Chapter 51 - Message from the battlefield

After Damian consoled Irene for a while both of them sat down and Damian started to tell her about the situation with the Dragons, though he hid the part about Zeref as he was still a bit suspicious of him and involving Irene could let her in some kind of danger.

Irene heard the story about his fight with the Dragons with great interest and even though she was surprised on hearing that he was able to beat them without a dragon slayer magic, she was more pissed on him for being so reckless when she heard how badly the Dragons attacked him to how he came out of a dragon's stomach.

Once the discussion with Irene was over both of them had their dinner together after which Damian went back to his room....only to come back to her room secretly at night to sleep together with her. Afterall they can't let the others in the castle know that their relationship has exceeded to that point....yet.


A few weeks passed by since Damian's arrival back to the castle and it was a very busy period for both him and Irene.

The news about Damian's achievement of defeating 12 dragons alone was spread among the people of the kingdom and since then he was busy making a good image for himself among the masses. And though Irene was a bit reluctant to trouble Damian that much(she didn't want other women to seduce him) Damian himself along with the ministers suggested that it was a good opportunity to make his name in Dragonof so that his support for being Irene's husband could increase.

Currently Damian and the other ministers were in the meeting room along with Irene and were discussing about the situations at the battlefield.

"The current situating at the north where the battle with the Dragons is occurring is currently stable thanks to the arrival of Lord Belserion at the battlefield."

"But the situation against the allied kingdoms is at a bit troubling. Neither of the sides are able to gain an advantage over the other making it even more troubling for us. And we cannot send our Dragons there or the security of the kingdom will be at stake."

"Currently it is stable thanks to the Adroelian army but if they decided to send in their dragons then-"

Suddenly the huge door of the room was open and a dragon came in carrying a wounded and bloodied soldier.

Seeing the soldier's uniform which was of the Adroelian army Damian and Clive immediately stood up from their seats and rushed towards the soldier, but while walking Damian looked at the minister who was speaking before and said, "Looks like what you said came true." and then went towards the soldier.

The dragon then lowered the soldier's body and laid him on the ground after which Damian used his magic to enhance his pain endurance and regeneration and asked, "Hey, I know you are in pain but please bear it with a bit longer. What happened for you to come here in such a condition."

The soldier looked at Damian with a tired expression on his face and took a lacrima out of his pocket and gave it to Damian before passing out.

Damian took the lacrima and looked at the dragon and said, "Can you please send him to the medical wards?"

The dragon nodded his head and said, "Of course, don't worry about that lord Ian." and took the wounded soldier and left the hall.

Damian who had the lacrima in his hand looked at the other and said, "This is the recording lacrima that I gave to the General of our army so it must be a message from him."

All of them then stared intently at lacrima and waited for Damian to start the recording.

Damian passed his magic through the lacrima after which a holographic screen appeared over it and the video started playing with Rung's figure looking at him.

"Ian, if you are seeing this recording than you should be knowing that the things are getting serious at our end. We just were finally able to get some information out of a bastard whom we caught a few days ago and by the looks of it the situation is going to turn for the worst for us. They are going to send in the Dragons from their side on us and I repeat IT'S DRAGONS YOU HEAR THAT DRAGONS MEANING MORE THAN ONE DRAGON!!!! JUST HURRY UP AND BEING YOUR ASS HERE!!!! THE SOLDIERS WILL DIE SICE THEY ARE ALREADY TIRED FROM ALL THIS BATTLING!!!!!"

The whole hall fell silent at Rung's sudden outbreak but soon they focused back at the video.

Rung who was now back to his General dreamour said, "Also there is some news about our allies from the Dragonof." Hearing which all the ministers and Irene tensed up a bit.

"It seems like there were some spies and traitors in their army because of which our strategies are now completely in the enemy's hands and they also poisoned the Dragonof army's water supply. Currently we are able to sustain on the resources we brought with us but we will run out soon so come here with full preparations and the Dragons are said to come here in a week from now, so depending on when you got this message we all could already have died so don't waste time and get your ass here." and the holographic screen disappeared.

The room remained silent for a while but the Damian looked at all the ministers and Irene and said, "So are you all going to arrange for the resources or not?"

Hearing which all of them looked at him for a while and one of the ministers asked, "We can arrange the resources but how are we going to transport it in time?"

Damian looked back at the minister and said, "Don't worry, I can take care of that. Just arrange the resources, meanwhile I should go and prepare some cure for the poison. That soldier must have the poison sample since Rung sent him here."

All of them nodded and Irene looked at the ministers and said, "Get on gathering the resources at once and some of you check who the traitors were and all the people who used to associate with them. The things will get too problematic if we let such traitors remain unnoticed."

All the ministers bowed their heads and then left the hall to do the work they were assigned to.

Damian looked at Irene and said, "Looks like I will be going for a while again."

Irene just signed and said, "How I really wish to send an army of hundred Dragons on the allied kingdoms right now for disturbing my time with you."

Damian just chuckled and held her hand and said, "Don't worry after the war at that end is resolved we will be married. You have to fulfill your part of the treaty as well."

Irene pretended to look dejected and said, "Oh, how cruel of you to make me marry you by force."

Damian looked at Irene for while and then said, "I will make sure to take my time in coming back here. Seems like someone is not eager to be with me."

Irene chuckled hearing that and moved closer to him and said, "Whatever you do, once you come back you will not be able to get rid of me."

Damian just smiled and and held her hand a bit tighter and said, "That would be the best thing that could happen once I get back." and then kissed her hand.

Irene smiled and hugged him and said, "Come back soon, okay."

Damian just hugged her back and hummed in response.