Chapter 30 - Are you going to send dragons

After remaining silent for a while one of the ministers looked back at the man who was holding the paper and asked, "I hope that you are not joking about this matter, a kingdom without any alliance with the others is aiming to attack Dragonof?"

The minister shook his head and said, "I am completely serious matter. This letter may be brought back by our spy, but the words are those of the higher ups themselves."

At this all of them got confused and Irene asked, "What do you mean by that?"

The minister massaged his temples and said, "This is unbelievable for me as well, but the spy which we sent was caught by them but still they didn't kill him and instead asked him to relay this letter to us? Infact the very words of their mage head were, "Hmm, killing him is of no use for us, so instead let him deliver the declaration of war to them. Besides let's add the word for alliance as equals in it as well because I don't think that they will regard is high enough to be their equals if we were to ask them but right now the timing is very favourable for us. They won't be able to decline is without major loss." or so he said. The spy himself said that their mage head was totally confident while saying that."

At this all the members in the room got angry for being looked down upon and started shouting their complains at the kingdom of Adroelia and started ridiculing them.

Only Irene and Belserion were looking at all of them calmly but when Irene thought that it had been enough she raised her hand making everyone of them becoming silent.

Irene then glanced at the minister who gave the news and asked, "You just said that they were aiming for being in an alliance with us as equals. Did they also mention any conditions that they have?"

The minister nodded his head and said, "They want some part of our territory to be under their control and some monetary gains as well. Aside from that they also asked for military protection for their territory including some Dragons as well... There is one other thing as well which is the most important part of the alliance."

At this the ministers narrowed their eyes and looked at the one who was speaking. Irene then said, "And what might that be?"

The minister then said, "Thet want to deepen the relationship between the two kingdoms so that their might not be unrest among the people of our kingdoms and have asked for the queen's hand in marriage with one of the higher ups of their kingdom...Of course in return they will have promised to provide superior equipments for the soldiers and training them as well. They are even ready to share the healing potions that they have recently developed."

Hearing that Irene was immediately going to reject the alliance but before she was able to do that the ministers started discussing among themselves.

"From superior equipment do they mean the ones that have been recently rumoured to be manufactured in their kingdom. I have heard that they are quite durable and of very fine quality. Their swords are even able to make some cracks in dragons scales as well."

"Not to mention the armours they have are great as well. Of course I am not saying that the ones that we have are bad but simply their equipment is better without a doubt."

"And training method of the army which is able to take down a couple of dragons on their own without the help of any dragon slayers.....How fierce that might be for our soldiers I wonder."

"Don't forget about the potions that they talked about. They only said about the healing ones but if we are able to talk our way we might be able to get out hands on other potions as well....This deal is not that bad in my view."

"Besides if we are in an alliance means that even if we give some part of our territory to them. We can still indirectly look over it. And I don't think that they are going to mistreat the citizens. The spies have said that their own kingdom is not like that. We can be assured that the citizens will not rebel against this."

"This deal is not bad at all. And it can be a start for us to have an alliance with the other kingdoms as well. In the time when the people who are starting to doubt to coexistence with the dragons because of the dragons who have been attacking the other kingdoms an alliance with a human country might make them a bit assured about the coexistence as the other countries themselves are trying to live with dragons. None of their conditions are harmful for us....well except for the money part, but our kingdom is not lacking in that department."

Suddenly all of them felt a huge pressure and all of them became silent while Belserion just face clawed himself and thought, 'They forgot about the most important condition for the alliance. Irene is never going to accept this. Damn you Adroelia, why do you have to give the only condition that is impossible for us.'

The ministers who felt the immense pressure on them slowly turned their head and looked at their queen who had a 'smile'on her face.

Irene then said, "You all are so easily swayed by the profits don't forget about the condition as well. I don't think that is reasonable."

Hearing that one of the ministers said, "Ummm..... What is wrong with that? They are asking for a hand in marriage with the queen herself so that there is a suitable reason for the alliance as equals. The citizens of our kingdom or their kingdom will not think that that one kingdom is superior than the other if this were to happen. Besides you should be knowing this as well but we need a heir for the kingdom as well."

Irene then glared at the minister and said, "There is no way that I am going to accept this condition. I will not marry someone just like that. (Like hell I am going to marry someone other than Damian. Might as well ask the dragons to destroy their kingdom and take all the profits than marry someone other than Damian.)"

Belserion looked at Irene with a sweat drop and thought, 'For some reason I can can clearly hear her inner thoughts.'

Irene then gave a fake cough and said, "Besides did you all already forget that they just now mocked us and said that we cannot ignore this?"

One of the minister than said, " that I think about it, this is certainly strange. I mean no doubt that their offer is attractive but is not something that we cannot ignore. What makes them think that we will certainly accept the conditions?"

Another minister then said, "They are just being arrogant thinking that we will easily accept the conditions just because they are too good for us. They are forgetting that we are Dragonof. We can easily defeat them and loot them of their supplies. Just attack them with a force comprising of ten dragons and we will see how long can they act arrogantly."

The other ministers nodded their heads as well and said, "Certainly that might be helpful for us as well. The allied kingdoms who are thinking of attacking us will take this as an example to not mess with us."

Seeing that she had successfully managed to avert the discussion of her marriage Irene smirked and nodded her head with satisfaction.

The minister who was relaying the news earlier looked at Irene and with a wry smile on his face said, "Umm...Irene-sama there is something at the back of the letter as well. I believe that it is an enchant. So you might be interested in it." and then passed the letter to Irene.

Irene took the letter and then glanced at the back of it and said, "Hmmm..... its a message which can be can only he read it the enchant is reversed. Hmm...seems to be the work of a skilled enchanter." and then placed her hand over it and started reversing it.

The other ministers and dragons then glanced at her waiting for the response but then one of the ministers chuckled and said, "But seriously to think that Adroelia is thinking that we cannot refuse them just because their offer is attractive. Something must be wrong with the heads of the higher ups. Did they forget that we can simply send a small unit of Dragons to annihilate them."

"Yeah, it's not like we are short on dragons. I accept that we don't have a lot of them if compared to the ones who are attacking the other kingdoms, if we were attacked by those dragons then we have to station all our dragons and dragon slayers against them, but just a single kingdom is no problem for us. Infact even our own army's numbers can deal with them."

"But why did they said that we cannot refute them. I remember you mention something about timing being favourable for them, right?"

Suddenly the door of the room was opened and a dragon and a soldier came rushing in.

The soldier who was breathing heavily looked at the minister and said, "There have been sightings of a huge army heading towards us."

One of them ministers then said. "Ah, that might be the Kingdom of Adroelia. don't worry We alre-"

Suddenly one more soldier came in the room and said, "A huge army coming from the direction of Adroelia is heading towards us."

The minster then said, "Like I said, We already know."

But the previous soldier shook his head and said, "No, sir the army the we saw is coming from the another direction. Most probably it is from the allied kingdoms."

Hearing that all the ministers got shocked and widened their eyes. They were about to confirm to the soldier once again but then a dragon came said with a panicked expression on his face, "Some of the dragons who have been attacking the kingdoms have left their group and are heading towards us"

And after that all the ministers got completely speechless but came out of trance when Irene smacked her fist on the table.

All of them then looked at Irene and one of them asked, "W-w-what happend Irene-sama?"

But Irene didn't say anything and just gave the decoded letter back to the minister.

The minister then looked at the back of the letter and immediately his eyes widened after reading the message.

Seeing his expression the other minister started asking him about the message to which he just showed it to them. The words written on the letter were:

"So are you still going to send dragons towards us?"