Chapter 88 The River Was Icy And Bone-chilling

Chapter 88 the river is freezing cold

It was transferred from home, and the internet was extremely fast, so the two strong men immediately received the money.

"We have the money. Let's go for a drive!" One of the strong men suggested.

"Sure!" The two strong men were very happy. After all, it was so simple that they made a million dollars.

They didn't feel guilty about killing anyone, and now they just thought about how to spend so much money.

"No, there seems to be a car chasing us!" Not long after they got on the highway, the two strong men realized something was wrong. The luxury cars behind them were very fast, and not only one, but all ten million luxury cars.

"Could it be a racing car?" One of them was still lucky.

"How can I race on the highway? I'm going to catch up with you soon. Step on the gas!" The man in the copilot said heavily, as if he had an illusion that he was done for.

They were driving an ordinary van. How could they be faster than the luxury cars behind them and be caught up quickly?

The strong man immediately stepped on the brakes and saw several luxury cars in front of him blocking the road. The two of them were completely convinced at this moment that these luxury cars were indeed chasing them.

Both of them felt guilty and didn't know what was going on.

The car window was heavily knocked, and the other party made a gesture to get the two of them out of the car.

The two of them did not dare to get off. Wei Xiao was impatient. With a wave of his finger, a bodyguard came up and shot through the window.

Often walking on the edge of life and death, the two people who had committed a lot of crimes were shocked to see the real guns and the momentum of the other party.

The car window shattered and fragments shot at them.

The strong man in the driver's seat screamed in pain, and the door was already opened with his hand.

The bodyguards pulled the two of them out of the car without hesitation.

"Say, where did the people you took go?" Wei Xiao roared in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? I, I don't understand." The strong man wanted to lie and muddle through!

"Say it or not!" Wei Xiao took out a gun and pressed it directly against the strong man's head.

The strong man shuddered at his harsh voice.

The million that I just got, I haven't spent it yet. It's too bad I'm dead.

But the strong man also understood that if he had pushed those three people off the bridge and drowned by now, he would not have survived.

The bodyguard cleared the way, and Qiao Li Chen walked over with a gloomy face, his chest still aching.

He didn't have the patience to take the gun from the bodyguard and shoot the man in the leg.


"Ah..." The strong man shouted, and blood shot out. His body tilted and he couldn't stand.

Qiao Li Chen shot the man in the other leg without hesitation.

The man was in so much pain that his legs fell to the ground and his kneecaps cracked loudly.

"Speak!" Qiao Li Chen's dark eyes seemed to contain a sudden surge of anger, a fierce roar.

"We really don't know what you're talking about!" Another man might be afraid that his partner would move, so he said first.

Qiao Li Chen narrowed his eyes dangerously. He hated smart people like him the most. He shot the man in the leg with the gun in his hand.

The man also fell to his knees, and the pain twisted his facial expression in an instant.

Then, Qiao Li Chen shot the man in the arm again.

He didn't intend to ask any more questions. With one shot at a time like this, he believed that someone would say something.

When another bullet was about to be fired, the man who had been shot three times in a row confessed, "I said, I said!"

"Just get off the highway at the intersection ahead and go straight east. There will be a bridge. The three of them fell under the bridge!"

"Fell down?" When Qiao Li Chen heard him say that, his breath suddenly stopped.

Throwing the gun at the bodyguard, he quickly got into the car and shouted at the driver, "Drive!"

The driver immediately rushed to the position that the strong man said.

"Find me in the river!" When Qiao Li Chen saw that the water under the bridge was still deep, he had a bad feeling.

He followed him down the river, his heart throbbing so much that he thought he might die in the next second.

Wei Xiao saw a man not far away.

Holding a flashlight, he said, "President, there's a man here!"

Qiao Li Chen hurried over and saw that it was not Su Xiaowan who was lying on the ground.

His heart was in a mess at the moment. He didn't know what his relationship with this Su Xiaowan was, and why he was always heartbroken when something happened to her.

He hadn't figured out what was going on between him and her. She couldn't die!

Everyone jumped down the river to look for someone. The river was freezing cold in winter.

Everyone followed the flow of the river and looked all the way down.

Wei Xiao followed the president closely behind him. He was a little worried about the president. His heart ached for hours from the beginning, but it had not recovered.

Qiao Li Chen's flashlight shone so far away that he didn't want to miss a single clue.

Suddenly, he saw someone in front of him.

Qiao Li Chen's footsteps quickened, and he was slippery on the wet river bank.

Finally, he came to the front of his eyes. Under the light of the flashlight, he saw a middle-aged man lying next to Su Xiaowan who was motionless.

Qiao Li Chen squatted down and reached out to check su xiaowan's breath.

He was so nervous, he had never been so nervous, he had never been so afraid of death.

Her breathing was light, but she was still breathing.

Did he drown too long?

Qiao Li Chen couldn't care less about his own heartache and immediately gave Su Xiaowan a rescue.

Su Xiaowan woke up quickly, probably because the rescue was effective.

As soon as she saw the president in front of her, as if she had seen a savior, she burst into tears, "Mr. President, I almost died just now!"

Qiao Li Chen hugged her tightly, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Su Xiaowan seemed to suddenly remember something and quickly looked at his father beside him.

When she was knocked to the ground by that strong man, the hand tied behind her actually hit a piece of glass. When the dull pain suddenly hit her, she felt a glimmer of hope.

She did not get up again, pretending to be in great pain, rolling on the ground to avoid the attack of the strong man, while quickly cutting the rope with glass pieces.

She was extremely anxious. She had never been so anxious before. She knew that her father would drown in the river if she took another step later.

She was so afraid that she would suddenly lose her closest family member. She wished she had three heads and six arms so that she could untie the rope and jump down the river to save her father.

Finally, when she was about to be pushed down the river, the rope behind her was cut.

She turned quietly, trying to untie the rope slowly.

As soon as he was pushed down the river, Su Xiaowan immediately broke free of the loose rope and quickly went to the river to save his mother.