When Fu Zhiran walked behind the crowd, an elevator door just opened.

Several young men and women in white coats came out of the room talking and laughing.

"Besan, when are you going to take us to the military hospital?"

Jia Beishan didn't hear what her companion said to her. She frowned and looked at Fu Zhiran who had just gone by, "how can she be here?"

One of the companions followed her eyes and saw Fu Zhiran.

"Besan, you know Miss Fu."

Seeing that her companion seemed to know Fu Zhiran, Jia Beishan took her eyes back, looked at him and asked, "how? Do you know him, too? "

The companion said, "her mother lives on our floor. She is a vegetative person with nerve compression caused by drugs. She has just been transferred to our hospital."

Smell speech, Jia Beishan surprised wide mouth, "vegetable?"

The companion nodded, "yes, from Jiangdu sanatorium."

"She... How could her mother be a vegetable."

Jia Beishan also a face of incredible, looking to the direction Fu Zhiran just went.

When she came back from the army, she made a special inquiry about Fu Zhiran, including her mother who had lived in the hospital for a long time.

But what she inquired about clearly means that her mother is getting better and better day by day, and she could be discharged years ago.

Jia Beishan's reaction is too big, the companion some doubts, "what's the matter?"

"Not much." Jabeshan shook her head gently.

Then he looked at the others with a smile and said, "I'll go straight to the dean's office and wait."

After saying hello, she hurried to the direction where Fu Zhiran had just disappeared.

When Fu Zhiran arrived at the attending doctor's office, the attending doctor just made a summary of her mother's heart beat disorder symptoms on her mother's medical record today.

She asked the doctor excitedly about her mother.

"You don't have to worry too much. Your mother is stable now."

The doctor first appeased Fu Zhiran, and then said, "although your mother is a vegetable now, she is still a little different from the general vegetative people with all consciousness of funeral. She will be conscious occasionally."

The doctor did not dare to make a definite conclusion, using the tone of analysis, "she suddenly appeared the symptoms of heartbeat disorder, should be what she dreamed, or what flashed in her mind to make her emotional memories."

Memories of her mood swings

Did you dream about her father?

Fu Zhiran's first thought was whether her mother thought of her father, so her mood fluctuated and affected her pulse and heartbeat.

"If so, then I will not often happen this kind of situation."

Because sometimes suddenly a little consciousness, to affect the mood, leading to heart disorder.

Thinking, she worried.

The doctor pursed his lips, pondered deeply, and then nodded, "there is a possibility."

Then he looked at Fu Zhiran with a puzzled look on his face, "we have learned about your mother's previous situation. Her body is close to the stage of recovery."

Mention this, Fu Zhiran's face instantly full of hate.

Otherwise, by this time, my mother would have been discharged.

In front of the doctor's face, she could only suppress her hatred and coldly said to the doctor, "my mother has been living in the hospital and takes the same care every day, so why did it suddenly become like this? I think we should ask the hospital."