Chapter 50 - Back to Dragonof

"So you have been in this forest for a few years now?" Damian said while eating the lunch that he brought with him.

"Yes, it has been quite a while, though it's not like I hate the forest or anything if I to say something, I am grateful for the forest to keep me away from the human settlements." Zeref said with a smile while eating his share.

It has been a while since the two men started their lunch and currently both of them are trying to size up one another while knowing each other's intentions while making small talk to each other.

Damian looked curiously at Zeref and asked, " there a reason for you to be staying in the forest?"

Zeref thought for a while about how to answer and said, "I am staying in the forest, for the sake of humanity....or something along those lines."

Damian looked at Zeref with a deadpan expression and said, "Dude, I know that we both are still wary of each other and you don't want to give some important info. to me but still that was way too weird for an answer. You are speaking as if the people will start dying if they live near you."

Zeref who heard what Damian just said choked on his food and started hitting his chest with his fist. Seeing that Damian immediately took out a bottle of water from his storage and gave it to Zeref, who immediately took it and started drinking from it.

Once he was able to get the food down the pipe, he took deep breaths and looked at Damian as if he grew a second head and thought, 'You don't know how true you are.'

Damian just patted his back a for a bit and after he made sure that Zeref was alright he stopped and got back to his place.

"Calm down, don't eat too fast and chew your food properly."

Zeref calmed himself down and said, "Yeah, sorry about that."

Damian nodded and then stood up from his spot and said, "It seems my ride is coming back, so it would be better if you hide yourself, if you don't want to be questioned." and looked towards the direction where he felt Belserion.

Zeref soon felt a dragon as well and stood up and said, "Well, looks like our meeting is over for now, let's meet again sometime in future, Ian."

Damian nodded and said, "Let's do that. And make sure to not cause any trouble which will make me to come after you."

Zeref nodded and said, "Don't worry about that, I am staying in the forest for the sole purpose of not causing any troubles to begin with." and then walked towards the direction where he came from and soon disappeared from Damian's sight.

"He was pretty weird guy.....though not as weird as some people I have met."

Damian then waited a bit longer for Belserion to arrive and as soon as Belserion came in his view Damian activated his magic to enhance his body to the maximum.

Belserion who was now near Damian started to descend but as soon as he came in Damian's range, Damian jumped and punched Belserion's head with all he had.


Belserion immediately crashed on the ground giving rise to a huge dust cloud and Damian then landed on the ground as well.

A while later Belserion stood up and glared at Damian and said, "What the hell brat!!! Why resort to violence for such petty things. You are not even injured because of that."

Damian then cracked his knuckles and said, "You as well is not injured by my punch so shall we continue." and started walking towards the dragon.

Belserion immediately raised his claws and said, "Wait wait, I am at fault here, I yield."

Damian stopped and said, "So how are you going to deal with them?" and looked at the unconcious dragons.

Belserion looked at the Dragons as well and said, "You really took them down, huh. Well, I have already called some local dragons who specialise in transportation to bring these to the interrogation unit at the base on the battlefield. I have to go there as well. So you would have to go back without me."

Damian looked at Belserion and asked, "Why? What happened?"

Belserion gave an annoyed sigh and said, "Some powerful dragon showed up on the battle field, so I was requested to deal with them, not much of a problem. Things like this happen from time to time. Protect Irene in my place, alright."

Damian smirked and said, "Don't have to tell me that, I will do so without even being asked to, so go out there without a single worry and kick some dragon butt."

Belserion nodded and gave an used his magic and then an enchantment was formed over Damian's hand.

"Show that to the minister and Irene, they will know that I have seen that you have done your job properly."

Damian nodded and said, "Well then see you soon." and used his omnitrix to transform into Jetray and stared to go back to the castle back in Dragonof.

Belserion looked at the Dragons and said, "He defeated all of them without any severe injury.....I really don't want someone from the kingdom to get on his bad side."


After few hours of continuous flight Damian reached the castle and transformed back to his human form so as to not cause much trouble.

On the way he saw Zuma and Mama arguing over something but didn't think much about it and just ignored them.

He just got inside the castle and just headed towards Irene's room.

He soon reached his destination and was about to knock on the door but before he could do so the door opened and he was immediately pulled inside the room.

Damian who was surprised by the sudden pulling felt that he was hugged by someone and sighed. He hugged the person back and said, "I am back."

Irene who was embracing Damian looked at him with a relieved expression on her face and said, "I am glad that you are safe." and gave him a small kiss.