Chapter 69 - Back in Dragonof

no'Hol up a minute even if I am in fairy tail isn't this way back before the plot starts...F.U.C.K YOU TRUCK-KUN!!! DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY F.U.C.KER!!!!'

Felix who had these thoughts in his mind was massaging his temple with a small frown on his face seeing which the nobles started to feel a bit restless as he was being awfully rude in front of the queen of Dragonof.

But to Irene instead of rudeness it only looked like a chance which she didn't even hesitate to take and said, "It seems that prince Felix is not feeling well...I will excuse myself now so that you can tend to him." and then gave a curt bow seeing which the other nobles bowed deeply and apologised to her.

Soon Irene walked away with Zena following her and left the others alone.

"Huh? Where did the queen go?" Felix who was now out of trance looked around since he didn't see the first character that he recognised anywhere nearby.

"Her majesty, left so that you can rest up bit. You were looking like you had a severe headache afterall."

One of the nobles answered him with a vein popping up on his forehead. If not for him being the price the noble would have said something very rude to him, since he lost his chance to get acquainted to the queen of Dragonof which was a pretty huge deal for him and all the other nobles there as well.

But Felix who didn't know any of that just shrugged his shoulders and thought, 'Oh well can't be helped, then I will meet her later. Anyway it seems like I have to make some plans since I now know in which world I currently am.' and sat back on his seat and started to arrange all the info that he could.


Meanwhile Irene along with Zena were looking at the army that was marching towards the castle with Irene looking towards them with a telescope to find 'someone' and was being a bit restless.

"Calm down your majesty, Lord Ian is not going to disappear you know? You will be meeting shortly anyways. So make sure that you don't ruin your image in front of him acting like that alright."

Irene looked at Zena with a slightly dissatisfied look on her face but still complied with what she said and put the telescope down.

Soon the image of the soldiers started to get clearer as they were now relatively close to the castle and even Damian was getting a bit excited as his pace would become faster every now and then, seeing which the other soldiers near him just laughed and reprimand him to be back in his place.

Once they got in front of the castle the huge gate blocking their path opened up enough to let the whole army inside without any problems and once they entered they saw a group of dragons and other guards standing on the side bowing their heads a bit to show their gratitude.

"Woah, so many dragons in just one place. So it is really true that humans and dragons live in harmony here."

"Yeah, this is really a majestic sight."

"Hey do you think that they will let us ride those dragons sometimes?"

"Haha that depends on the queen, if she allows us we will gladly help you all to get along with the dragons."

The soldiers and mages from both the sides started talking to eachother earning a glare from the generals from both sides seeing which all of them immediately stopped.

"Don't worry you all, I have some dragons that I befriended during my stay here. I will ask them whether they would be fine in letting you all ride on their backs."

"OOOOHHHHH!!! SAUSUGA IAN-SAMA!!!! Already befriending some dragons during your short stay here!!! Great....or should we say as it's very Ian-sama like."

The soldiers who heard Damian's words got excited and looked at him with glittering eyes seeing which Rung just sighed since he knew that his words were not going to have any affect on him.

Soon all of them came to a huge area where all the soldiers stopped walking and stood straight without making any movements, while Damian and the other higher ups came forward and stood in front of their respective armies.

Damian stood beside Rung while their direct subordinates stood behind them followed by the soldiers. The same was case for Dragonof's side with Christopher and their mage head standing in the front.

A few minutes later Irene came out along with a few soldiers and dragons guarding her and got on top of a stage to give her congratulations and gratitude on behalf of whole Dragonof.

The other nobles and ministers that were present in the castle were looking at the scene in from various places in the castle so as to atleast know the faces of the higher ups from both the armies.

But before starting Irene glance towards Damian who just smiled at her though no one was able to see it, because of his mask.

But that move was not left out by the other nobles and the higher ups who were not lowering their heads at the moment and widend their eyes in surprise.

'She looked towards Adroelia's army for an instant? Is she trying to gouge their prowess. Or did someone picked her interest? It could also be that someone was being a bit rude to her?' were the thoughts of all the people who were not knowing of the incident that took place when Damian was leaving the castle.

From a distance Felix who heard what was happening from the nearby nobles put a hand on his chin and thought, 'Hmm, wasn't she married to someone before she became a dragon because of political reasons?' He then looked at the two people who were standing in the closest to Irene from Adroelia's army and asked, "That army is from Adroelia right? What are the names of the two people who are standing in the front."

"Hmm....Ah, the one wearing that shining armour with a dark complexion is the general of our kingdom, Lord Rung."

"And that accursed heathen of a commoner who is standing beside him hiding his cowardice behind a mask and robe is the Mage called Ian. By some luck he was given the opportunity to become the Mage head of our kingdom."

After hearing the question one of the nobles started to explain about it to him and Felix could easily see how much they hated Ian.

He nodded his head affirming that he understood and then nodded his head and thought, 'So that's Ian huh.....He is the one who cut of my ba-*cough**cough* anyway, I will deal with that masked bastard later. He will pay for cutting my testicle. More importantly-'

His gaze then fell on the man wearing shining armour and thought, 'Rung, huh, I guess that was the name of the man who married Irene in the anime. So that means that Irene was checking him out earlier to see whether he was capable enough to resolve the dispute or not, huh. Fufufu, poor her, if only she knew that the person she is checking out to be her husband would be the first one to abandon her when she starts turning into a dragon.....well can't be helped afterall it is necessary so as to not interfere with the plot since it might make a huge difference if I tried to change anything right now and the me knowing the future is the only cheat that I have, can't let that change. And knowing that she is checking him out then that means that the attack by the dragons is going to happen soon as well... Isn't the situation way too dangerous right now?'
