Chapter 70 - Suspicious mage

After Irene was done giving her speech to the army, it was already quite late as all of them could see the setting sun.

Not wanting to drag it any longer Irene informed them about a a small celebration that they have prepared for the soldiers of both the kingdoms making all of them pretty excited about it. Though there was a separate event that was being held inside the palace in which the nobles and other high ranking people were going to participate. Needless to say, the higher ups from both the armies were also required to attend the event happening inside the palace while the rest of the soldiers who were not someone of a noble birth would be attending the informal event happening at some other place.

Rung and Damian who heard about it ordered some of their direct subordinates who would not be attending the event held within the nobility to take charge on their behalf and make sure that everything was in order.

"...We have to go to the event for the nobles, huh. Guess we need to change our clothes not to mention a bath to clean of this sweat and all...Great, now where an I going to get those things in a totally unfamiliar kingdom?" said Rung.

He then slumped his shoulders thinking that it was troublesome to go to the event held for the nobles.

Seeing him like this Christopher patted him on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry Rung-dono, if you don't mind, you are welcomed in my mansion which is not too far away from here. Also don't worry about the clothes and all, we can get it prepared there."

Hearing that Rung smiled a bit and looked at Christopher with an appreciative gaze. But suddenly he felt another tap on his shoulders and turned around only to find Ian there.

Damian who when noticed Rung looking towards him took out a box from his storage and said, "Here, your attire to attend official events."

Rung looked at Damian with a surprised look on his face and immediately took the box off his hands and opened it to check its contents.

He then looked back at Damian and asked, "How do you get it? I thought tha-"

"-that I lost it during a gamble, right? Well we cannot let something given to us by the government taken away like that so I bought it back, though I had to pay a lot for it.... Anyway, don't worry about it. Take it and get your ass here soon. Make sure to prepare well since you would be representing our forces so put your best effort in styling yourself...who knows you might even get the attention of a noble lady.....or man that way."

"....I will pretend that I didn't hear that last part. Anyways thank you for getting it back for me, Da-*cough* Ian. You have my utmost gratitude. This make me feel like you are not that bad of a person." said Rung with a smile on his face.

"...I would like to punch your face right now, but I will leave that for later since you have to look good right now."

"What about you? You know some place to wash up and all?"

"Ah! I don't mind if you joined us to my mansion as well Ian-dono." said Christopher looking at Damian with a smile.

But Damian shook his head and said, "It's alright, don't worry, I have a room here in the palace, so I have no problems regarding all that. So be at ease and make sure that this idiot is dressed up nicely."

"Ha Ha Ha, I will do the best I can then." said Christopher chuckling to himself while Rung had some tick marks on his forehead.

After that all of them left to prepare for the event and Damian too without wasting any time went towards the room given to him, by Irene. He wanted to wash up and get dressed properly before meeting Irene since he was going to meet her after such a long time and didn't want to give a bad impression to her right now.

On the way the guards and maids greeted him to which he greeted them back as well and once he was in front of his room and was about to open it, he stopped since he noticed someone at the corner of his eyes.

'...What is that prince doing here?' was what Damian thought seeing the prince hiding.....or at least trying to hide behind a huge flower pot.

'...Well none of my concerns anyway... I need to get prepared for the party now.' and then used his magic to remove the enchantment that he placed on the door to keep it locked.

Once the enchantment was removed he went inside his room and closed it once again and locked it using enchantments so as to not let any 'intruder' get in.


Felix, who was hiding like a ninja trying to gather some information about his target, came out of his hiding place once he saw Damian getting inside his room.

'...He have a personal room in the castle, huh? And it looked like he placed some magic on the door once he got inside... better not meddle with that. But why is he wearing a mask?....Hmm a suspicious mage....wearing a a world which is like medevial Europe.....and trying to kill the prince(me)...IS HE AN ENEMY WHO IS PLANNING TO TAKE OVER THE KINGDOM?!?!'

Felix who realised something widened his eyes in shock and stared at the door of the room his target just entered with a suspicious look in his eyes.

'...Calm down. Don't think that far ahead. First collect some information about him before drawing any conclusion.....F.u.c.k! why can't I get this guy's memories before he died, I could have made some connection by the behaviour that suspicious looking man(Damian) that whether he is planning something dangerous or not.'

He then glanced one final time at the gate and thought, 'I will have to keep a close eye on him, if he is an enemy who is trying to take over my kingdom then I will have to deal with him accordingly.....afterall Dragonof is already destined to get destroyed by the only hope is to be in my kingdom who was not mentioned in the story at all as it might be a safe place....'

He then started walking away seeing that Damian was not coming out and thought, 'I need power, a lot of power if I need to survive, and if that suspicious mage is an enemy then I would need it soon since Dragonof might get destroyed by the dragons soon.'


Meanwhile the said suspicious mage was in the bathroom singing a song while taking a shower.

[insert song]

"Hmm...why do I have a feeling that I wam going to deal with a pain in the ass soon... Whatever" said Damian shrugging his shoulders and continued singing.

Once he was done, he came out with his body half n.a.k.e.d, he then stretched his body and then lied down on the bed enjoying the cool breeze coming in from the window.

"Haah~, I really want to sleep right now." He then stared up at the ceiling and then closed his eyes and said, "My promise to king about alliance between the kingdoms is fulfilled and my promise to Irene is going to fullfil soon too....the things left for me to do are still too many....first a new mage to take my position...also I have to make sure that princess gets the right to her throne....what else..... participate in Rung's marriage...that is going to take a while I guess..." and started chuckling.

He then got up from the bed and took out the clothes that he was going to wear for the event and started dressing up.