Fu Zhiran thought, put down her sleeves, looked up out of the window, looking at the gloomy sky, she bent her lips with self mockery.

Fu Zhiran, you can't stand this.


Fu Zhiran is most afraid of receiving a call from her aunt, especially at night or early in the morning.

Sure enough, the receiver came from my aunt worried cry, mother is not good.

Originally an hour's drive, Fu Zhiran arrived in half an hour, avoiding the rush hour.

My mother just transferred to this hospital last week. It's a well-known hospital in Jiangdu in China, which is a top three hospital in the Department of assistant neurology.

It was sent by the sanatorium. They said that the hospital was more suitable for her in her current situation.

"Ma, Ma."

Fu Zhiran, pale, rushed to the door of the emergency room, but did not see his aunt.

She was about to reach out and push the door of the emergency room when a nurse came out. She grabbed the nurse and asked, "where's my mother?"

There is no end to it. The nurse is confused.

Fu Zhiran added, "isn't there a patient named Tang Meiling here to rescue?"

The nurse then understood, "that Ms. Tang's condition has improved and she has been sent back to the ward."

Smell speech, Fu Zhiran immediately turned, toward the mother's ward.

This time, all the expenses of the mother's transfer were paid by the sanatorium. The ward they arranged was good. It was a standard single room in the hotel.


Fu Zhiran entered the ward, and her aunt was wiping her mother's face with a towel.

She rushed over and nervously grabbed her mother's hand. "Mom, mom."

Her voice trembled with her lips. No matter how she yelled, her mother's closed eyes still didn't move.

"Xiao ran, it's all right." Aunt came over and gently hugged Fu Zhiran's shoulders to comfort her.

The spirit was extremely nervous all the way. With the reassuring words of her aunt, she could no longer control it. She leaned over her mother and cried.

"Mom, you can't do anything. Don't leave me."

Otherwise, she doesn't know the meaning of living in this world.

My aunt knew that she had to cry this time, and it would be better if she cried, so she just stood aside and looked at her heartily.

There was no consolation.

For a long time, Fu Zhiran raised her head and touched her face wet with tears with her hands. Looking at her mother's sleeping face, she said, "Mom, would you wake up soon?"

She almost sobbed, "if you wake up and take good care of yourself, we will leave Jiangdu, go far away and live a safe life."

If she doesn't participate in any disputes, she doesn't expect to get anything more, let alone lose the important things in her life.

"Well, Xiao ran, don't cry any more."

Aunt took out a few paper towels, helped Fu Zhiran wipe her tears, and then held her in her arms.

Pat her on the back.

Fu Zhiran's mood gradually stabilized. She withdrew from her aunt's arms and rubbed her eyes with her hands. Looking at her aunt, she asked, "aunt, did the doctor say why my mother has heart beating disorder?"

My aunt shook her head gently. "I haven't talked to the doctor yet."

Smell speech, Fu Zhi dye nods, "I know, I go to the doctor's office to ask about the situation."

Then she got up, went to the bathroom, washed her face, and went to the doctor.

The hospital is the busiest in the morning. The entrance of the elevator in the inpatient department is crowded. It's harder to wait for an elevator than for an ordinary bus.