Chapter 424 Ask Qiao Lichen for Help

When Wan returned to the manor, it was already very late.

Buding was already asleep. Wan took a shower and went to bed, but his son woke up.

He was looking at her with his big eyes open.

"Mom, I waited for a long time. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep!"

Wan felt sorry for her son's cute voice.

I didn't accompany him properly!

Wan reached out and held his son in his arms, "It's mom's fault that she didn't come back earlier!"

Buding leaned into her mother's arms and said in a soft voice, "Mom, are you unhappy?"

"No!" Wan was worried that Jiang Hao had been out of contact for so long.

She was really afraid that something would happen to jiang hao.

"Mom, if you are unhappy, you must tell me!" Buding looked at her mother as if she could read people's minds.

Su Xiaowan pursed her lips and smiled, touching her son's head, "Why would mom be unhappy with your precious son by her side? Sleep!"

In the morning, after Wan sent her son to school, she also went to school.

There was an important lesson in the morning, and she had to attend it.

After class, she called He Yimu.

"Any news from the police?" Su Xiaowan asked He Yimu.

He Yimu sighed, "No, I've sent someone out to look for him. I've looked for all the places he might have been to. There's no news at all."

"I really hope he has something important that's why he didn't contact us." Su Xiaowan pursed his lips, which was a small possibility.

Jiang Hao couldn't have been out of contact forever. Even if he didn't contact them, he couldn't have not contacted his secretary.

Even his bodyguards were lost.

It's really weird!

"Then let's go to the police station together!" Wan said.

"Okay, are you at school? I'll pick you up!" He Yimu asked xiao wan.

"I'm at school!"

He Yimu drove over to pick up xiao wan and went to the police station together.

The police have pulled out Jiang Hao's last call record.

"Do you know whose call this is?" The police asked su xiaowan and He Yimu.

Su Xiaowan and He Yimu looked at the phone and shook their heads. They were strangers.

"Can't you find out whose it is?" Su Xiaowan asked the police.

"This call can't be reached. The information from the communication company, we checked, is the number of a dead person's cell phone. It's just not canceled yet." Said the policeman.

"The number of the deceased?" Both Su Xiaowan and He Yimu were shocked.

"The call lasted more than five minutes. I think it's possible that the owner of the call knows where your friend is. Or what clues they could give. Think about it. This phone call might belong to a friend of Jiang Hao's." The police said to them.

Although Su Xiaowan and Jiang Hao were apprentices, she did not participate in Jiang Hao's private life and did not know what friends he had.

He Yimu was even less in touch. He took out his phone and said, "I'll write down this number and call it anytime. See if it works."

"Okay!" The police gave the number to He Yimu.

When they came out of the police station, He Yimu looked at Su Xiaowan, "Do you want Qiao Li Chen to help find someone?"

"Him?" Su Xiaowan was a little confused, "Is he familiar with the police?"

"No, there's a security company under the The qiao's that has bodyguards all over the country. A lot of the wealthy people in our country use that security company's bodyguards. I was thinking that maybe he would have more connections and it would be easier to find someone." He Yimu said.

Su Xiaowan thought it made sense.

"Then I'll go to him. He should be willing to help." Su Xiaowan knew that Qiao Li Chen wanted to work with Jiang Hao.

"Okay, I'll drive you there."

Arriving at the The qiao group, He Yimu said to Wan, "I'll wait for you in the car!"

"Aren't you going up together?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"I'm not going up!" If he went up, it would be inconvenient for Wan and Qiao Li Chen.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to find Jiang Hao and didn't want anything to happen to Jiang Hao, He Yimu wouldn't have asked Qiao Li Chen for help.

Su xiaowan nodded and pushed open the door to get out of the car.

It's noon. I wonder if he's in the group.

When Su Xiaowan entered, the front desk staff knew her and did not stop her.

She went straight to the vip elevator and to the top floor.

Coming out of the elevator, he saw that there was only one secretary in the secretarial area.

The other secretaries must have gone to the dining room.

When the secretary heard the elevator door, she looked up and saw that it was Su Xiaowan.

She got up with a slight smile and walked towards Su Xiaowan.

"Wan, you're here!"

Su Xiaowan used to work here for a while and was familiar with the secretaries.

"Yes, I'm looking for Qiao Boss. Is he in the office?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"Yes, do you want me to inform you?" The secretary asked.

Su xiaowan nodded, "Okay!"

The secretary then turned around and went to the desk, pressed the intercom, and dialed into the president's office.

It quickly got through, "President, Wan is here. She's coming in to see you!"

"Mmm!" A word from Qiao Li Chen.

The secretary hung up the phone and looked up at Su Xiaowan, "The president agreed!"

Su Xiaowan smiled at the secretary, "Thank you!"

She walked towards the president's office and knocked gently on the door.

There was no sound coming from inside. Su Xiaowan hesitated, pushed open the door and walked in.

The man sat at the luxurious and imposing desk, handling his work.

Su Xiaowan pursed his lips and walked towards the desk.

He did not look up at her as though she was transparent.

Su Xiaowan swallowed his saliva and said, "President, can you help find Jiang Hao?"

"Looking for him?" Qiao Li Chen put down his pen and looked up at her.

When he looked at her intently with his dark eyes, she would always have the illusion that she had been deeply engulfed in his heart, and there was a deep concern in his eyes.

Su Xiaowan nodded, "Jiang Hao is missing. We can't find him. We can't contact him. And called the police!"

"Is he missing?" Qiao Li Chen really didn't know that Jiang Hao was missing.

"Yes, he hasn't been back to the hotel for two nights, and he can't get through to his phone, his bodyguard and his cell phone. The three of them disappeared together!" Su Xiaowan told him.

"Okay!" Qiao Li Chen nodded and called Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao took advantage of the lunch break to see Wu Xueer on the set.

"Send someone to find out where jiang hao went!" Qiao Li Chen said in a deep voice.

Wei Xiao received a call and was having dinner with Wu Xueer and Gioroi near the set.

"Is something wrong with jiang hao?" Wei Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong, or the president wouldn't have called him suddenly to find out where jiang hao was. "Well, Su Xiaowan said he was missing for two days and two nights!" Qiao Li Chen said.