Chapter 576 True Colors

"There's nothing you can do about it if you don't believe it. He is indeed your biological father. Your mother, who was pregnant with you back then, broke up your current rich father and the woman he loved the most." Said the rich woman.

Mo only heard her say that and frowned, "Do you think I would believe it if you say that?"

"It looks like you need more proof before you believe it." As she spoke, the rich woman smiled.

He looked out the door and said, "Bring them in!"

Wan saw a middle-aged woman who looked familiar, dressed in expensive clothes, being brought in.

"Mom!" Mo Wei saw mother of Mo appear and immediately called out.

Mother of Mo, who had just been brought here, did not expect to see the man he had not seen for years.

"Why are you here?" Mother of Mo's face changed and he felt something was going to happen.

"They called me here." Said the middle-aged man.

Mother of Mo was also brought here. She received a call from the kidnappers who said they wanted to tear up the tickets unless she came over herself.

Mother of Mo was afraid that something might happen to Mo Wei. According to the kidnapper's request, she did not dare to tell anyone about it. She came alone.

He didn't expect to be brought to this abandoned house as soon as he arrived.

What she did not expect was that the other party would find the man she had been hiding from for more than 20 years.

"What do you mean?" Mother of Mo was not stupid. She immediately asked the rich woman standing in front of her.

The rich woman smiled faintly and said, "Of course I want your family of three to have a big reunion after many years!"

"What family of three? Please be careful what you say." Mother of Mo's face turned pale. She was certain that the woman in front of her knew the secret she had kept for so many years.

"Mom, are they telling the truth?" Mo Wei looked at his mother's reaction and his heart thumped in despair.

Mother of Mo denied it. She shook her head, "Don't listen to their nonsense."

"This is a paternity test. Do you want to see it?" The rich woman was prepared.

Seeing this, mother of Mo quickly snatched the paternity test from the rich woman.

"No, you're making a fool of yourself!"

The rich woman looked at mother of Mo's reaction and smiled, "Do you think the truth of the matter will continue to be hidden because you tore up the paternity test?"

"To tell you the truth, I've already sent a copy of this paternity test to your husband. In other words, on your way to save your daughter, he already saw the paternity test." The rich woman looked at mother of Mo like she was watching a good show.

Mother of Mo shuddered and almost couldn't stand.

The middle-aged man next to her quickly reached out to hold her.


Being held up by the man, mother of Mo turned around and glared at her fiercely, then angrily and disdainfully knocked off his hand.

"Get lost!"

"Why are you so fierce to him? You took his daughter and hid from him for so many years, causing him to grow old all alone and look for you everywhere." The rich woman could not bear to see it and spoke for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, however, was not happy to have the rich woman speak up for him, "It's not your turn to gossip about us alone!"

"Looks like that man is quite protective of Mrs. Mo!" Wan whispered to the man behind him.

It seems that the rich woman did not lie to her. This is really a good show.

The rich woman was a little displeased.

"Do you really think I brought you here to reunite your family? Believe it or not, I'll let the three of you get together underground!"

This middle-aged man, this mother of Mo, is now all prisoners of rich women, one by one without any consciousness, and dare to be fierce to her.

As soon as the rich woman's voice fell, the man behind her took out the gun.

They pointed at the middle-aged man, mother of Mo, and Mo Wei.

When Mo Wei saw this, he was scared and shouted, "Mom, help me!"

Mother of Mo loved this daughter the most. Now that it was over, she couldn't hide it anymore. She had to protect her daughter first.

Mother of Mo calmed down and said to the rich woman, "How on earth are you going to let my daughter go?"

"Put it, it's very simple. Ask Qiao Li Chen to send the ransom up." Said the rich woman.

"Isn't he already on his way?" Mrs. Mo was a little surprised. According to her, Qiao Li Chen left before her. Why hasn't she arrived yet? "Coming? Qiao Li Chen received a call from your husband and turned around temporarily. Your husband must have seen the paternity test and knew that this daughter was not his own. He also knew that you had lied to him for so many years and that it was your lie that caused him and the woman he loved the most.

Separate. He probably hates you to the bone now. He'll eat you alive if he sees you. "

"Brother Chen's back. He's not coming to deliver the ransom?" Mo Wei was very sad to hear that from the rich woman.

Mrs. Mo looked at her daughter so sad and comforted her, "Daughter is not afraid, mother will protect you!"

Mo Wei burst into tears, "Mom, am I really not dad's biological daughter?"

Mother of Mo did not know how to answer her daughter's question.

The rich woman said for her, "Can't you see now that you are the child of your mother and this man? Back then, your mother took a lot of leave and effort to convince Mo Fan that she was pregnant with his child."

The middle-aged man listened, his thick eyebrows tightly furrowed.

He did not know this, he had always thought that xiaoyan was thinking that he was poor and left with a child.

If he hadn't seen the paternity test when he was caught by a rich woman, he wouldn't have known it was his own daughter.

The reality in front of her was like a lightning strike on Mo Wei's head. She felt that everything she had before was going to disappear.

"Is Brother Chen not coming to save me because I'm not my father's biological daughter?" Mo Wei was very sad and said to himself.

Mother of Mo came over and hugged her daughter, "No, Li Chen will definitely come to save you."

"But Brother Chen got a call from his father and went back. It looks like he's not coming to save me!" Mo Wei was so disappointed that tears began to flow more and more violently.

Mother of Mo could not bear to see his daughter so sad, so desperate.

She turned to the rich woman, "What do you want? If you only want the ransom, there's no need to expose my daughter's background."

Mrs. Mo indirectly admitted that Mo Wei was really not mo dong's biological daughter.

Wan stole a glance at Qiao Li Chen to see how he reacted.

Qiao Li Chen was very calm, like a god, examining a scene performed by ordinary people.

Wan could not help but curl his lips. The one inside was his fiancee, and he could be so cold.

It seemed that he was really a fickle man! "Of course there's another purpose. I'm not only going to expose you, I'm going to expose your daughter." Said the rich woman with a deliberate smile.