is too crowded.

"How can I forget that it's not a living thing!" David suddenly whispered.

He immediately asked the shadow servant to try to put the "Assassin Mantis puppet" into the space ring. If the "Assassin Mantis puppet" is a living creature, it can not be earned by the space ring.

As for the reason why the shadow servant should let the "Assassin Mantis puppet" be included in the space ring instead of David himself, it is because David does not want to put the "Assassin Mantis puppet" on his body.

This is the same reason that the summoning ring is placed on the shadow servant. Whether it is the "sonic boom iron beetle" or the "Assassin Mantis puppet", it is a secret that can not be discovered by others. The Federation has the equipment to detect the internal objects of space objects. He does not want to be found out because of his own mistakes.

Especially in peaceful areas, there is no tolerance for the emergence of Zerg. As long as there is only one Zerg, it will be a big thing.

As long as the Zerg appear, the planet will be quarantined, and the planet will always be invaded by Zerg. The larvae and eggs of Zerg cannot be cleaned up.

If he doesn't want to cause such panic, David needs to put his two puppets away.

After the "Assassin Mantis puppet", David once again put his hand on the shadow servant, and then a lot of soul energy came to him.

David enjoys the refreshing feeling of soul energy entering the soul fortress. The soul fortress becomes stronger in the rain and fog of soul energy, but there is not much change on the whole.

It's just that the freshness of soul energy didn't last long. As there was no more soul energy flowing into the shadow server, David opened his eyes.

He orders the shadow master to open the attribute mask, and his current attribute appears in front of him. One of his spiritual items has been raised to 8.21. The soul energy provided by this Zerg all-out war has increased his spirit by 0.14 points.

David believes that if he doesn't use his soul energy to draw the "corpse control pattern", the harvest will be even greater, but he has no regrets at all.

The improvement of spirit can improve his comprehensive ability, and it is also his own promotion, but there is no substantial improvement in his strength.

Having a fourth level Zerg, especially a small fourth level Zerg like the assassin mantis, can give him more protection.

Giving up some opportunities for spiritual improvement in exchange for a level 4 Zerg "Assassin Mantis puppet" is definitely a very cost-effective thing.

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