Chapter 155 Must Be Selfish

Chapter 155 must be selfish

"Yes!" The masked man took out the medicine and a bottle of water and handed it to Su Xiaowan.

"You took a drug that caused you to lose your voice. Take it on time and on a regular basis. It will be fine in about three days." The masked man would risk saving Su Xiaowan in such a hurry, not just because he was afraid that she would be killed in custody.

She was afraid that the medicine she took would ruin her throat and make her mute for the rest of her life.

After taking the medicine, Su Xiaowan looked up at the masked man and said, "You can always tell me who you are now and why you came to save me. You just assaulted a police officer."

"I said I would let you know when I should."

Su Xiaowan knew he would say that.

"Aren't you afraid of breaking the law?" Su Xiaowan asked him.

The masked man sneered, "Do you think someone can get hold of me?"

"But if I run like this, the police will think I hurt those two policemen." Su Xiaowan had a headache and couldn't explain it clearly.

"Qiao Li Chen can't even settle this small matter, so you don't have to go back." The masked man said.

Su Xiaowan had nothing to say. She leaned back in her chair, probably because of the side effects of the medicine. The drowsiness hit her and she fell asleep quickly.

When she fell asleep, the man next to the driver in front of her turned to look at the masked leader.

"Big brother, if Qiao Li Chen doesn't help xiao wan settle this matter, then what will Wan do in the future? She can't follow us, and she can't let anyone know that she has anything to do with us." The man was a little worried.

Last time, when Jiang Zixuan was kidnapped, Qiao Li Chen didn't care at all, but he cared about Wan. I don't think he's going to stand by and do nothing." The masked man said confidently.

"I hope so. Wan's identity must not be known to anyone." The man said.

The masked man nodded, "I know."

"I hope her throat doesn't leave any aftereffects. If I knew who drugged her, I would kill him!" The man next to the driver's eyes turned a little sinister.

This man was the one who used a sniper rifle at the party that night to seriously injure Jiang Zixuan.

But when he saw Su Xiaowan there, he stopped.

The masked man looked at him, "There are side effects to this drug. Wan will be drowsy after taking it. We'll reach our destination before she wakes up. She woke up and wanted to eat."

The man in front nodded, "I know. I've arranged a safe spot. It's about four hours from here. It should be there before she wakes up. After a while, I'll call and ask the people over there to prepare the food."

After chatting for a while, the two of them did not speak again.

The whole car became quiet and su xiaowan slept soundly.

The masked man took a thin blanket and covered Su Xiaowan.

Four hours later, the car reached a safe place, but Su Xiaowan was still awake.

The masked man carried Su Xiaowan out of the car and took the elevator directly from the underground garage to the apartment upstairs.

Su xiaowan, who had been hungry all night, woke up after smelling the aroma of vegetables.

"Where is this place?" Su Xiaowan spoke, but there was still no sound.

Before they could reply, Su Xiaowan asked anxiously, "The medicine you gave me doesn't work. My throat still hurts, and there's still no sound."

"It's going to take three days anyway. It's not a special miracle drug. There has to be a process." The masked man said to Su Xiaowan.

Su Xiaowan glanced at him, but didn't ask any more questions. He went over to eat first.

After eating, Su Xiaowan began to ask the two men in the room.

"What are your names?" Su Xiaowan asked them.

The masked man learned how to read lips.

He told Su Xiaowan, "We can tell you our names, but you have to keep it a secret for us, not to let anyone know, not even Qiao Li Chen."

"You need to be so careful. Who the hell are you?" Su Xiaowan was curious.

"My name is Ou Ye, and his name is Ou Chen." The mask leader said to Su Xiaowan.

"Ou?" Su Xiaowan had no memory of two people named Ou Ye and Ou Chen.

"How do you know me?" Su Xiaowan asked again.

"When you were very young."

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan smiled.

But she smiled silently, "You two don't look much older than me, do you? It sounds like you've watched me grow up."

"Our name only tells you one person. You can't say it." Ou Ye said.

Su Xiaowan nodded. Although she did not know anything about the two men, they did not hurt her.

When she kidnapped Jiang Zixuan, she hurt Ou Ye, but not only did Ou Ye not care, he let her go.

This time, she was saved from the police, so it was kind of her!

"Am I staying here for the time being? How long will it take?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"In a few days, see how efficient joe Li Chen is." Ou Ye said.

"But I heard from the lawyer that they couldn't reach the president." Su Xiaowan said.

"I've got someone to contact him. He should be on the plane back home by now." Ou Ye said.

Su Xiaowan was a little surprised, "Do you still have people abroad? How powerful are you?"

"Not big, how can I protect you?" Ou Ye said.

"Then you can help me settle this case directly, so you don't have to bother our president." Su Xiaoming really didn't want the president to misunderstand her daily troubles.

"We can't show up yet, or else we won't let you suffer so much from your childhood." Ou Ye said.

"Who am I to hear all of you speak so mysteriously? Do I have a great background?" Su Xiaowan looked confused.

"I can't tell you yet. As long as you know, we will protect your safety behind your back, but we also have moments of negligence. No matter what happens, as long as it endangers your life, you must be selfish and do whatever it takes to save your life." Ou Ye said heavily, like a reminder, but also like an order.

Su Xiaowan was taken aback by his sudden seriousness.

"You didn't say anything. It's so weird to make it so mysterious." Su Xiaowan paused and said.

"You don't need to know. The more you know, the more dangerous it is." After Ou Ye finished speaking, he got up and prepared to walk out.

"You go in and take a bath. Rest!"

"I just fell asleep. I'm not sleepy!" Su Xiaowan said nothing, and Ou Ye had already got up and walked out, unable to see her lips.

Ou Chen looked at Su Xiaowan and didn't know what she said, but smiled at Su Xiaowan, "Wan, you live here. Don't worry about anything. If Qiao Li Chen can't help you solve this case, we'll find a way to send you abroad. You can also learn architectural design abroad."

"Do you still know that I'm studying architectural design?" Su Xiaowan was surprised.