Chapter 31 - Mage head Ian

After the sun had set down the army which was mariching towards the kingdom of Dragonof from Adroelia has set up their camps and are resting to recover their fatigue.

In one of the tents which was relatively larger than the others a group of people were standing round the table and were discussing their strategy about the upcoming battle with Dragonof, if they were to refuse the alliance.

A man cladded in armour with a sword on his waist having dark brown hair and tanned skin was explaining about the moves that they will be making with explanations coming from the person standing beside him wearing normal clothes without any armour and a mask on his face having short black hair.

The other people who were in the room were listening to their to their explanation intently while also giving their opinions and asking their doubts to the other members.

Once all of them were done the two people who were leading the meeting looked towards the others and the knight like man said, "That's it. All of you make sure to rest well. We still have to cover a lot of distance tomorrow. And make sure to keep an eye out for any incoming attacks. We don't know what Dragonof might do after the declaration made by a certain someone." and glared at the person standing beside him.

The masked man looked towards the Knight and said, "Now Now, Rung-san don't look at me like that. I am not going to fall for you no matter how hard you look."

Hearing him all the people looked at him with a sweat drop and the Knight then said, "Like there would be anyone who is interested in a creep like you who wears a mask all the time."

The masked man then said, "Don't be like that you too know why I wear a mask. My safety is the most important for the current time, right? We can't have my identity being revealed. Besides you don't have to be angry with me, they will certainly accept our alliance."

Rung then narrowed his eyes and said, "And why do you believe that?"

At that everyone looked at the masked man intently waiting for his answer.

The masked man who noticed their gazes gave a thumbs up and said, "My intuition is saying so. So don't worry about it even a bit."

Hearing that all of them just sighed and then one of them said, "Well if Ian-sama's intuition is at work here then it most certainly is possible."

"Yeah, his intuition is scarely accurate."

Hearing that Rung said, "Aren't you guys believing in his intuition too much?"

To which all of them looked at him and said in unison, "Aren't you as well?" to which Rung's lips twitched and he glared at the masked man beside him who was chuckling.

Rung then gave a fake cough and said, "Anyway go back and rest. The meeting is over. Make sure to prepare everything on time. We will be moving early."

All of them other than the masked man and Rung bowed their heads and then left the room while saying, "Rest well, Ian-sama, Rung-sama."

Rung then gave a tired sigh and said, "Man this is making me very tensed. We are attacking Dragonof you know? DRAGONOF!!"

Ian then looked at Rung and said, "Oi oi, General Rung-san try to maintain your dignity, even though you don't have a bit of it, those lazy soldiers will follow your example and become a burden on planet like you."

Rung looked at Ian for a while and then said, "Leave it Damian I am not even in the mood to bicker with you." but immediately he got a bit on his head from the masked man who looked at Ring and said, "Right now, I am the mage head Ian. Don't mess up idiot."

Rung rubbed his head and said, "Hey, you don't have to be that violent with me. What would you do if I got mad because you hit too me hard on the head."

Damian then nonchalantly said, "Of you were to get that useless then I would simply report that you died in an accident and sell your organs and get some liquor money."

Hearing that Rung looked at Damian with an angry expression to which Damian said, "Glare all you want but I will still say the same, I am not I treated in males, especially the ones like you."

Rung got pissed and immediately grabbed Damian's collar to which Damian replied with a headbutt sending him back.

Damian then said, "Don't ruin ruin my clothes."

Rung then rubbed his forehead and said, "What is your forehead made up of? It hurts like hell man."

Damian then crossed his arms and said, "It is made up of manliness and charm which you do not posses."

Rung just looked at him with an annoyed expression and then said, "You and your mouth.... Anyway are you sure that we will not have any problem with the alliance."

Damian just nodded his head and said, "No problem. I will just have to take care of a few more things and then the alliance is guaranteed. Just make sure to do as I tell you and not speak out of your turn alright. And the most important thing-"

Damian then moved towards Rung and placed his hand on his shoulder and said in a 'friendly' tone do get in my way in the negotiation, if you don't want to turn into liquor money for your friend."

Rung then immediately nodded his head and said, "Yeah, no problem. Besides that old man of his majesty has left this job on you. So I have no intention of increasing my work load."

Damian just nodded his head and moved his hand from Rung's shoulder and walked out of the tent after saying, "Sleep tight Rung-san. If you showed no signs of waking up in the morning, I will sell your organs." and then left the tent leaving behind a dumbfounded Rung.