Hearing this, Mo Wei's brows tightened and she quickly looked at the rich woman.

"What do you mean?"

The rich woman hugged her chest with both hands and said with a smile, "On the surface, you are a weak woman and will die soon. In fact, your life is much harder than anyone else's!"

Mo wei's eyelids kept twitching when he heard her say that.

She felt that this rich woman really knew a lot.

"And, when Qiao Li Chen fell into the water, did you really save her?" The rich woman smiled grimly at Mo Wei.

Mo Wei's face turned pale. She quickly looked at her only insider, her mother.

Mother of Mo held his chest out and said in a very reasonable manner, "Back then, Li Chen was not saved by my daughter, but by you?"

"I didn't save her, but neither did your daughter." As she spoke, the rich woman took the tablet from her men.

"This was a surveillance video taken at the hotel by the pool. Do you think that if you destroyed the surveillance, no one would know about this?" The rich woman looked at Mrs. Mo with disdain.

There was a flash of panic in both Mrs. Mo and mo wei's eyes.

Wan heard this outside the window. She turned to look at Qiao Li Chen, "Who saved you back then? Don't you remember?"

Qiao Li Chen looked down at the little woman, "I was dizzy."

Wan smiled, "So, you're not sure who saved you at that time."

Qiao Li Chen nodded, "Mmm!"

He always thought that it was mo wei who saved him, because when he woke up, mo wei was splashing in the water and was about to sink.

If she hadn't been rescued in time, she would have died.

"Let's go in and watch that video and see who saved you." Wan said.

Qiao Li Chen did not object and led Wan to the front gate.

When they entered, they saw that there were still many people in the house, all with guns in their hands.

These people were not surprised to see Wan and Qiao Li Chen. Instead, they said, "Are you going in too?"

Wan nodded, "Yes!"

Those people opened the door and let xiao wan in.

As soon as Qiao Li Chen and Wan went in, Mo Wei was stunned.

She didn't expect Qiao Li Chen to come. Did he hear what they just said?

"Brother Chen, help me!" Mo Wei said in a pitiful tone.

Qiao Li Chen just glanced at her and said nothing.

Wan looked at the rich woman and said with a smile, "Can you show me your tablet?"

The rich woman gave the tablet to Wan and asked, "How was it? Was it a good show?"

Wan smiled and nodded, "I didn't expect that you really wanted us to watch the show."

"No, I took 20 million from you. If this show isn't exciting, how can it be worth that 20 million?"

Hearing this, Wan widened his eyes, "So, the 20 million is not a ransom, but a theater fee?"

Fu tai nodded, "No, I found out about something that even their The qiao family doesn't know. You say I can't just do it for nothing!"

"How do you know that she wasn't the one who saved me back then?" Qiao Li Chen asked.

The rich woman smiled smugly when she saw Qiao Li Chen and asked her questions.

"At first, I only found out that this Mo Wei was not weak, but she had been injected with the virus in order to pretend to be sick. So I suspect that since she's not sick, she's pretending to be sick. Maybe she wasn't the one who saved you back then."

"I sent someone to check the hotel you were staying at. Although the surveillance technology was low at that time, it happened that the person Mrs. Mo bribed to delete the surveillance video left an extra thought behind and saved it."

Wan listened while watching the video. When she saw a little boy running over and jumping into the water to save a boy who looked a few years older than her, Wan exclaimed, "This... This... This, isn't it me?"

"You?" Qiao Li Chen, the rich woman looked over at the same time.

Xiao wan pointed to the little boy on the screen, "This person is really me. I remember it very clearly."

Seeing this familiar scene, Wan suddenly remembered.

She was still young at that time, but she had already started to find ways to make money to pay for jiang zixuan's piano and dance lessons.

"I remember that day, I went to the hotel to deliver fruit and came out. When I passed the pool, I saw a little boy fall into the water, so I jumped in and saved him." Wan recalled.

In the video, it was a boy with a man's head and a man's suit who saved Qiao Li Chen from the water.

But Qiao Li Chen was dizzy. Wan was still young and didn't know how to save people, so he was going to get help.

At this time, Mo Wei's mother pulled Mo Wei by. Seeing this, she pushed Wan away and looked closer. Qiao Li Chen was still breathing.

Mother mo said to Wan, "Did you make him drown?"

At that time, Wan was still young and was forced to shake his head in fear that the grown-up would blackmail her, "No, you don't have to say anything. I saved him!"

Mother of Mo took out his cell phone and wanted to call the police.

Wan didn't want to cut off the fruit delivery business with the hotel kitchen, so he took the opportunity to slip away.

As soon as Wan left, mother of Mo had an idea and said to her daughter, "Xiaowei, you jumped into the water and pretended to drown. In a moment, you saved your brother chen."

Mo Wei was also smart. She understood her mother's intention and jumped into the water.

Mother of Mo shouted for the bodyguard. When he saw the bodyguard approaching, mother of Mo quickly jumped into the water to save mo wei.

The hotel's bodyguards had all learned first aid. When they came over and saw the young master fainting by the pool and covered in water, they immediately understood.

Qiao Li Chen didn't drown much at the time and woke up before he could get help.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Mo Wei splashing in the water.

Mother of Mo saved mo wei. Maybe Mo Wei's acting was too realistic, or maybe mother of Mo was too late to get into the water. Mo Wei really drowned.

And then he got pneumonia...

From then on, Mo Wei became a sick child.

However, when she was a little older, her immunity improved, her body became better, and she gradually recovered to health.

But in order to pretend to be sick, mo wei quietly injected the virus into his body.

Qiao Li Chen didn't expect that Su Xiaowan, who was dressed as a man, would have saved her from drowning when she was a child.

After so many rounds, the person who really wants to thank and give his life to is the woman who has forgotten him all these years.

For a moment, Qiao Li Chen felt a thousand emotions.

It felt like fate had made a huge joke on him.

When the rich woman got this video, she only wanted to expose Mo Wei.

She did not expect that the little boy who saved little joe Li Chen in the video was actually Wan. Fate, this is a great fate!