Chapter 154 If He Escapes

Chapter 154 if you escape

At the police station, when Su Xiaowan tried to defend himself, he found himself speechless.

What's going on?

Su Xiaowan opened his mouth wide and tried his best to make a sound that was still as thin as a mosquito or a fly, and no one else could hear it.

Her throat was inflamed, and she had been feeling a little uncomfortable all day, and her voice had become a little hoarse, but it wouldn't take half an hour for her to lose her voice completely!

Su Xiaowan remembered the bottle of water that someone had handed her when she first came to the police interrogation room.

It should be someone from the police station, or else it wouldn't be possible to enter the interrogation room.

After she drank that bottle of water, she could still talk. She could answer whatever the police asked her.

The police lost their patience and felt that Su Xiaowan was still trying to lie, so they took out the surveillance footage from last night when she went to ktv and left to show her.

Wait until Su Xiaowan finishes reading it.

After reading it, Su Xiaowan could no longer speak.

She didn't really think about giving up her father and Su Xiaojin, who didn't appear on the surveillance.

Because she suspected that Yao Qian's death might have something to do with Su Xiaojin's last heavy kick.

And now that it was obvious that someone was trying to frame her, she couldn't let her father and elder sister get involved.

So she just wanted to say that she was a girl and could never rape Yao Qian.

But now, she couldn't open her mouth.

Maybe someone didn't want her to say it, so Su Xiaowan decided not to say it for the time being.

To see who was trying to harm her, and who was most likely to make her mute, knew that she was a girl.

But she felt that so far, no one knew that she was a girl except her parents and he yimu.

After spending the night in the interrogation room, Su Xiaowan was unable to speak, but the police felt that Su Xiaowan had deliberately pretended to be impatient and warned her that if she did not tell the truth, she might face severe punishment.

Although Yao Qian was very bad and Su Xiaowan didn't like her, Yao Qian, who was still alive last night, suddenly died, and Su Xiaowan felt a little sad.

She wrote to tell the police that there were two male bodyguards next to Yao Qian last night.

The police said that although the two bodyguards went to ktv with Yao Qian, they had already left when Su Xiaowan went.

Su Xiaowan suddenly felt that the person who had done this to her behind her back had bribed the two bodyguards around Yao Qian. It was likely that the two bodyguards had raped and killed Yao Qian, and put the blame on Su Xiaowan.

No matter what, it was unclear. Su Xiaowan could only wait for the lawyer to come.

Qiao Li Chen didn't come back. He didn't get a call from the driver.

Although chairman Qiao did not like Su Xiaowan and did not intend to interfere, he still called a lawyer to see Su Xiaowan.

The driver wanted to go to the police station to explain that he was with Su Xiaowan yesterday, but chairman Qiao wouldn't let him go.

"Chairman, if I don't go, the young master will know when he comes back. I'll be miserable." The driver was worried, and the driver knew that Su Xiaowan was wronged, so he liked Su Xiaowan very much.

"No hurry. When Li Chen comes back, you say I won't let you go." Chairman Qiao said.

The driver didn't understand why the chairman didn't save Su Xiaowan.

He asked cheekily, "Chairman, Su Xiaowan is very nice, and he was wronged. Why didn't we save him?"

Chairman Qiao was unusually patient and said, "I'm just curious who would harm her and stir up so many people."

As soon as the driver understood, chairman Qiao was just not in a hurry to save Su Xiaowan, not without saving her.

The next morning, Su Xiaowan was sent to the detention center and awaited a court trial. The police had already said it was a felony of rape and murder.

Someone will come to the detention center to collect evidence.

When the evidence was collected, Su Xiaowan's identity as a girl would be exposed.

Su Xiaowan didn't understand why the police had been interrogating her all night and they had insisted that she was a rapist and murderer, but instead of taking concrete evidence from her, they had to wait until they went to jail.

Su Xiaowan had a sore throat. She felt a lot of inflammation. Her hands were handcuffed, her back against the car wall, and her head was slightly raised. It was a disaster.

I never expected this day to come, and I just became a rapist and murderer for no reason.

If no one helped her, she would have been ruined for the rest of her life, either in prison or sentenced to death.

I don't think the yao family will let her go easily. They will definitely try their best to get her sentenced to death so as to avenge Yao Qian.

Yao qian died unjustly!

The detention center was in the suburbs, and the car drove to a nearby suburb. Ten minutes away from the detention center, the car suddenly stopped.

Then, someone opened the door behind the car, and the light outside suddenly shone in. Su Xiaowan was still a little uncomfortable.

She looked up at the masked leader, who appeared before her wearing a mask.

Without saying anything, he pulled her down the car.

When Su Xiaowan got out of the car, she realized that the policeman behind the police car with her was also a masked man.

The two policemen in front of them had fainted in the car.

Su Xiaowan was startled and asked quickly, "What did you do to them?"

"Don't worry, it's just the electric gun." The masked man pulled Su Xiaowan into the car and prepared to leave.

Su Xiaowan resisted, "If I run, I'll never be able to explain it."

Su Xiaowan didn't say anything, but she realized that she only moved her mouth so that the masked man could see.

"Get in the car first. As soon as you enter the detention center, you will die in an accident within half an hour." The masked man said heavily and pushed Su Xiaowan into the car.

The car drove away quickly.

Su Xiaowan was very worried. She asked again, "There are surveillance cameras here. We can't run away!"

"We've destroyed the surveillance system. The image of us robbing you of your car won't be captured." The masked man said.

Su Xiaowan was surprised, "How can you know what I'm talking about when I don't have a voice?"

"I've learned lip language for a while. Now I'll take you to a safe place to hide. I'll let you go when Qiao Li Chen comes back and helps you solve this case. The masked man said to Su Xiaowan.

Do you know who's trying to kill me? How did you know that when I entered the detention center, I would die? Also, why did you come to save me?" Su Xiaowan had a lot of questions.

"In this case, I haven't found out who's trying to hurt you yet. But I know that the people who want you dead in the detention center will take the opportunity to create an accident." The masked man said to Su Xiaowan patiently.

The car had already driven far away. Su Xiaowan saw that it was heading for the highway.

Is he leaving J city?

"My throat hurts. Do you have any medicine?" Su Xiaowan asked him.