Chapter 87 In A Nest

Chapter 87: the end of the nest

"Su Xiaowan was taken away with his parents!" After Wei Xiao finished speaking, he immediately ordered someone to set up the road surveillance.

Then everyone got in the car, drove at full speed, and chased in the direction of the car leaving.

After a short drive, su xiaowan woke up.

The dull pain from her head made her feel her eyelids heavy.

There was a mother's voice in her ear.

Su Xiaowan opened his eyes, only to see that his parents were all tied up by ropes, and that his mouth was tied with a noose, and he was trapped in the car with her.

She wanted to speak, but found that her mouth was also taped shut.

Su Xiaowan immediately realized that he and his parents had been kidnapped.

The blow to the back of his head was most likely from the kidnappers who had been lurking in the The su family long ago.

The car drove straight ahead. Su Xiaowan couldn't speak and could only communicate with his parents with his eyes.

She wanted to tell her parents not to be afraid. She would protect them.

Mother of Su was crying now, and she felt guilty.

Su Xiaowan thought her mother was afraid and leaned against her.

Now that it was dark, the car got on the highway and sped even faster.

Su Xiaowan didn't know where the kidnappers were taking them. Her hands were tied behind her back and tied tightly. She earned half a day and couldn't break away.

What should I do?

Su Xiaowan was in a hurry. Why did he always meet kidnappers recently?

But this time it wasn't as lucky as last time.

At two in the morning, the car got off the highway.

He continued to drive a long way down the unsupervised path and came to a stone bridge where the car stopped.

The people in the car got down and opened the door behind them.

Su Xiaowan noticed that it was a gray van.

After getting out of the car, the two strong men ripped the tape off Su Xiaowan's mouth.

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap us?" Su Xiaowan asked quickly.

"You don't have to know who we are. I want your lives!" As he spoke, the man began to walk in front of father of Su. The moonlight fell and the rough man looked fierce. He reached out and pulled father of Su and threw him under the bridge.

"Are you mistaken..." Father of Su didn't figure it out the moment he fell off the bridge. Wasn't he his own person?

What happened? How did he push him down the river? He would drown in the river with his hands tied up.

When mother of Su saw this, he was also scared. He didn't say he was going to act for Su Xiaowan and push her down alone.

That way, if Su Xiaowan died and came back alive, they could make up for it.

However, the two strong men in front of him actually came true.

Mother of Su said quickly, "Who the hell are you?"

"What nonsense!" The two strong men had no patience and were about to push mother su.

Seeing this, Su Xiaowan raised his leg and kicked the strong man in the crotch.

"Mom, run!" Su Xiaowan shouted at mother su.

Without thinking about it, mother su turned around and ran away.

Another strong man was going to chase after mother of Su, and Su Xiaowan quickly ran after him, using his own body to hit the strong man, not wanting him to chase after his mother.

The strong man was angry, turned around and slapped Su Xiaowan on the head.

Su Xiaowan's back of the head was already injured, and the man's palm was so strong that she was suffocated by the pain.

His brain shook as well, and the strong man kicked the unconscious Su Xiaowan again.

Su Xiaowan was kicked to the ground and couldn't get up from the pain.

The strong man left Su Xiaowan alone and turned to chase after mother of Su.

After all, mother of Su was too old to outrun the young.

He was quickly caught and brought back.

Su Xiaowan was lying on the ground, and the pain in her head had occupied her entire nerve. She would not be able to get up for a while.

The strong man who was kicked in the crotch by Wan was in great pain too. It took a while for him to recover.

His face was livid. He walked over quickly and was about to give Su Xiaowan a good beating.

Su Xiaowan was unable to fight back and could only roll down the ground to avoid the attack of the strong man.

She was hiding when she heard the sound of falling water.

Su Xiaowan looked up and his mother was pushed off the bridge.

"Mom!" Su Xiaowan was so shocked that the strong man kicked him in the stomach again.

"All right, stop fighting. Throw her down too, so we can leave!" Another strong man came over and said.


Two strong men grabbed Su Xiaowan from the ground and pushed her off the bridge.

Seeing Su Xiaowan fall into the river below, the two strong men smiled and turned to get in the car and left.

One of them got in the car and called to report, "The person has been settled. Call the rest!"

"Okay!" There was a female voice on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Zixuan smiled. Now, no one would threaten her, and no one would know or doubt her former identity.

After killing his own parents, Jiang Zixuan felt no remorse or pain in his heart.

What she wanted was a glorious life in Tengda, and what she wanted was to be with this powerful man, Qiao Li Chen, forever.

When she miscarried, she didn't die in the operating room. Everything was just a lie to Su Xiaowan and everyone.

It was her parents' idea so that she could become the daughter of the The jiang family without anyone noticing.

After Jiang Zixuan became a member of the The jiang family, she began to enjoy the splendor and wealth of such a beautiful life. She often suffered from gains and losses, and she was afraid that one day, all of this would suddenly be exposed.

So, she didn't trust anyone who knew, even her biological parents.

When father of Su called her and discussed it with her, she had an idea to come up with an excellent way to get the three The su family members killed.

Now that Su Xiaowan is out of the picture, Qiao Li Chen will have no more gay thoughts.

Jiang Zixuan didn't send the money herself. She was afraid that she would be exposed later.

Jiang Zixuan took out the cell phone cards that were in contact with the men and threw them into the toilet to flush them away.

Then she changed her usual cell phone card and called mother of Jiang.

"Mom, I've already settled Su Xiaowan. Get someone to call the rest of the money to avoid suspicion." Jiang Zixuan said to mother of Jiang.

"Okay, leave everything to mom!" Mother of Jiang did not know that her daughter was picked up from the The su family. Father of Jiang arranged everything. She had been looking for her missing daughter everywhere, but one day, she suddenly learned that her missing daughter was dead.

She was devastated and went crazy for a while, but only after Jiang Zixuan found her did she return to normal.

Mother of Jiang had lost her daughter for so many years, so she loved Jiang Zixuan very much. Anyone who stood in the way of Jiang Zixuan, she would do anything as a mother.

Mother of Jiang quickly had the money transferred to the two strong men.

She was very good at transferring money, so no one would find out.