Chapter 266 What Are You Looking At?

What is chapter 266 looking at?

Su Xiaowan's cell phone kept ringing in her backpack, and when she saw that Ding Lei behind her couldn't catch up, she took out her cell phone to answer it.

At first glance, it was the president.

"Where are you?" Qiao Li Chen had a meeting in the conference room, but his heart suddenly ached.

He knew without thinking that something must have happened to Su Xiaowan again.

She took out her phone and looked at the location. She was not at the J university, but near Buding's kindergarten.

As he walked out, he called Su Xiaowan.

"I'm in a taxi!" Su Xiaowan said.

"Are you hurt?" Qiao Li Chen asked.

Su Xiaowan looked up at the place where Ding Lei had just bitten her.

It seemed that Ding Lei had really used force just now. The teeth marks on her arm were so deep that they were bleeding.

"No injuries!" Su Xiaowan said with a smile, not wanting the president to worry.

"Where are you now? I'm here to find you!" Qiao Li Chen was worried.

"Let me see you. Are you still in the group?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"Yes!" Qiao Li Chen responded.

"Then I'll be right there. My taxi will be here in a few minutes." Su Xiaowan said.

Qiao Li Chen was already in the car. Su Xiaowan sounded like she was really fine.

She was not hurt. Why did her heart hurt?

Qiao Li Chen wondered if it was just a coincidence that her heart would ache when she was injured in the past.

Qiao Li Chen didn't allow her to hang up.

As she spoke, she looked at her location and where she had gone.

When she was close to where he was now, Qiao Li Chen said to Su Xiaowan, "You tell the driver to stop and wait for me at the roadside!"

"Are you here already?" Su Xiaowan knew he could locate her, but he didn't expect it to be so accurate.

After she had the driver stop the car, she had just paid for it when she saw the car that belonged to the president across the street.

So fast!

Before Su Xiaowan got out of the car happily, she pulled down her sleeve to prevent the president from seeing the bite on her arm later.

That Ding Lei was really ruthless just now. If she hadn't been quick-witted and had stepped out fast enough, he would have bitten off this piece of meat on her arm.

Su Xiaowan stood on the side of the road and waved at Qiao Li Chen's car.

The driver was reversing the car. When the car reached Su Xiaowan, Qiao Li Chen got out of the car without waiting for the driver to open the door.

Seeing her in front of him, she seemed really fine.

Qiao Li Chen asked again, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Su Xiaowan shook his head, "No!"

"Really!" As Su Xiaowan spoke, he walked a few rounds in front of the president.

"Do you think something's wrong with me being so lively?" Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

"Why did you go to Buding's kindergarten? Did you miss him?" Qiao Li Chen asked.

"Yes, I do. It was Buding who called me to pick him up. We played together in the park near the kindergarten for a while. Then your mother came to pick him up." Su Xiaowan said.

"Mom, they didn't make things difficult for you, did they?" Qiao Li Chen asked with concern.

"How could it be? Your mother looks like a kind-hearted person." Su Xiaowan said.

Qiao Li Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want his family to hurt Su Xiaowan.

She raised her hand and rubbed it gently on her head.

"Get in the car!"


After getting in the car, Su Xiaowan leaned on the president's shoulder and asked with a smile, "Honey, why did you suddenly call me and ask where I was?"

"When have you ever reassured people? Where are you going to call the driver in the future? Stop running around alone." Qiao Li Chen said softly.

"Okay!" Su Xiaowan nodded.

Qiao Li Chen thought that once Su Xiaowan was hurt, his heart would ache.

But today, when he realized that she was not hurt, he suddenly felt heartache.

Could it be that his own heartache had nothing to do with Su Xiaowan, but something he couldn't detect?

"Honey, what are you thinking?" Su Xiaowan looked at Qiao Li Chen, who seemed to be thinking about something.

Qiao Li Chen looked down at the little woman in his arms.


Su Xiaowan did not say that she had just met Ding Lei, nor did she say that the president's mother and the rest of them had seen her being chased and had not helped.

She thought that maybe he would be in a difficult position if he knew!

She didn't want him to have any problems with his family over her.

When she got home, Su Xiaowan went upstairs to change the design drawings that she hadn't finished in the morning.

Thinking of what the president said this morning that he would get Zhao Jiannan's company by the end of the day, Su Xiaowan looked up at the president.

"Honey, did you get Zhao Jiannan's company?" Su Xiaowan asked with a smile.

"Yes, everything is done this afternoon." Qiao Li Chen said casually.

"So fast! Did you give him money?"

Su Xiaowan didn't like Zhao Jiannan. The money that started the company was originally borrowed by her elder sister everywhere, but it was eventually returned by Su Xiaowan.

Now that Zhao Jiannan was rich, he not only dumped her, but also swindled her out of her shares.

Su Xiaowan really wanted to see Zhao Jiannan lose everything and all the women around Zhao Jiannan leave him.

"No!" Qiao Li Chen's two simple words.

"How did you get it without paying? Does Zhao Jiannan have nothing now?" Su Xiaowan asked quickly.

"Well, I just let wei xiao use some tricks. Originally, I planned to take back his company next week. Since you have a burst of inspiration here, you can't give him any more time. I took the company away in advance."

Qiao Li Chen's tone was very normal. It seemed like a very simple and normal thing to buy someone else's company without spending a penny.

"That's great!" Su Xiaowan thought that he would take some time to look at Zhao Jiannan's miserable state.

"I've asked Wei Xiao to go over and clean up the company's finances and related matters for the time being. After you've revised the design, it's likely that everything over there will be working as usual!" Qiao Li Chen said.

Su Xiaowan smiled. She realized that the president was extremely efficient and thoughtful.

"Then I have to fix the map quickly. By the way, I plan to let my elder sister work in the company and let her be the manager. She used to be the manager too."

Big sister's mouth was too harsh. Su Xiaowan didn't like big sister, but that didn't mean she would really ignore her.

Right now, big sister lives at home. She has no money and only asks her parents for it.

"Yes, you can!" Qiao Li Chen did not object. He would send someone from the group to the finance department anyway.

Su Xiaowan picked up the pen and fixed it for a while. She noticed that her arm hurt a little. She quietly lifted her sleeve and looked at it. The place that Ding Lei had bitten just now was swollen.

"What are you looking at?" Qiao Li Chen sat across from Su Xiaowan and looked at his laptop.

Even though she was very careful, he could still see it in the corner of his eye.