Chapter 423 Asking for Money

When mother of Su heard Su Xiaowan say this, it was obvious that the other party didn't want to pay.

She was in a hurry, but she didn't dare to get angry. She could only continue crying and saying, "Wan, no way. Your sister's face is not being repaired now. The new skin looks so awkward. How can she find a job?"

"Who says you have to rely on your face to get a job now?" Su Xiaowan rolled his eyes. He wasn't going to a nightclub. He had to rely on his face to eat.

"Wan, just be a mother and beg you. Just be a mother who borrowed it from you. I'll give it back to you in the future, okay?" Mother of Su continued.

"I don't have any right now. What do you want me to lend you?" Besides, as you get older, what are you going to give back?

"Wan, isn't that friend of yours, He Yimu, very rich? Also, isn't your current man, Qiao Li Chen, also very rich? If you ask one of them for a few hundred thousand dollars, they will definitely agree." Mother of Su said.

"He yimu has already borrowed it, because I haven't returned it. He has already broken up with me. And Qiao Li Chen, he's not my man anymore. We have nothing to do with each other."

Su Xiaowan thought mother of Su was a good schemer, including all her rich friends.

Mother of Su listened to Su Xiaowan and was quiet for a while.

A moment later, he said, "Wan, you can help us think of a way. We are really desperate. Your sister's face must be healed at once."

Su Xiaowan sighed, "I can't help it. I can't protect myself now."

"But you promised before that you would be responsible for your sister's medical expenses." Mother of Su looked very aggrieved and questioned Su Xiaowan. "Yes, I did. But I've already given the money, not once, several times! I'm not a cash cow. I earned my money through hard work. I still owe my friends, and I have to earn money to pay them back. Sorry, I really can't help you this time. Let Jiang Zixuan go by himself.

Work for money! "

After that, Su Xiaowan hung up the phone.

Seeing that she was finally willing to refuse, He Yimu smiled and said, "This should have happened a long time ago!"

"Well, I really don't want to pay anymore. With all this money, how long will it take me to earn it back?" Su Xiaowan sighed.

"You shouldn't have paid for it. You've already spent so much money, and you're doing your best. From now on, you and the The su family are even. Stop meddling in the The su family." He Yimu advised.

Su xiaowan nodded, "I see!"

The car kept circling the city streets, and Su Xiaowan looked out the window to see if there was any sign of Jiang Hao.

After a while, mother of Su called again.

Su Xiaowan hung up.

Then he changed father of Su's phone number and called again.

Su Xiaowan was curious about what father of Su was going to say and answered the phone.

"Wan, you can't be so heartless. I raised you up." Father of Su sounded reproachful.

"You raised me up? But I have been making money since I was very young. I remember when your favorite daughter learned to play the piano, it was all my money to sell fruit!"

"But without your mother and me, can you grow this big?" Father of Su added. "Even if you have nurtured me, I think I have repaid you. I bought the house you sold! And the hundreds of thousands of dollars for your daughter's medical expenses, I gave them to you! Now just let your daughter go out to earn money and heal her face, and you will immediately

She's upset. "

"It seems that you really love your daughter! This is the real one!" Su Xiaowan said, a little angry.

When father of Su saw that it was too hard, he could only switch to the soft one.

"Wan, this is the last time. This time you can give me another 200,000. In the future, we won't come looking for you again, and we won't trouble you again!" Father of Su said.

"I don't have any money. Do you want me to steal and rob?" Su Xiaowan asked him.

"You can definitely think of a way!" Father of Su said.

I'm sorry, I can't help you, because I can't think of a way. Two hundred thousand is not a small amount. I don't know any friends who are so rich, and no one would want to lend me so much money!" After that, Su Xiaowan hung up.

Father of Su was so angry that he stomped his feet when he heard the broken line.

"Su Xiaowan, the white-eyed wolf!"

He couldn't help but curse.

Jiang Zixuan lay on the bed and ate the apple that mother of Su peeled for her.

He said coldly, "She was a heartless thing. You just found out now!"

Mother of Su looked at her husband anxiously, "What are we going to do now? What about Zi Xuan's restoration?"

Father of Su had no choice but to look at jiang Zi Xuan and say to her, "Zi Xuan, don't do this repair first. You go out to work to earn money. When you save enough money, we'll come back to do it!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zixuan's face immediately darkened, "No, you want me to go out with this awkward face, you might as well let me die!"

"But we can't get the money now!" Father of Su really couldn't think of a way.

No one but Su Xiaowan would help them with money!

"Don't you have a daughter, Su Xiaojin? She ran away with the 50,000 yuan that Su Xiaowan gave her, and after so long, she must have made a fortune somewhere!" Jiang Zixuan said.

"I called your elder sister. She didn't answer." Mother of Su said worriedly.

"Elder sister is so heartless, she actually took away the fifty thousand yuan that she gave me for my face treatment!" Jiang Zixuan couldn't help but curse.

Mother of Su said to her daughter, "Your elder sister might have something on her mind to take away the fifty thousand yuan."

"What can she do? Mom, just help big sister talk. Look at my face. How am I going to go out and meet people like this?" Jiang Zixuan looked very resentful.

"Mom will find a way!" Mother of Su sighed heavily. Where was she going to find the money?

Remembering the last time she went to the villa to look for Su Xiaowan, she gave him two hundred thousand.

Mother of Su planned to try again.

After searching all afternoon, jiang hao ren was nowhere to be found, and the phone couldn't get through.

He Yimu and Su Xiaowan are going to the police station to report it.

He went to the police station and reported the case. It was already dark.

Buding's phone call came over, and as soon as it was connected, she heard her son mengmeng's voice: "Mom, why haven't you come back yet?"

"Mom has something to do outside. She might come back later. Would you like to have dinner with your grandparents first?" Su Xiaowan comforted his son.

"Okay, mom, come back early after you're done. I miss you, mom!" Buding waited for his mother at home all afternoon, but her mother was not back yet. Su Xiaowan missed his son too, but Jiang Hao had been missing for a day and a night, so he was afraid that something might happen to him.