Chapter 267 A Private Agreement

Chapter 267 private agreement

Su Xiaowan quickly put down his sleeve and smiled, "Nothing, it's itchy."

Qiao Li Chen didn't believe it. He put down his laptop, got up and walked over.

He took her hand, rolled up his sleeve, and saw Su Xiaowan's swollen arm.

"Who bit this?" Qiao Li Chen frowned.

"That, that..." Su xiaowan was speechless for a long time. She wanted to lie.

But looking at the president's suddenly gloomy face, she dared not.

He felt that if he didn't tell the truth, he would find himself in trouble again.

Su Xiaowan hurriedly said, "It's Ding Lei. He bit her. But I bit him too!"

"He bit me just before I came to see you, didn't he?" Qiao Li Chen stared at her with his dark eyes.

He lied again!

He thought his heartache had nothing to do with her!

Su Xiaowan pursed his lips and nodded, "Yes!"

Qiao Li Chen let go of her hand and clenched his fist slightly.

He turned around and picked up his phone to call Wei Xiao.

"I want to see Ding Lei go to jail!" Qiao Li Chen's cold voice was heard.

"Okay, I got it!" Wei Xiao usually didn't ask why the president ordered him to do so.

It was easy to get Ding Lei to go to jail.

Wei Xiao made a few phone calls and waited for Ding Lei to take the bait.

"Why put him in jail?" Su Xiaowan asked quickly. He could just get someone to beat him up.

Qiao Li Chen didn't want this Ding Lei to appear in front of Su Xiaowan again, but he couldn't let Ding Lei die.

He didn't want Su Xiaowan to feel any guilt. He treated Ding Lei like an ant and could kill Ding Lei in minutes.

But his woman, if she knew that Ding Lei was killed by his men, she would definitely be under psychological pressure.

"Scum go in and transform, maybe come out and change!" Qiao Li Chen put it simply.

When Su Xiaowan heard this, he found it very reasonable.

"Yeah, maybe he'll really know how to turn over a new leaf when he's in prison again!"

Qiao Li Chen went to get the medicine box and personally disinfected it for her.

Looking at the scabs and the blood on his clothes, he knew that he had lost a lot of blood.

After the disinfection, Qiao Li Chen bandaged her very carefully.

"Actually, it's a small wound. It doesn't need to be bandaged." Su Xiaowan felt that this little injury, in the eyes of the president, seemed to become very serious.

She saw his seriousness, his solemn expression, and Su Xiaowan's heart was warm.

It seemed like the first time I met someone, I thought she was more important than anything!

"Next time you get hurt again, it won't be as simple as disinfecting!" Qiao Li Chen threatened after dressing her.

Su Xiaowan suddenly remembered that when she was in korea, the president used alcohol to disinfect her wounds, which made her miserable.

All of a sudden, his face turned pale.

"Honey, I won't dare. Next time, I won't hide it from you!"

Su Xiaowan was glad that the president was so compassionate today that he didn't disinfect her with alcohol!

Qiao Li Chen put the things away and put them back.

"No more revision today!" Qiao Li Chen snatched the pen from her hand. Her hand was injured and she wanted to draw.

"Honey, this is really a minor injury!" Su Xiaowan wanted to fix the map quickly.

"Be good!" These two words are very heavy.

Su Xiaowan didn't dare to speak anymore. She nodded honestly, "Okay!"

Su Xiaowan couldn't fix the map, so he went to get a book to read.

After a while, the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Buding.

"Uncle Wan, are you okay?" Buding's deep concern was heard.

"I'm fine. I'm at home with your uncle now!" Wan told Buding.

Hearing this, Buding was relieved.

"I just asked grandma and the others to come down and help you, but none of them agreed. I wanted to call you when I got back, but my aunt kept pulling me to accompany her to the garden to water the flowers. I only have time to call you now." Buding said.

"I'm fine, Buding. You don't have to worry."

Hearing what Buding said, Su Xiaowan knew that the The qiao family really hated her now.

Qiao luo Ella asked Buding to water the water and didn't let him call. Obviously, he didn't want Buding to inform the president.

Su Xiaowan and Buding chatted for a while before hanging up.

Qiao Li Chen had already gone to the study. Su Xiaowan and Buding were on the phone. He didn't know.

Before hanging up, Su Xiaowan specifically told Buding not to tell Qiao Li Chen about the afternoon.

Wei Xiao didn't come back until dinner.

Seeing Su Xiaowan, Wei Xiao asked, "Did the president ask me to deal with Ding Lei because of you?"

Su Xiaowan nodded, "Yes!"

Wei Xiao didn't say anything more, but went back to his room.

Su Xiaowan looked at Wei Xiao's back. How did she realize that even Wei Xiao was not as nice to her as before?

Did Wei Xiao start to suspect that she had a relationship with qin wei and that she had a purpose to get close to the president?

Su Xiaowan's heart was bitter. Now, except for the president, everyone suspected that she had something to do with qin wei. She had a conspiracy.

Wei Xiao went back to his room and changed into his home clothes. When he came out, he went straight to the study.

"President, I went to get the dna results from Su Xiaowan and The su family this afternoon. They are not related." Wei Xiao said.

"Mmm!" Qiao Li Chen had expected this.

Wei Xiao gave the results to the president and said, "Su Xiaowan is not from the The su family, is it adopted by the The su family?"

Qiao Li Chen looked up at Wei Xiao, "Don't tell anyone about this."

"I see!"

"I've made arrangements for that Ding Lei. He's going to commit a crime tonight and get arrested." Wei Xiao said.

"Mmm!" Qiao Li Chen replied with only one word.

Wei Xiao wanted to say something else, but he didn't say it in the end.

He knew that the president and Su Xiaowan were on good terms now, and there was no point in saying anything.

Wei Xiao now regretted that she should not have secretly mixed Su Xiaowan with the president in order to make him fall in love.

Su Xiaowan was a man. He was already a little frustrated about marrying the president.

It turned out that Su Xiaowan was still related to qin wei, and her background seemed to be a mystery.

They had no idea what this Su Xiaowan was, or what he was.

In addition to the fact that Gioroi was hurt by Qin Wei, no one would be on Su Xiaowan's side now.

Wei Xiao turned around and walked out. He found Su Xiaowan still standing in the hallway.

Su Xiaowan saw him come over and said with a smile, "Special assistant Wei, you seem to have a problem with me, don't you?"

Wei Xiao smiled lightly, but his smile did not reach his eyes, "You think too much!"

Wei Xiao did have a problem with Su Xiaowan, but he didn't want to show it.

In the past, the feeling of being together harmoniously and joking seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

Su Xiaowan smiled awkwardly as she felt the need to make a statement, "Special assistant Wei, I can swear that I have no other purpose or conspiracy with the president. I don't know that Qin Wei either. I've never heard of him, and I've never seen him."

Wei Xiao listened to her and said, "Then tell me why you went to the beach alone the night before yesterday. Are you so sure that Qin Wei will send someone to the beach to look for you? Or do you already have a private agreement?"